Tanya Compas Profile picture
Avoiding burnout• founder of @existloudlyuk • resting until further notice
Mar 19, 2021 15 tweets 4 min read
Pride in London have been quiet for DAYS. Where are y’all hiding? I want to emphasise as well that the issues highlighted with Pride in London are not isolated. They’re reflective of the way some of your fave white led LGBTQ+ orgs treat Black and POC staff too xoxox
Mar 18, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
I’m working with @StepChange again to film a video answering any questions you have on managing/dealing with debt. I’ll be working with the team to give you answers from the professionals, ask any questions you have reply here or answer on my IG stories! instagram.com/stories/tanyac… I did a video about my own experiences with debt last year and a lot of my followers referred themselves to their services last year! So I’m really happy to be doing more work with them to raise awareness about their services because there is so much fear & shame around debt
Jun 2, 2020 19 tweets 8 min read
I’m calling upon community and allies to donate to the ‘Exist Loudly Fund’ I am fundraising £10,000 to support Queer Black Young people here in the UK, both online and in person.

Please share and donate whatever you can gf.me/u/x6k7uu Image Some more info on how the money will be used to support Queer Black Young people in the UK.

Please donate and share with your networks!

gf.me/u/x6k7uu Image
Feb 28, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
This is my issue with volunteer tourism and poverty porn. You do this work because YOU want to make it look like YOU are a good person and the work, whilst it may help people, is centred around you, your ego and your white saviour complex I volunteered in Peru when I was 18 in a rural orphanage for a year,we frequently had groups of YT people come over to “help” when In fact the work that they did caused more harm then good.Unskilled people would come to ‘build’ structures but would do it wrong