Brian McMillen MD Profile picture
Staff Pathologist, Rhode Island Hospital and Newport Hospital. Assistant professor, @Brownmedicine. Views are my own; cases are from study sets.
Oct 12, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
#Breastpath 101, part 2

“DCIS versus LCIS: What’s in a name, anyway?”
@israhkhan @ADamronMD @Chucktowndoc @samyra_md @CollinsLauraC @TeamCaptainJohn @sarah_glogowski @jennpincus @LizaMQuintana @GuzmanArocho @JMGardnerMD @smlungpathguy @TheKarenPinto @ariella8 @IHC_guy @RoncinMD Image Let’s start with a simplified diagram of the breast ductal-lobular system:

@WKemp_MT_FPDoc @KMirza @vhnguyenmd @cjvand @ALBoothMD @MAHoureih Image
Aug 23, 2020 5 tweets 6 min read

1. Some basics of breast anatomy/histology, with broccoli, for those starting out.

Thanks to Mrs. @Teclis82 for donating part of dinner (reluctantly) for science.

@ariella8 @ADamronMD @TheKarenPinto @LizaMQuintana @RoncinMD @dr_MPrieto @TxicMegacolon 2. A cruciferous conception of the breast ductal/lobular system:

Each large branch (colored lines), along with its ramifications, defines a breast lobe. Conceptually important, but not easily identifiable anatomically.
Jun 28, 2020 13 tweets 7 min read
1. #Breastpath Hey all, myofibroblastomas are really sweet. Let’s learn about them. @ADamronMD @TheKarenPinto @KRoSlideReview @Chucktowndoc @jennpincus @LizaMQuintana @drkennethtang @dr_MPrieto 2. Clinical: Uncommon tumors. Well circumscribed, may slowly enlarge over time. Size usu. up to 4cm. Historically (and on boards/RISE exams presently)more common in men, but now seem to occur equally in men and women.
Jun 10, 2020 11 tweets 6 min read
So many great tutorials lately, I’ll contribute this review on some prostate cancer basics.
Prostate cancer 101
Random section from a prostatectomy for cancer.
@slusagar @TheKarenPinto @Williamson_SR @ariella8 @MELanocyteMD @TedFarMD @mhassanaimc 2. Slightly higher power, ill address each of the circled areas.