Taj Ali Profile picture
Co-editor @tribunemagazine | Cover trade unions and workers' rights | Historian of British South Asian political activism
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Jun 27 8 tweets 3 min read
EXCLUSIVE: An Asian BrewDog worker was sacked after raising concerns about the presence of the EDL on the day a far-right rally descended into violence.

tribunemag.co.uk/2024/06/asian-… In April, a far-right rally led by Tommy Robinson descended into violence with multiple arrests made.

As chaos raged in central London, Myriam*, an Asian woman, turned up to her job at BrewDog in Waterloo, completely unaware of the fracas taking place about a mile away.
Jun 19 7 tweets 1 min read
BREAKING: The government’s decision to scrap key recommendations from the independent review into the Windrush scandal was unlawful, the High Court has ruled today. The court found Suella Braverman was “not justified” in breaking promises to create a migrants’ commissioner and boost the powers of the chief inspector for borders and immigration.
Jun 3 5 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: 7 Labour councillors in Slough have resigned, accusing the Labour party of institutional racism.

In their resignation letter, they cite the deselection of Faiza Shaheen and the treatment of Diane Abbott as well as censorship over Gaza. 'We must stay true to our values and conscience, even if the party we once believed in has abandoned them.'

1) Councillor Zafar Ajaib

2) Cllr Sabia Akram

3) Cllr Haqeeq Dar

4) Cllr Mohammed Nazir

5) Cllr Naveeda Waseem

6) Cllr Waqas Sabah

7) Cllr Jamila Sabah
May 25 5 tweets 1 min read
NEW: @unitetheunion furious over new revisions to Labour's workers' rights policies.

@UniteSharon: 'The again revised New Deal for Working People has more holes in it than Swiss cheese. The number of caveats and get outs means it is in danger of becoming a bad bosses’ charter.' 'Working people expect Labour to be their voice. They need to know that Labour will not backdown to corporate profiteers determined to maintain the status quo of colossal profits at the expense of everyone else. The country desperately needs a Labour government, but...
May 18 13 tweets 4 min read
This house in a leafy North London suburb was home to Indian revolutionaries from 1905-1910.

They published an anti-colonialist newspaper, smuggled weapons into India and brushed shoulders with Irish Republicans, suffragettes, Egyptian nationalists and communists.🧵 Image India House was founded in 1905 by the lawyer Shyamji Krishnavarma. It served as a student residence but was also home to many organisations such as the Indian Home Rule League. Scholarships were offered to Indian students on the basis they would refuse to work for the British.
May 8 7 tweets 2 min read
🚨NEW: @unitetheunion say Labour's draft New Deal for Workers is “unrecognisable”, accusing the party of turning it into a charter for bad bosses.

Comes after the union, Labour's largest financial backer, threatened to withhold funds over the watering down of key pledges. @UniteSharon: “It looks like all the warnings Unite made earlier about the dangers of Labour rowing back on its pledges for the New Deal for Workers have been proved right. This new Labour document on the New Deal, issued to the unions on Monday, is a row back on a row back...
May 1 8 tweets 3 min read
Today marks the 50th anniversary of the Imperial Typewriters strike in Leicester. The strike mainly involved South Asian women who faced discrimination in the workplace.

They lacked union support and their picket lines were attacked by the National Front but they fought back.🧵 Image The workers walked out over unpaid bonuses, impossible targets, lack of promotion and the absence of Black and Asian shop stewards despite making up the majority of the workforce.

But more than anything else, this was a strike for respect and dignity in the workplace. Image
Apr 10 28 tweets 7 min read
In 1981, 12 young men in Bradford were arrested for preparing to defend their community from fascists. 4 decades on, I spoke to them about their trial & the solidarity that helped secure their freedom. The Bradford 12 case was a pivotal moment in British legal history.🧵#Defiance Image Summer 1981 had brought real fears in Bradford. On 1 July, a firebomb attack killed a South Asian mother and her 3 children in Walthamstow. Then, rumours began that fascists were planning to march through Manningham on 11 July.

Apr 3 6 tweets 3 min read
NEW: 100 Manchester artists and their helpers have gathered to remove their works en masse from this year’s @HOME_mcr exhibition in protest at the cancellation of Palestinian event, ‘Voices of Resilience’

Comes after 1000 people protested outside the venue on Saturday.

Many others plan to take down their art in the coming days.

In place of their now absent artworks, the creatives put up copies of a statement signed by over 150 of their colleagues calling for an apology from Home & the reinstatement of Voices of Resilience among other demands..
Mar 27 9 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: The Foreign Office will face a legal challenge over their decision to defund UNRWA.

The challenge has been launched by Bindmans LLP, on behalf of a British-Palestinian man in a desperate bid to protect his family in Gaza, who are UNRWA-registered refugees. The complaint alleges that the government’s decision may violate its international obligations, possibly making it complicit in Israel’s apparent breaches of the Genocide Convention and Common Article 1 of the Fourth Geneva Convention.
Mar 12 12 tweets 3 min read
A reminder of what the Forde report said about Diane Abbott's treatment within the Labour Party:

'The criticisms of Diane Abbott are...expressions of visceral disgust, drawing on racist tropes, and they bear little resemblance to the criticisms of white male MPs.' Very few journalists took this report seriously at the time. It uncovered widespread Islamophobia and anti-Black racism, accusing the Labour Party of 'operating a hierarchy of racism'
Mar 10 5 tweets 2 min read
I've spent the past few months speaking to miners and British Pakistanis who supported them. I'll be sharing the stories of Pakistani taxi drivers and local mosques across Yorkshire who raised funds and Pakistanis from Sheffield who were there at the Battle of Orgreave.
Image A food collection leaflet in Urdu and Punjabi that was distributed across Birmingham.

Street collections on Soho Road in Handsworth were known to be amongst the best supported & miners squabbled over who got that 'patch.' Image
Dec 5, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
🚨BREAKING: Doctors in England to escalate strike action.

Full Walkout of 216 hours over 9 days.

20th December-23rd December

3rd January-9th January

@BMA_JuniorDocs say the Government has been unable to provide a credible offer. Comes after 5 weeks of talks between junior doctors in England and the Government.

This latest round of talks came after months of strike action, followed by weeks of delay by the Department of Health and Social Care in restarting the negotiations. A deal has not been reached.
Nov 10, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
BREAKING: Over 400 trade unionists have just shut down entrances to BAE Systems' factory in Rochester, Kent, which provides components for military aircraft currently being used by Israeli forces in the bombardment of Gaza.

BAE Systems is the UK’s leading arms manufacturer, which produces 13-15% of the value of Israel's F-35s stealth combat aircraft, the world's most advanced fighter jet currently being used by Israel to bombard Gaza.
Oct 26, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
NEW: Support for the Labour Party amongst British Muslims has dropped by a dramatic 66% according to a new survey of 30,000 British Muslims in 575 parliamentary constituencies across the country.

@MuslimCensus survey suggests Labour is at risk of losing over 1.5 million votes. 98% of respondents have a negative view on both the Conservative and Labour parties following their response to events in Israel and Palestine.

96% said the change in voting intention has been impacted by recent events in Israel and Palestine.
Oct 25, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
'Labour is no longer a safe space for Muslims'

25 councillors have resigned from the Labour party in the past fortnight.

Full list:

Asima Shaikh (Finsbury Park)

Mairéad Healy (Cambridge)

Usman Bhaimia (Gloucester)

Amna Abdullatif (Manchester)

tribunemag.co.uk/2023/10/starme… Shaista Aziz (Oxford)

Amar Latif (Oxford)

Dr Hosnieh Djafari-Marbini (Oxford)

Paula Dunne (Oxford)

Jabu Nala-Hartley (Oxford)

Duncan Hall (Oxford)

Edward Mundy (Oxford)

Imogen Thomas (Oxford)

The Party has lost its majority on Oxford City Council.

Oct 24, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
NEW: South Wales Islamic Centre, where @Keir_Starmer held a photo op on Saturday, have released a statement expressing their dismay at a social media post by the Labour leader, accusing him of "gravely" misrepresenting congregants and the nature of the visit. Image This is the social media post the statement is referring to.

In the bizarrely worded tweet, the Labour leader says he repeated his call "for all hostages to be released."

Oct 19, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: The leaders of one of Scotland’s largest local Labour Party branches have resigned their positions in protest at the leadership’s stifling of debate on Gaza.

9 members of Glasgow Kelvin CLP Exec Committee including Labour Peer Baroness Bryan of Partick have resigned. Resignations follow the submission of a motion calling on @AnasSarwar to press for a cessation of Israeli military action, the establishment of a humanitarian corridor and the release of hostages. The motion was due to be debated at a regular meeting of the local party tonight...
Oct 18, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
A growing number of councillors have resigned from the Labour party:

Asima Shaikh (Finsbury Park)

Mairéad Healy (Cambridge)

Usman Bhaimia (Gloucester)

Russell Whitling (Gedling)

Amna Abdullatif (Manchester)

Jessie Hoskin (Stroud)

Shaista Aziz (Oxford)

Amar Latif (Oxford) Asima Shaikh has written to her colleagues saying she is "obliged to resign from the party because of the failure of the Labour leadership and front bench to defend international humanitarian law - thereby condoning the commitment of war crimes against the Palestinian people." Image
Sep 22, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Sunak's stubbornness is costly

@RMTunion's Mick Lynch says an industry source told him the treasury spent £1.5bn on rail dispute. Would cost a fraction of that to settle.

@TheBMA say junior doctor strikes have cost the Government around £1bn - would cost that much to settle. The Health Secretary has not met with junior doctors for 140 days. No meetings with consultants for 170 days.

@ASLEFunion and @RMTunion have not had any contact from the Government since January. (Train operating companies can't negotiate without a mandate from the Government)
Sep 20, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
BREAKING: A third group of hospital doctors in England has voted to hold an indicative ballot for strike action.

Specialist, associate specialist & specialty (SAS) doctors could join junior doctors and consultants on picket lines unless they receive an improved pay offer. SAS doctors are senior and highly-experienced healthcare professionals who, for a variety of reasons, decided not to go down the traditional consultant or GP pathway.

They have seen their real-terms pay fall by more than a quarter over the last 15 years.