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Exposing the hazards of condensed water in all its myriad forms. Brought to you in association with Big Chemtrail™. Pronouns: Paid/Shill (apparently)
Dec 14, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Woman on Facebook proudly reports how her husband shone a laser at a “drone” which was actually @FedEx flight 3926 at 4,000 feet.

This is complete madness. Image
Location pinpointed from public property records. The plane flew right by, just before 11:56pm. Image
Dec 9, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
A September 1942 report entitled "Condensation Trails – Where They Occur and What Can Be Done About Them".

Spoiler: the answer to "what can be done about them" is, just like today, not much, except fly lower and slower. Image Here's the report in full. The basic explanations of exhaust and aerodynamic contrails are mostly correct, although in 1942 the mechanism for contrail persistence wasn't fully understood. It was later discovered that the freezing of condensation is critical. Image
Apr 19, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
As #chemtrails are trending, I am going pin this thread for a while.

Why do the trails behind planes sometimes disappear quickly and sometimes linger?

Why does one plane have a short trail and one plane nearby have a long one?

Here is why – and how you can predict them. The thread linked above kind of launches straight into the techie stuff. So here are the basics.

Jet exhaust contains a lot of water: each kg of fuel produces about a 1.25 kg water (and over 3 kg of CO₂) when it burns.

That comes out as hot water vapour, an invisible gas.
Apr 19, 2024 15 tweets 6 min read
Just looking at the blue sky and mulling over a #chemtrailforecast for tomorrow.

It doesn't look quite as clear cut but I found this handy table on Metabunk. It shows the humidity (relative to water) that equates to 100% saturation relative to ice at various temperatures. Image So for example if the temperature is -40ºC, then if the humidity is higher than 67.5% then the air is ice-supersaturated, and contrails should persist.

If it is -60ºC then just 56.2% RH will be needed.
Nov 21, 2023 16 tweets 6 min read
@Chemtrail101 Except let's look into that.

764... actually it's now 793 if you filter to "ongoing".

Sounds like a lot, right.

Well, 404 of those are "greenhouse gas removal". That just means scrubbing gases from exhaust, etc. Not "going on over your head". Image @Chemtrail101 11 are listed as "solar radiation management". Aha! Chemtrails!

Sorry but no.

1 of those is actually thinning cirrus cloud, not adding to it.

And it is only in the research and modelling phase.
Jun 28, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
This video has been shared extensively on Twitter over the last few days as some kind of "proof of chemtrails".

While it clearly just shows an aerodynamic contrail (like this ), it did present an interesting challenge.

What plane is this? Read on... https://t.co/DgakIWXmen
@FrancesLilianW1 @IoanaLogafatu However the video itself showed no landmarks, only sky. How could the location be confirmed?

It turns out the original source was a Telegram group.

The post immediately beforehand was labelled in the same way, suggesting it was posted by the same person, 31 mins earlier.
May 12, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
If #chemtrails are real, how much “chem” would you need to create them? A thread. (1/9) Image According to the chemtrail theory, what scientists call “persistent contrails” are actually chemtrails. So, first question, what length of persistent contrails is produced globally each day? (2/9)