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Feb 11 16 tweets 15 min read
The Mystery of Operation Blackjack


I'm still finding myself feeling a little bit skeptical about the true nature of what "Operation Blackjack" really was.

Personally, I'm more inclined to believe it was as the makers of it claimed it was - entirely fictional. But still, and with being honest, I have to admit I found Operation Blackjack to be an "odd" one to say the least and whether true, who knows really, but It's of course unlikely.Image [1] Before continuing further at this point, I'm aware that quite a lot of new followers here might not be wholly aware of what I'm talking about in the slightest here so first off and for some clarification...

What is Operation Blackjack?

Operation Blackjack was seemingly a completely random and unusual series of disturbing pictures posted in the Telegraph newspaper depicting a series of nuclear attacks on major western cities, first beginning in London and then cities such as New York, Washington DC, Los Angeles, Portland, Mexico City and Toronto.Image
Dec 23, 2024 5 tweets 4 min read
Saturn comes full Circle


Many of you may already be aware of the online cult usually referred to as 'The Cult of Saturn', but I was interested to know how much you were involved in the origin of this urban legend:

Image [1] Born out of an Alternate Reality Game known as TITAN, the cult infiltrated various forums, virtual spaces and online systems, and they have been operating in plain sight for about a decade at least.

Nov 21, 2024 9 tweets 33 min read
Secret Societies


Catholic Knights - Catholic Knights of America is a fraternal benefit society for Catholics.

Druids - This is the United Ancient Order of Druids. It was founded in London in 1781. Pure paganism, they are founded on reason and sound morality. They imply that their religion is older and superior to Christianity. The greatest of all Druid teachers was Merlin. His Seven Precepts are considered the moral way to live a life:

(1) Labor diligently to acquire knowledge for it is power;

(2) When in authority decide reasonably, for thine authority may cease;

(3) Bear with fortitude the ills of life, remembering that no mortal sorrow is perpetual;

(4) Love virtue-for it bringeth peace;

(5) Abhor vice-for it bringeth evil upon it;

(6) Obey those in authority in all just things, that virtue may be exalted; and

(7) Cultivate the social virtues, so shalt thou be beloved by all men.

Elks (Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks) - The Elks would probably never have existed if the New York state legislature did not pass a law in 1866 which closed all the saloons on Sunday.
A group of sociable actors met on Sundays in their "drinking society" which they called the Jolly Cork. They later changed their name. The order was founded on February 16, 1868.
There is some Masonic influence. The BPOE used to be limited to white male citizens of the U.S. who believe in the existence of God.

Foresters - Over the years, the Foresters had split into several branches: The Independent Order of Foresters, Catholic Order of Foresters, and Ancient Order of Foresters.
The Ancient Order of Foresters claims to have begun in 1798, but historical records show its beginning as 1813. For its secret ritual, the Foresters used the legends of Robin Hood, Friar Tuck, Little John, and the Merrie Men.

Freemasonry - Freemasonry is the largest international secret society. Legendary Masonry goes back to the building of King Solomon's temple when Hiram Abiff, a mason, is said to have chosen death rather than reveal the secret Masonic word.
The realistic beginnings of modern Freemasonry can be found in the crafts of working masons in medieval times. They adapted a system of signs and passwords which served the purpose of a union card.

Twelve American Presidents have been Freemasons:

Washington, Jackson, Monroe, Polk, A. Johnson, Garfield, McKinley, T. Roosevelt, Taft, Harding, F.D.R., and Truman. Others believed to be, or have been Freemasons: Ben Franklin, Charles Lindbergh, John Pershing, Robert J. Dole, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Mark Twain, and Cy Young.

Grotto - This is the Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm. Master Masons may join this organization. It imitates the Shrine. The ritual is supposedly founded on a very ancient Persian manuscript that was discovered in a secret vault in one of the sacred temples of Teheran, the City of Mystery.

Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn - This order formed in England at the end of the 19th century. Members believed it was possible to control the forces of nature with magic. Yeats, the poet, and Aleister Crowley were members.
Crowley supposedly accomplished the ability to become invisible. Israel Regardie was one of the most important figures in the Golden Dawn. He published many of the rituals and magical material. It is the synthesis of mythical and magical ideas that were adapted from numerous sources such as:

Fama Fraternitatis, Egyptian Book of the Dead, Cornelius Agrippa, Tycho Brahe, and John Dee.

It was conceived to be composed of three degrees, each of which corresponds to an entire order. The First Degree and Order is the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. The Second Degree and Order is the Ordo Rosae Rubeae et Aureae Crucis. Aleister Crowley was an early adept in the Second Degree. The Third is the Ordo Argentei Astri.

Hibernians (Ancient Order of Hibernians) - The AOH was organized in the United States on May 4, 1836 in New York City. The founding of the AOH has been placed as early as 1565 in Ireland.
However, the latter date has not been substantiated. The AOH has been a Catholic organization which provides benefits (e.g., relief, burial, sick) to their members. John F. Kennedy became a member in 1947.Image [1] Illuminati - The Illuminati was first seen in the 15th century by occultists proclaiming to have wisdom from a higher source. Illuminati means, "Intellectually inspired."

The secret society became strong in 18th century Germany. It adopted many different grades of Freemasonry. It claimed to be a blend of philanthropy and mysticism. Goethe was a member of the Bavarian Illuminati.
They placed the fear of Masons and Jews within the extreme right wing political camps. Conspiracies were spun about the forces of order, bureaucracy, and repression. People soon realized that espionage was their main focus, then the French Revolution arrived and changed the country.

The only people who mention the Illuminati anymore is the John Birch Society.

Job's Daughters - Teenage girls who are related to Master Masons can apply for membership in Job's Daughters. Mrs. Ethel T. W. Mick was the founder. The emblems of the Order are the white dove, urn of incense, lilies of the valley, and horn of plenty.

Knights of the Golden Eagle - Founded by John E. Burbage of Baltimore, Maryland in 1873. There were three degrees: Pilgrim, Knight, and Crusader. Combination of secret society and religious movement (Evangelical Protestant). The order offered sick and funeral benefits. The individual who shot President McKinley was supposedly a member of the Cleveland Lodge.

Knights of Columbus - This is the world's largest organization of Catholic men and their families. It was founded in 1882. They looked to the Masonic Lodge for its model. They use passwords, signs, and grips. They take pride in providing insurance policies to members. There are currently about 11,000 councils internationally.

Knights of Malta - Introduced into the U.S.A. in 1870. This order welcomed all Protestants and were aggressively anti-Catholic. The Knights of Malta is not the same as the Order of Knights of Malta which forms one of the degrees of the York rite of Freemasonry.

Knights of Pythias - The Order of Knights of Pythias was founded in 1864. They claim to promote friendship among men and to help relieve people's suffering. It bases its rituals on the story of Damon and Pythias. It borrowed elements from the Masons and Red Men. Today there are about 2000 lodges in the USA and Canada. President Franklin D. Roosevelt was initiated into the Knights of Pythias in 1936 in a special ceremony in the diplomatic reception room of the white house.

Knights Templar - Originally, these people were members of a religious military order founded by the Crusaders in Jerusalem about 1118. Also known as The Order of the Poor Knights of the Temple of Solomon. They wore a white tunic with a red cross on the front (sounds familiar). They were not allowed any association with women and were also Roman Catholic.
Some believe that the Templars, at one time, possessed the Shroud of Turin. In 1314, the Master of the Temple of Solomon (Jacques de Molay) was executed. Some feel that the Templars disbanded at this time while others believe they went to Scotland and began the first of the Ancient Scottish Rite of Masons.
Today they are a part of the Masonic order. The Knights Templar is equal to the 32nd degree Mason and gives them the opportunity to join the Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine.Image
Nov 20, 2024 40 tweets 119 min read
Before Pizzagate - A short history of Pedo's and high level cover ups.


This thread will cover the history of prior pedophile rings and high level cover ups that many may not be aware of.

This covers countries such as Belgium, the USA, and the UK. Even military bases in the US have had cover ups.

Its interesting that there are many dots connecting this history to the current Pizzagate theories. I hope you all find this to be as informative as I did (though it is all very disturbing). It is very long, but well worth the read.

Please take the time to read it all...Image [1] Two high profile pedophilia cases have come to light in recent years, the abuses of Jerry Sandusky at Penn State and those of famed British entertainer Jimmy Savile.

While both cases certainly garnered their fair share of media attention, their time in the spotlight has ended and we are led to believe that their horrific abuses were the result of a lone pedophile preying on children, while esteemed institutions turned a blind eye to their discretions.Image
Sep 3, 2024 13 tweets 5 min read
Learn About Raw Milk


Breastmilk and raw milk are comparable in many aspects: both are fresh, unprocessed, and entirely natural milks.

Both of them are rich in many different vital nutrients, including lipids, proteins, digestive and anti-inflammatory enzymes, bioavailable vitamins, and minerals, all of which are present in a natural state that the body can use most readily.Image [1] Furthermore, raw milk helps the intestinal tract produce the enzyme lactase, which makes it possible for many people who are lactose intolerant to digest raw milk without any issues.

It's also thought that raw milk has higher concentrations of "good" probiotic bacteria types, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacteria.
Aug 29, 2024 9 tweets 5 min read
The Symbols of The 13 Houses


There are 13 families that secretly rule our world since time immemorial.

The 13 Families have many names, but internally call simply call themselves The Family of The Sun.

Here I will discuss my theory and expose a few of their symbol that they use to internally communicate so that you will also know how to identify them as I do.Image [1] The first 12 families intermarry between their houses, whilst one family only intermarry between themselves.

They are pure bloodlines since their inception by "the gods." The families where intentionally put here to rule us - and they claim their divine right to rule the rest of us, which they refer to as sheep’s.

Each child is trained from a young age in either science, arts, politics & deception, occultism/magic & religion, arts, asf, so that when they grow up, they can hold the highest offices in all aspects of society.Image
Aug 29, 2024 15 tweets 7 min read
Point 103 and The Landig Group


I want to consider here the activities and beliefs of the Landig Group and their successors Causa Nostra, the thread title 'Point 103' refers to Wilhelm Landig's allegorical Arctic base he created in his Thule Trilogy, and his doctrine of the Black Sun.Image [1] Landig was a former member of the SS who either took it upon himself or acted in conjunction with others to promote the ideals of Himmler and the SS in the post-war period.


Aug 2, 2024 21 tweets 9 min read
The Illuminati in Saudi Arabia


In Muslim culture, the symbol of one eye is associated with Satan. As is the Pyramid. Muslims go full-paranoid when they see the one eye or - god forbid - the eye within the Pyramid. Muslim countries have a long tradition of anti-Illuminati conspiracy theories.

It is therefore strange that the most Muslim country in the world - Saudi Arabia - openly displays this type of Illuminati symbolism everywhere - in public, in Government Logos, in Buildings and even in their most Holy places Mecca and Medina.

It's difficult to reconcile Muslims paranoia about the Illuminati with the rampant symbolism across the country. Some of their Governmental Logos:Image [1] The logo of Saudi Police itself, is that of a black eye. Image
Jul 29, 2024 10 tweets 22 min read
Illuminati - Shadow Government Goals and Methods


It is widely believed that the Illuminati or some shadow government seeks the destruction of life and free will as we know it. The understood goals of the shadow governments are as follows:

1) The abolishment of all ordered Government
2) The abolishment of all private property
3) The abolishment of all inheritance
4) The abolishment of all Patriotism
5) The abolishment of all Religion
6) The abolishment of all family and marriage
7) The creation of a World Government or World Order- to take the place of all of the above things that had been abolished (This is quoted from “Fourth Reich of the Rich” by Des Griffin)

In order for a secret society to accomplish this they would need to have some type of extraordinary assistance. It has been proven time and time again that no matter how insanely big the army, a small army of dedicated people can bring them down or make them turn tail and run. So how would a win in the endgame be guaranteed for the secret society? Once they come out and start attacking people to decrease the population to a more manageable size, they will be found out, and it will be over for them if they lose.

Part I: Mind Control

It's very difficult to include everything that I know and have experienced in everything in this article without creating a post that will take more than the one topic-starting post. I will try my hardest but it may need to be broken up.

1.) MK ULTRA: We all know what MK ULTRA is, and if you don't, you can learn about it fairly easily. I have spent much time pouring over the released documents on the project, project concerns, budget, etc. I have found many alarming things that are never mentioned on here, or anywhere else. What it takes is looking at what is going on today and comparing it with the documents presented in the declassification of the project.

Officially sanctioned in 1953 the purpose of Project MKUltra was to engineer the behavior of humans. They used unwitting participants and with the evolution of MKDelta a few were killed by psychoactive hallucinogens.

MKUltra delved into what can be done to the human mind to alter one's behavior, personality, suggestibility, and general mental state. MKUltra also was attempting to develop new interrogation techniques. In one study a subject was given copious amounts of '___' and was advised that if he didn't give the information that was in question they would extend his trip. The subjects in the MKUltra trials were unwitting, and a good number of them were killed by the numerous different tests carried out.

One of the methods that was used by the CIA during the MKUltra trials was inducing a state of hypnotic trance and embedding paranoia triggered by certain lights, sounds, and phrases. This was shown as successful and even caused one man to rob a bar. Studies were done where they dosed young children with '___' and delivered hypnotic suggestions to them during their most suggestible stages of the “trip”. Even going as far as a few children were programmed to enter a trance and arm and program a bomb.

Some of the other things that they studied and eluded successes with are; sleeper agents, dissociation of personality, ceasing inhibitions, deep hypnotic inductions, implanting memories, temporal illusions, hypnotic induction utilizing light patterns, sound pattern induction, creating an elevated state of unconscious mind over reality, inducing a state of near death through hypnotic suggestion, and more.

Many of the people involved in the trials reported successes in most. The government has released many, many documents detailing hypotheses, methods, and the like. This shows a government with a shadow agency (the CIA) that is not afraid of repercussions for their actions, it shows that the CIA is not afraid to tell you that they found ways to control you. The subject we are covering in this post goes even deeper than the CIA.Image [1] I could spend many, many more pages covering what I know about MKUltra but we must move on.

2.) Triggers:
When one speaks of triggers one might think “Boy that Italian family over there sure is quiet (Family Guy used this as a trigger phrase for a sleeper agent)”; trigger phrases that bring a subject into a dissociated personality that can carry out orders that are embedded in the unconscious mind. We essentially think; “Sleeper Agents”. It goes much farther than that.

Many of our actions are driven by every day triggers. Someone starts yelling in the apartment next door you might have an emotional response to that, some will become panicked and fall into a state of anxiety, some might become angry and fall into a state of rage or mild irritation, some might become sad and fall into a state of forlorn for the target of the yelling, causing them to bring the target some cookies or something the next day to make them feel better. Then you have the person that does not react, this person either has no trigger associated with yelling, or they are triggered to ignore it due to a suggestion placed within the mind earlier in life.

The individual who responds to this situation with anger may have had an abused mother as a youth and was filled with anger at what their father was doing to their mother, same applies for the one who becomes attached to the target, except the emotional state as a child was pity for their mother. All of our emotional and mental states are driven by triggers that were associated in our unconscious mind through our formative years (see section 3 of part I: Regression), or in a more relaxed state of mind.

This is the reason everyone varies in their reactions to things going on around them, it is due to their perception being altered by instances that occurred in their life (or did not occur). Perception is simply a system of triggers and responses.

A good method of proving this to yourself is to sit down with a friend and look outside, and each of you describe the situation outside. You will find that your description of the same exact thing varies. One must see the reason your descriptions vary, look back on your life. You might describe the scene as peaceful, that it makes you feel safe and secure, and your friend might be very technical in their description; “There's some grass, and we're on a hill, there are some trees, and there are no clouds in the sky”. This will show that you are a more emotional person than your friend who has learned to assess technicalities instead of emotional states.

Another example of how triggers have a vast effect on your life is with music. When you are listening to a song that you haven't heard in a while you will most likely find yourself back in the place where that song was most prominent in your life. If you listened to a song during a particularly bad breakup you might find yourself listening to it again five years later, stumbled upon it on the radio and all of a sudden melancholy once again.

Your entire mindset, perception, the way you feel, act, and speak these are all based on a very vast array of triggers and responses.

If one can add, remove, alter, or amend triggers in another's mind, that person would have full control over their subject's morals, actions, state of lucidity, mindset, and even sanity!Image
Apr 1, 2024 25 tweets 6 min read
Kate Middleton and the terrorist attack at Crocus.


On March 22, at about 20.00 Moscow time, one of the most severe and terrible terrorist attacks in the history of Russia occurred.

Hundreds of people suffered at the hands of terrorists in Crocus Hall. Image [1] A few hours later - apparently around midnight - the terrorists were caught, moving towards Ukraine.

A message about this immediately appeared in news agencies.

Mar 11, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
Natural vs Artificial Intelligence


Would you believe that these dancing robots were made by random chance?

Of course not...

[1] They are clearly designed.

They are performing specific functions in unison made possible by their engineered bodies.

Such a feat is actually nothing new.
Mar 11, 2024 15 tweets 4 min read
An analysis of patent 060606


We could talk about self-fulfilling prophecies and the Mark of the Beast.

But let's stick to what is already out there... Image [1] Where the crypto is mined by watching ads and when the ad has been registered as received, the user will receive a crypto payment.

Also, when given a task body activity data is recorded as the task is completed and the user will again be paid in crypto.
Mar 8, 2024 12 tweets 4 min read
The Illuminati, witchcraft and the occult.


They are characterized by a hatred of Christianity. The rites of initiation of Freemasonry and Witchcraft are identical except the initiate in Witchcraft is naked and his wrist is cut. Image [1] The Rothschild family is at the head of the Illuminati - they are the Illuminati Holy Trinity combined, with the Pope thrown in.

The capstone will be placed on the pyramid when a Rothschild becomes the Messiah or anti-Christ. Image
Feb 29, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
Shouldn't this be big ?


A heck of a lot of researchers are finding that vaccinated people are putting out MAC addresses, they are even coming out of graves...

robscholtemuseum.nl/dr-luis-de-ben… [1] Double-blind experiments prove that this is a phenomenon, which is easily checkable with an Android phone...

But even the most jaded conspiracy sites do not want to touch it with a barge pole.

How is this not up there with UFOs and Bigfoot ?

Feb 22, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Surprised ? 🥴


We shouldn’t be surprised at things such as ‘cyberattacks’ or internet outages occurring. Image [1] They’ve been foreshadowing a major blackout for years now.

Specifically with the release of the film “Leave the World Behind”.

“No internet, no phones, no going back to normal”. Image
Feb 21, 2024 21 tweets 5 min read
Ritual Sacrifice and Why it’s Used…


I urge you all to deepen your understanding of the tactics used to maintain control & sow division among us. Image [1] A critical aspect of this strategy involves the orchestrated semblance of internal conflict.

Moreover, the utilization of ritual sacrifice can also serve a similar purpose.
Feb 21, 2024 14 tweets 5 min read
The Number 13


The number “13” is considered an unlucky number— in the Bible it’s the number of rebellion & lawlessness.

Part of the reason I believe it’s become prevalent is because of the period of time we’re living in… Image [1] Revelation 13 (Red Dragon & AC) [Dragon Year].

Superb Owl 58 (5+8=13)

TSwift favorite Number…
Feb 19, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
The Matrix is here...


Assuming that most of us have seen the movie "The Matrix" so I won't go into what it's about.

AI has made some incredible advancements in the last few months. We now have the ability to create AI created videos based on text inputs. Image [1] Let's start with the first iteration of this ability.

If you get freaked out by weird things, it might be a good idea to skip this first video, just a warning.

Dec 21, 2023 16 tweets 6 min read
The JASON society/JASON Defense Advisory Panel Reports.


Also known as the Jason Society, the Jason Scholars is apparently affiliated with the Illuminati. (What secret society isn't these days, right?) Image [1] President Eisenhower supposedly started this society.

The name Jason is derived from the story of "Jason and the Golden Fleece".

Oh, and I just read that when referring to this secret society the name "Jason" is supposed to be in all capital letters. Image
Dec 20, 2023 18 tweets 5 min read
'The Great Taking'


I'm often here on this site [X] complaining about the plans of the elite, to subjugate us under a control system which totally removes personal agency in terms of how we are able to interact with the world. Image [1] They plan ULEZ zones, 15 minute cities, a diet of insects for our kids, central bank digital currencies, and so on.

That last one - central bank digital currencies (#CBDCs) is what I want to focus on primarily in this thread. Image
Dec 19, 2023 25 tweets 6 min read
Conspiracy Against Santa


Well we have probably all feared this in our own ways, as the economy lingers in the doldrums and the banks run roughshod over the governments manipulating their national debt... Image [1] A handful of wealthy royals, nobles, patricians and priests march us to a New World Order...

As the legislature bodies of the world formulate law after law to regulate everything from the clothes we wear to the food we eat - Image