Tiffany Maples Profile picture
Mom of 3, PhD public policy studying, lover of baking, dog rescuer, wannabe mermaid with a love for both the ocean and mountain living. #kipsdancefundraising
Jul 12, 2021 62 tweets 73 min read
@AmericanAir Let's begin with the facts of the #Americanairhorrorstory We booked our tickets with #AmericanAirlines on June 3, 2021 for the following dates (see breakdown), we paid extra to choose our seats on each flight. Please note our family of 6 & the seat numbers for those. @AmericanAir took off from SeaTac on time, arrived in Dallas on time, & our flight was delayed 40 mins. So we got a late lunch in the airport for our family of 6. The delays continued. I overheard staff saying the crew & pilot timed out & a crew & a plane was needed...