Tim White Profile picture
Journalist/Documentary maker. Ukraine specialist. Data expert (inc. Covid-19). Media trainer. Sports commentator. Buy me a coffee? https://t.co/MLLqpHi3vV
Sue Strong @strong_sue@mastodon.sdf.org 🇺🇦 Profile picture Daniel O'Donnell Profile picture Christopher James Profile picture Joby1960🇪🇺🇬🇧 #FBPE 3.5% Proud Do Gooder Profile picture UnkleBobby Profile picture 16 subscribed
Sep 2 8 tweets 4 min read
Day 922 of #Russia's attempt to wipe #Ukraine from the map. As Putin become more desperate and fearful, the actions of the little Hitler and his commanders becomes even more brutal.

Thanks for joining me for another daily news🧵- all the news all the time. It's a tough job.. Please be aware, I did make some extra posts at the end of thread 921 which you may have missed, after being offline for most of the afternoon.

So here is the link for the start of Sunday's thread, scroll through at your leisure.
Sep 1 29 tweets 11 min read
Hello again and welcome to Sunday's thread on the first day of September. This is the 32nd month which has seen fighting since #Russia chose to invade its peaceful neighbour.

All the news from, and about #Ukraine in one place, updated throughout the day, every day. It's Day 921 Sorry for the abrupt end to yesterday's thread. I still don't have @TMobile data, but they have promised me a refund when I get back to Vegas. This night is my last in Mexico. All work done, starting the long journey home

Here's the link for y'day's news
Aug 27 21 tweets 8 min read
Welcome to Tuesday's daily thread on #Russia's unprovoked war in #Ukraine, with all the important news in one place.
It's Day 916.

The last 24 hours have shown us maximum pressure now has to be put on the U.S. to #LetUkraineStrikeBack. Let's show Biden public-opinion demands it! #Russia has continued to terrorise #Ukraine during the night and attacks still continue right now.

Yesterday's mammoth 15-hour assault formed most of Monday's thread, which saw an equally big 73-posts (more than one tweet every 20 mins)
Catch up here⬇️
Aug 26 65 tweets 19 min read
A new week, but the same old death and destruction in #Ukraine and also in #Russia as perhaps soon it will dawn on the people of the latter it's not a good idea to launch imperialistic needless wars on innocent, peaceful neighbours.

This is THE daily thread, Day 915, let's go! A dramatic start to Monday. We will get to that in a minute, but first I have to give you the link to Sunday's thread.

Sadly, another tragic day, as a British member of a Reuters team covering the war in #Ukraine was murdered by #Russia's missile attack

Aug 20 42 tweets 18 min read
Tuesday: Day 909 of the war in Europe.

You've found the start of the daily thread - here every single day. All news is fact-checked, without hyperbole but with context. My aim is to help you know what's really going on in #Ukraine so you can be informed to tell others

Let's go It's been a difficult morning for #Ukraine with #Russia launching missile attacks already, after drones earlier in the night.

But the traditional way to start is to give you the chance to review yesterday's news, inc more gains in #Kursk and 🇷🇺burning!
Aug 19 19 tweets 7 min read
Hello & welcome to Day 908 of #Russia's disgusting, and now disastrous, all-out war on #Ukraine.

Throughout history the independence, strength and rebellious nature of Ukrainians has caused problems for imperialist rulers and dictators.
History is biting Putin on the bum again! This is THE daily thread, the only one you need for all the major news about #Ukraine's fight for freedom and its very existence.

Sunday was quiet, but still plenty to get your teeth into. Click here if you were offline some of the day & need a catch-up:
Aug 16 31 tweets 12 min read
Well I'm not supposed to be starting another thread yet. But dramatic events in #Crimea, so, no rest!

Welcome to THE thread covering all things #Ukraine and #Russia.

We've reached Day 905.
Let's go (and KoFi appreciated if you are able) A fiery thread yesterday. Catch up here:

Aug 12 44 tweets 15 min read
A new week, and coming to the end of the first week of #Ukraine's decision to take the war directly into #Russia's territory, more than 10 years after Putin invaded sovereign🇺🇦land.

It's Day 901 of the all-out war. All the news, all the time, in one handy thread. Read-on! We start again with a look back to yesterday.

Lots of news once again. Not least from #Kursk region, but please remember #Ukraine has a media silence from there. Some battalions post selfies, but mostly it's only #Russia and locals uploading photos.

Jul 20 35 tweets 13 min read
Hello again.
You've found the start of my daily thread on Day 878 of #Ukraine's defence against #Russia's war of choice.

Wherever you may be, enjoy your weekend, but don't forget about freedom and democracy. Ukraine today, another victim next if we don't stop the bully. #Russia seems to be affected by fire & water problems in equal measure. #Ukraine helps with its drone successes!

It was a busy Friday! Zelenskyy in London, and Russia up to its old tricks, capturing foreign exchange tokens + killing civilians.
Review here
Jul 7 72 tweets 23 min read
Day 866 of #Russia's war is already underway.

A frightening start to Monday with missiles already entering #Ukraine's airspace.

All the news all the time, all day every day. Welcome to THE daily thread about Europe's war. In case you missed any, or all, of Sunday's thread, here's the link so you can catch up easily.

Quite a day it was, too, with numerous successful strikes for #Ukraine on #Russia's positions and in the rear.

Jul 2 24 tweets 8 min read
Hello again. Day 860 of #Russia's all-out war on #Ukraine, but for newcomers, we only got here because the west did nothing when Putin tried to subvert democracy in 2013/4 & invaded #Crimea and east Ukraine in Feb 2014.

Let's start another daily thread - not a single day off! Monday was another busy thread.

More signs #RussiaIsCollapsing, big blackouts and record losses for the invader.
In occupied #Ukraine there was an important hit on #Crimea, and how drones hit a moving train used by Russia.

Catch up here:

Jun 21 52 tweets 17 min read
It's Day 849 of #Russia's full invasion of its peaceful neighbour. But it's well over 10 years since the original illegal incursion into #Ukraine territory.

This is another daily thread with all the important news, presented without exaggeration, updated all day long every day! #Russia's favourite mantra, repeated by trolls, useful-idiots, MAGA types etc, is of Nazis in #Ukraine.

It's simple: #Russia accuses others of what it does itself.
Democratic elections?🇺🇦✅🇷🇺❌
Jewish President?🇺🇦✅🇷🇺❌
Previous Pres Jewish?🇺🇦✅🇷🇺❌
Far right MPs?🇺🇦❌🇷🇺✅
Jun 10 34 tweets 13 min read
Hello and welcome of Day 838 of #Russia's full invasion of #Ukraine, a country which never fired a shot at any other until the initial 2014 invasion by its imperialistic neighbour.

This is THE thread for all the news, analysis and a bit of comment on the situation. Let's dive in Regulars will know I (try to) always include a link back to the previous day for those who missed something, or like to just browse the main stories in one place, in a few minutes.

Please share, boost, do your NAFO thing to raise visibility!💙💛

Jun 7 38 tweets 17 min read
It's Day 835 of #Russia's war.
A conflict based solely on the ego of one very little man. But Putin managed to remove all freedoms & opposition and then brainwash the public into supporting his tyranny, just as Hitler did.

This is THE daily thread covering the war in #Ukraine It was another very difficult night for the people and air defenders in #Ukraine.

All the details coming up right here on Friday's thread.
First though, your chance to look back on Thursday's news. If you missed anything, click + scroll here:
May 27 35 tweets 15 min read
Day 824 of the war in Europe.
A new week, same old inhuman sh*t from #Russia.

Every single day my threads keep you up to date on all the important news about #Ukraine

As usual, let's start with the link to yesterday's thread, in case you missed anything.
#Russia tries to claim a "double tap" attack by #Ukraine has killed a fireman + injured 3 more.

The Governor of #Oryol says a drone hit a gas station in #Livna, a few minutes later another struck the same place

Do we really believe Ukraine suddenly started copying this🇷🇺tactic? Image
May 17 45 tweets 19 min read
It's Friday! The weekend approaches.
It's also the 814th day of #Russia trying to destroy #Ukraine, its language, culture and people, and over 10 years since the first invasion.

For all the news on Day 814 keep clicking back here.

No coffees for 2 days - please help if you can. Thursday was another busy one.
A day which saw Putin humiliated, #Ukraine attack #Crimea (again) and a load of other stories and videos.

Missed any of it? Just click here and scroll through the day's news:

May 13 10 tweets 4 min read
Hello on Day 810 of the war in Europe.

#Ukraine, a democratic nation, desperate to keep it that way, remains under intense pressure from #Russia, an autocracy led by a despot and indicted war criminal.

All the news all day long in one handy thread. Read on..

#StandWithUkraine Yesterday we only really had two stories, but they were big ones.

#Putin exiling & side-lining top names from the Kremlin.

And 25 years after the #Russia apartment bombings, 13 were killed in a new attack - but who did it?
Review the news here:

May 10 27 tweets 9 min read
Hello and welcome to Day 807 of #Russia's war on #Ukraine.

Each day documenting the news and war crimes committed by indicted war criminal Putin and his Moscow horde as the neo-imperialists try to steal more land and wipe out another culture.

Here's another daily thread... As always, the quick link back to the starts of yesterday's thread for those who missed some, or all, of Thursday's developments.

And right at the end of the day we saw another oil target inside #Russia being hit by drones!
May 6 10 tweets 5 min read
Day 803 of #Russia's full invasion continues. The war criminals are super confident, tossing away lives of the plebs and useful idiots from Asia, Africa + the Americas.

But #Ukraine fights hard for its existence and supplies filter through to the frontlines.
This is the daily🧵 Today is a holiday in most of the UK, so I allowed myself a later start (no school run!)

Coming up news of #Ukraine hitting a Rusdian boat...
But first the link to yesterday's thread, which turned out to be quite busy.

May 1 40 tweets 17 min read
Many across Europe celebrate a holiday today, the first day of May.

In normal times in #Ukraine it would be a big celebration, with Labour Day followed by Easter and Remembrance/Victory Day. But these are far from normal times. No respite from war. Welcome to the daily thread: Tuesday saw #Russia's world bring more death to #Kharkiv and to #Odesa for the second time in two days - a video proving the sickening cluster bomb attack on the people the day before.

All yesterday's news can be found here if you missed anything:

Apr 11 39 tweets 13 min read
11 April 2024 - Day 778 of #Russia's war in Europe.

And Thursday's daily🧵 starts with another large scale missile attack on #Ukraine.

The air raid warning has just been switched off, but a lot of damage has been done as allies, especially the U.S. fail the Ukrainian people. If you need to catch up on the news from Day 777, just click and scroll here for all Wednesday's news:
