How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App no: you don’t just get to say that you regret using the term: this really is not simply about the use of terms. It is about bad policies that have destroyed lives. Remember this, for example?…… focus of far right and right-wing populists which means others will seek to pander to what they demand. The rise of the AfD in Germany can partly be attributed to this, but instead of standing up to that, the CDU keeps drawing on the same anti-climate populism to try … the Holocaust in this way and conflating Nazism with feeling pride in one’s country—it is as ahistorical as it is shameful. language we have heard from this Govt, no matter how many times they claim otherwise, is not dissimilar in some ways to that used in 1930s Germany. So while we need to be mindful of the specific contexts of 1930s Germany and should not draw direct parallels with today, …