Take Medicine Back Profile picture
Taking the Profession of Medicine from Corporate Interests and calling for a National Prohibition on the Corporate Practice of Medicine.
kmbfader Profile picture 1 subscribed
Nov 12, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
Now that we've explored the history of #CPOM here's why the @AmerMedicalAssn must pass Resolution #233 "Corporate Practice of Medicine Prohibition" at #AMAmtg (interim '23) in order to #EndCorporateMedicine, and why calls to refer to committee are misguided.
🧵1/14 In their legal review, @efusebrown and Mark Hall refer to #PrivateEquity like "a cloud of locusts," moving so quickly as to pick apart a specialty before policymakers have time to react.
Nov 12, 2023 23 tweets 6 min read
Overwhelmingly positive testimony on Resolution #233 Corporate Practice of Medicine Prohibition (CPOM) at the #AMAmtg which asks @AmerMedicalAssn to seek federal legislation to prohibit CPOM follow for a breakdown & what's next.
#EndCorporateMedicine 🧵1/22 The #CPOM doctrine emerged at the turn of the 20th century during the #GildedAge. physicians at @AmerMedicalAssn recognized the dangers of commercialization of medicine, mal-alignment with physicians' duty to put patients first and a corporations' obligation to profits 🧵2/22
Jul 20, 2022 9 tweets 12 min read
Take Medicine Back has sent a coalition letter to @NCAGO @JoshStein_, pres-elect of the @NatlAssnAttysGn requesting investigation into widespread violations of the prohibitions on the corporate practice of medicine in North Carolina and across states.
takemedicineback.org/letter-to-ag-j… #PrivateEquity firms are rapidly consolidating physician staffing groups resulting in both monopolies and labor monopsonies harming both patients and physicians - placing profits above patients.

@RealBankReform @econliberties
Jul 13, 2020 15 tweets 3 min read
I’m exhausted. I’m in an area north of Houston. The latest CoVid-19 infection rates in Houston show a steep increase in rates since re-opening in May & it’s still rising.

As an ID physician in the middle of this whole CoVid-19 pandemic, & a mom of 2, here’s why I’m tired: 1. Working almost every day (weekends included) since this March at multiple hospitals & in my clinic. I am sure it’s a challenge to learn to work remotely, but it might have been nice to have that opportunity for a bit.
Jun 1, 2020 11 tweets 2 min read
We are McStuffin Mommies. We are a collective of nearly 1,200 women physicians of color. We are nearly 1,200 women physicians of color who are, also…mothers.

Daily, we leave our homes and tend to minds, bodies and souls to heal them and make them better, regardless of color. With a smile, we perform physicals on towheaded boys who look like Dylann Roof, then come home and wince in fear when our sweet little boys smile with that small gap in the front like Ahmaud Arbery.
Apr 21, 2020 17 tweets 3 min read
That’s your word.
Your word, so that when we die, you can use it to feel better about yourselves
None of us want to die
None of us want our Zoom funerals to be touted with the word hero,
because we are not. And it won’t make the loved ones we’ve needlessly left behind feel any better.
They will be angry
And they should be angry

The homeless are heroes
The stay at home moms and dads are heroes
The ordinary are heroes
And we are no different.
Apr 20, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
“Harvard is asking 4th years to volunteer without pay, benefits, tuition reimbursement, loan forgiveness, or anything to treat covid patients at a field hospital in Boston. This field hospital is being run by Partners Healthcare.” “Partners already denied having 4th years start residency early, citing that we weren't needed. Now they're asking instead for us to volunteer to help out. They're exploiting our innate desire to be helpful so that they don't have to pay us.”
Apr 11, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
From a physician who is completing his/her internship in NYC and working on the frontlines:

I thought the ED was bad. And it seems to be getting a lot of attention, rightfully so. But if only people knew what’s happening behind the closed hospital doors, where pt’s can’t visit. Inpatient medicine feels so dystopian. Overhead pages every 30 min, the codes are so frequent and numerous that you tune them out, only to be reminded by the buzzing pager. Within 30 min of starting my shift Wednesday, I found myself pushing into a dead person’s chest for 5