Award-winning investigative Journalist & ex Social Media Editor BBC Urdu. Reporting on aviation. Fact-Checker. Ex Editor @FactFocusFF & @FacesFeatures.
Jun 27, 2020 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
THREAD: The story of PIA right now is so complex that as a journalist (NOT analyst) it is extremely difficult to walk a balanced line.
1 you have PTI government & its handling of crises.
2 is Pilots & issues related to them.
3 PIA & its long list of issues crises
To make it more complex you are a serving Air Marshal running the company.
So if you talk about PIA you are taken as pro military or anti military. Given to the already multiple dimensions to PIA.
Then there is crash & sentiments surrounding that.
This makes it super tough.
Jun 26, 2020 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
THREAD: Amber asked me about GSK presser & asked about all the negative headlines & if the damage could be recovered?
I replied this presser should have happened much before the crash. I spoke about the impact of the statement & what I think was very casual dangerous statement.
I then explained what a fake licence is something that the minister endorsed today in his presser. Then I explained the technicalities of a fake licence & how these licences are questionable. Something I have already written about. Then I spoke about issuing authority.
Jun 25, 2020 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
THREAD: So I watched your show after a long time because I wanted to watch @Mehmal mentioning my story. :) Thank you for endorsing it @FarooqAleena.
I want to just fact check few things said by people on the show in the following thread for clarification.
Fair points by @reema_omer. @ShahzadIqbalGEO sahab started with right point about credibility. But when you call it fake licences that is factually & technically incorrect. All these pilots have VALID, GENUINE licences issued & signed by DG CAA, who is the competent authority.
May 22, 2020 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
THREAD: After looking at data & photos I have come to a conclusion that the #PK8303 crash has a lot do with its landing gear & pilot.
Did the pilot touch down on 1st attempt?
To get the answer we need to look at this data of flight altitude which has some clues.
In the above chart we can see the plane going to the bottom & then going up & then going down later.
The plane in my view landed on the runway but without landing gears. And then went up & the evidence for this is on the engines bottoms. Both charred & have marks of runway.
May 1, 2019 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
عاصمہ جہانگیر صاحبہ کی سال قبل کی گفتگو سے اقتباس
'یا تو وزیراعظم نواز شریف Imbecile ہیں یا وه ملک کے دشمن ہیں۔ چلیں میں ایک سیکنڈ مان بھی لیتی ہوں کہ وه دونوں ہی ہیں۔ تو پھر یہ بتائیں کہ ہم سویلینز میں کوئی بیماری ہے کہ جو بھی ہم وزیراعظم چنتے ہیں، چاہے وه بے نظیر بھٹو ہو۔۔۔
چاہے وه ذوالفقار علی بھٹو ہو، چاہے وه ان کا لایا ہوا جونیجو ہو، وه سارے ہی Imbecile ہوتے ہیں یا جاسوس ہوتے ہیں جو ایک آنکھ نہیں بھاتے ہماری فوج کو۔ دیکھیں یہ ایک طرزِ عمل کی بات ہے اور یہ طرزِ عمل بدلنا ہو گا۔۔۔