A Pan-Africanist Entrepreneur, International Justice, Racial Justice & Development Governance Enthusiast .Tweets are personal views,opinions & politics.
Feb 1, 2024 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
#LetFreedomSing The late Apostle Charles Chiriseri was fond of saying to Wilfred Mhanda ( Dzinotya Machingura , "Cde.Dzino") , @nthankomoz ,and I , "The seed for the destruction of anything born out of rebellion,grievous ambition, and malice ,is always in the very thing itself"
#LetFreedomSing We were learning to work with faith based organisations in our Advocacy initiatives on Zimbabwe and a few clergy from the ZCC,CBC,and EFZ, realised our need for subtle schooling in how to navigate this fraught and sensitive space of power , influence and interests
Jan 3, 2024 • 18 tweets • 3 min read
#LetFreedomSing Let me repeat here stuff that I shared in 2015: 1. Seasoned military, business,organisational development,and turnaround strategists All agree that HOPE is neither a method nor a strategy 2. Yet HOPE is essential for the start and sustainability of most things
#LetFreedomSing Be restassuared that there are many things in this world that require skill , practice, and disciplined strategic engagement. You cannot address them through anecdotes and positive thinking only
May 13, 2023 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
#LetFreedomSing Toxic& false Anti-Imperial/ Anti-colonial Rhetoric:- 1. You compensate or give back land to white farmers, which you took under the guise of anti-colonial struggle 2. You actually about being a guest at former Colonial Power's Queen's funeral&King's coronation ?
#LetFreedomSing 3. After years of calling your political opposition @TonyBlair puppets ,you splash and celebrate meeting with the same @TonyBlair as a huge diplomatic coup or achievement? 4. You reverse your own indigenisation policy& replace it with #GoldMafia or Chrome,Lithium
May 11, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
#LetFreedomSing It is not necessary to shout at a child or beat them in order to communicate effectively. The fact that some people believe that only abusive words and violence achieve positive reaction explains why certain folks cannot communicate respectfully on these streets
#LetFreedomSing We do not need a therapist to prove that you have trauma , anger and insecurity issues accumulated over years .....All we need to do on these streets is to read your vitriol , dehumanising Rhetoric and utter disrespect of those that disagree with or opposed you
Dec 31, 2022 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
#LetFreedomSing We committed and continue to replicate a fundamental strategic&political error , that of constantly politicising the public service and public administration.Making Public Administration Party partisan breeds corruption and power struggles that Admin cannot solve
#LetFreedomSing In trying to deracialise the Public Administration soon after Independence or post-Apartheid, we forget the twin dangers of class , ethnic and elite capture ....as well de-professionalisation . A less professional or more partisan public service is pre-occupied
Dec 31, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
#LetFreedomSing Our continent- AFRICA- is faced with many challenges as a result of years of pillage ,plunder impoverishment& dehumanisation by Chattel enSlavers, Colonialism, Imperialism, neo-colonialism,Ignorance, Indifference&greed. These are all worsened by bad leadership
#LetFreedomSing Talking about Africa requires constant& balanced nuancing,e.g.: 1. Slavery,Colonialism& African Leader's greed, corruption,incompetence & indifference 2. Ruling party excesses & failures versus opposition shortcomings 3. Poverty versus opportunity & innovation