Kanishka_Gorky Profile picture
Studying History, Politics & Literature of Russia & the Soviet Union Republic of Buddha, Vivekananda, Bhagat Singh
Kanishka_Gorky Profile picture 1 subscribed
May 12 29 tweets 5 min read
Sankara distinguishes witnessing consciousness from the mind, mental qualities, & cognitive modes. Consciousness is not an emergent property of the brain & body, (inert coarse matter) because that which is inert cannot give rise to sentience.

plato.stanford.edu/entries/shanka… Yet the witness is not itself a meta-function of the mind, such as an inner sense, a higher-order cognition, or an introspective awareness. The witness is not a separate substantial entity at all but simply the passive witnessing itself.
Aug 13, 2019 6 tweets 3 min read
Ajit Singh (Uncle of Bhagat Singh) & his elder brother, Sardar Kishen Singh(Father of Bhagat Singh) formed the Bharat Mata Society & monthly Journal in Lahore, hoping to arouse the public against British rule in India in the Punjab. born at Khatkarkalan village in Jalandhar,he also launched a newspaper,the Peshwa, with Sufi Amba Prasad as its editor.Fearing prosecution for an article in the Peshwa, Ajit Singh escaped to Persia in 1908.Ajit Singh proceeded to Turkey via Russia where he met Mustafa Kamal Pasha