Jack Hughes Profile picture
Assistant Principal - Behaviour, Ethos & Inclusion and DDSL. | Former HoPE & HoY. | MEd - Pedagogical Leadership.
Jun 10 20 tweets 3 min read
Ran CPD on positive framing for pupils with ADHD today.

Here’s my take on supporting pupils with ADHD in the classroom, from an adult with ADHD ⬇️🧵 We started by understanding what ADHD is, the symptoms of ADHD, the impact on a person with ADHD and the impact it has on their learning.
Jun 8 13 tweets 2 min read
Someone told me recently that I’m ‘too nice to run behaviour” and “if you’re not hated then you’re not doing it right”.

Here’s why you don’t have to be a monster to lead behaviour ⬇️🧵 1) Behaviour is about setting high expectations.

Pupils need to know your expectations and they need to continually be refreshed and revisited.

Pupils that don’t meet your expectations need a swift sanction followed by support in meeting them next time.
Jan 7 11 tweets 2 min read
I ran CPD on our Spring 1 Culture Priorities and ‘the impact of Restorative Practice on behaviour’ last week 🧵

1) The importance of RP
2) The why & overall impact.
3) How to effectively complete RP.
4) Why we do not call it ‘Restorative Justice’. 1) Restorative Practice is a key feature of behaviour management.
- Sanctions provide the consequences needed for action.
- Restoratives reduce the long lasting impact of those actions and reduce the chances of it happening again.
Nov 14, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
Ran CPD on consistent application of behaviour systems and de-escalation yesterday 🧵

It stemmed from our commitment to Steplab and learning walks as SLT, as well as pupil voice.

Here’s a breakdown: 1) Consistency doesn’t *just* have an impact on your lesson, it impacts every lesson the pupils have

2) Consistency reduces the likelihood of negative behaviours occurring in your lesson as routines are embedded

3) Increases the learning for all pupils, especially SEND pupils