How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App Rajapaksa didn't come up with his fertilizer ban out of the blue to deal with his exchange rate policies. He proposed a ten year transition to fully organic agriculture in his presidential campaign, well before the pandemic. This guy could buy a trunk full of corticosteriods, EPO, and testosterone, have his wife drive it around France, and finish 3rd in Tour De France. (They were for his mother-in-law).… All three have been deeply involved in blocking NY gas production, closing largest nuclear plant, and peddling fantasy that state could instead meet all energy needs with wind and solar. That is why they are eco-celebrities. Because they tell enviros what they want to hear. First, use worst case assumptions through out the analysis. 3.5% upstream leakage versus 1.5 - 2.5% that characterize vast majority of studies. "analytical error" to which Bill refers is that Moniz has accurately represented the balance of evidence, which shows a) methane leaks reduce but do not remotely eliminate the benefits of shift from coal to gas. As @hausfath demonstrated last year.…