Tablesalt 🇨🇦🇺🇸 Profile picture
MBA. Salty. Independent truth-seeker. If its out there, I'll find it.
Sep 20 9 tweets 2 min read

Remember, if they are in a hotel they also get $4000/mo in hotel and food benefits...Image Correction, if they are in a hotel they get $6300/mo in benefits.

($125 per day for hotel, $85 or so for food)
Sep 14 4 tweets 1 min read
IN under 3 years...

Canada went from the most generous, pro-immigration country on planet Earth having many Premiers fighting with the immigration Minister publicly on Twitter (after private discussions failed)

...demanding he shut their borders. (A 🧵)
Aug 5 5 tweets 2 min read


25 proposals are being proposed by Immigration Canada (IRCC) over the next couple of years

most of which make immigration to Canada much easier..... this proposal would allow immigrants to take their citizenship oath without anyone present!Image #2

they want to make the LOWEST SKILLED WORKERS eligible for permanent residency.

theyre calling it "diversity of skills" Image
Jun 17 4 tweets 1 min read

The number of mortgages taken out in Canada

falls to the lowest number since the Bank of Canada began recording

Under 100,000 mortgages were issued in Q1 2024Image CONSIDER


The GTA has 24,000 listings alone.
Mar 24 4 tweets 1 min read
I dont know who needs to hear this but

paying down your OWN mortgage is not a financial gain.

Principal recapture is completely income neutral. Its a shell game....think about it...

Chequing account minus $1.

Loan liability reduced by $1.

Net worth = unchanged.

The money sits there and does nothing until you sell.

(Some might consider "preventing interest from incurring" as a gain, I suppose)


The appreciation on your house MINUS interest paid MINUS costs is your REAL gain, which does compound....

this is NEW MONEY. You didn't earn it at work.

...but this completely separate from paying down your mortgage.

Proof: we can imagine a scenario where you pay off your mortgage in, say, 15 years, and your home price hasn't changed. (Edmonton)

Have you made any money? Or, was it just forced savings paying 0% interest?

"But its better than rent!"

Yes. But financing a car is still expensive, even though renting a car from Hertz is more expensive. NOW, if you have a TENANT paying your principal.

This IS profit.

Proof: your CRA tax bill. 😂
Mar 23 8 tweets 2 min read
3% housing price gains per year

and 5% interest is a healthy equilibrium

Where you can ladder your housing upgrades at will, without having to worry about being "left behind"

Ie. There is no advantage to buying a SFD on a 25 year mortgage, until you're ready. ....🧵 The key here is you need to accelerate your mortgage if you're staying in a cheaper home.

When running these calculations, people OFTEN forget you include the TOTAL AMOUNT SAVED by staying in a smaller home for longer.

This is real cash that you did not spend.