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Apr 27 4 tweets 1 min read
Women used to dealing with men who are always trying to prove their worth to them, don’t know how to be unannoying to men with nothing to prove to them.

They’re so used to getting to choose, that they haven’t actually developed the elegance necessary to get a man to choose them. I can always tell when a woman who’s used to men trying to prove their worth to her is trying to get me to prove my worth to her

But what she fails to understand is:

I don’t give a shit what she thinks

It’s an affront to me she thinks she’s so above me she gets to test me

Apr 9 4 tweets 2 min read
The very dirty and messy work of being a man is having to be mean and punishing and villainous sometimes, BECAUSE IF WE ARE NOT we'll get treated like subhuman garbage and so merely to be afforded even a basic level of respect we have to teach you to fear us so you treat us well. Exceptions notwithstanding, the vast majority of people seem to be incapable of treating men well if they do not possess an element of fear in regards to that man, as in, an acknowledgement of his destructive capacity/threat potential and a desire not to be on the receiving end of it.

Awareness of this capacity is the basis for all rudimentary respect and civil behaviour, and guides one's conduct towards him going forward. The absence of a dangerous element, or the belief it is not there leads to repeated violations of said man's dignity by the unafraid, who in its absence perceived or otherwise takes that to mean he is prey and thus exploitable and expendable.

If you are a man dealing with women or children this is especially true (due to their immaturity and dependence) and if you're dealing with low IQs it is likewise amplified because the stupid are best persuaded by aggression they can feel rather than reason they struggle to grasp.
Apr 3 7 tweets 4 min read
Let’s play a little game. Forget the fact none of these people are real. There are five women. Look at the faces of each woman. Identify the most wholesome woman of the five based on facial analysis alone. Note: there *IS* a correct answer. I may or may not reveal the answer. Image I will give you a vague hint

A lot of you keep saying the same thing and I can see why you would say that

But it’s wrong
Dec 8, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
Society needs marriage, but it also needs to structurally bias marriage in men's favour by ensuring they don't waive their rights by agreeing to it, because without legal protections for them it's all downside, no upside. You are signing yourself up to be asset stripped and humiliated under the current system. You will reproduce, yes, but your legacy will be in shambles because you weren't given scope to properly govern what you were trying to build.

Female fickleness and infidelity should carry a heavy social and legal penalty, to the point engaging in such behaviour is so undesirable to them that they don't engage in it. If they can get away with being shitty human beings, they will be. If a woman knows she will get to keep her children and a fat pay out on top, she is more than happy to fuck over her husband rather than try to work with him if she becomes displeased with him.

Women who don't have religious faith, community pressure or legal penalties for being terrible people will continue to be terrible people, and western women have demonstrated this reality for the past few decades. This is why our families are the weakest they've ever been, and we are more socially atomised than we've ever been - in failing to adequately discipline women and require they sacrifice anything for their families - we've sacrificed the very institution of family itself to their neuroticism, estrogen and capriciousness.

Anyone with sense knows we cannot rely on or simply trust women to behave themselves and be good moral people because they're sweet and lovely. They need guard rails, boundaries and consequences - like a child - or they will act in heinous ways.

The powers that be know this, but for some reason seem intent on sabotaging our societies with rules and cultural norms that lower our birth rate and ability to maintain ourselves whilst replacing us with foreigners who hate us for the actions of our ancestors, so our only options now are to navigate this toxic environment by only marrying outlier women because the vast majority of women are unmarriageable, or moving to a jurisdiction where men are still respected and will have their authority backed by the system and culture there - whether that means marrying a foreign woman in her lands and staying there or taking a western woman to a more traditional jurisdiction is down to personal preference.
It's normal and natural to want to stay in your land of birth and have an affection for your home culture no matter how flawed it is. Most people don't want to leave and travel elsewhere, learn a new culture, new language and be an outsider.

But the system is against you here.
Nov 24, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Clever men are unattractive to women if they're not ruthless, courageous and quintessentially masculine in all the ways that come naturally to the brute in much the same way clever women are unattractive to men if they allow their smarts to make them coarse, wilful and inelegant. High IQ men are less likely to be masculine and high IQ women are less likely to be feminine because their greater cognitive ability gives scope for the expression of traits the opposite sex detests.

Women don't care for nerdiness, and men don't care for immodesty and arrogance.
Nov 21, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
We live in a society that complains men aren't masculine enough after creating an environment that is actively hostile towards it, but then insists anyone who can actually help with the issue is toxic because it cannot face the truths that threaten its fragile sensibilities. The church failed in this matter
The schools failed in this matter
Millions of single mothers failed in this matter

All of them complain men aren't good enough and are quick to tell you what is toxic and wrong, despite the fact none of them are actually any good at making men.
Aug 25, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
People who lack self-awareness have opinions and beliefs which reflect their sentiments rather than the reality of how things work.

They tell you what they believe, but what they believe’s false and thus misleading.

It’s for this reason I disregard almost all women’s opinions. She can believe what she’s saying wholeheartedly, but it doesn’t make her any less wrong.

Level of passion is not level of accuracy.

If a man is to lead he must be wise enough to know when he is being petitioned by the passions of a fool so their rhetoric does not mislead him.
Aug 20, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Other than attaining high testosterone levels, I believe the next biggest lifehack for a man is being able to make money without an employer.

That means being an independent contractor, your own boss, your own hustle, making a living by selling and cooperating but not obeying. Allow me to go into more detail with this.
Aug 5, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Evil always triumphs over good because it's willing to do things good won't do in order to get its way.

If you think this world is fair, moral, just or correct - you're delusional and wrong.

The only justice we have are those who can be evil directing that evil at other evil. Literally, your definition of a good guy is just an evil guy who only hurts other evil guys and leaves innocents alone.

That's it.

Literally that simple.

The line is that thin.
Jul 28, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Women's whining tries to psy-op the population into believing most men are manipulative abusers.

But most men are less manipulative and ruthless than women.

But women ignore those men and go for the arrogant manipulative ones.

They do it to themselves because they're retarded. They ignore the vast majority of men, and all share a same specific type THAT'S BAD FOR THEM - then act like that's all that exists

But then tell a man who's complaining about an average woman he just chose the wrong woman and shouldn't generalise

It's breathtakingly hilarious.
Jul 24, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Women will be in fully fledged relationships with men in their head who haven't even committed to them, whilst being mentally checked out of relationships they are in long before they actually end.

Her level of attachment to you doesn't care about your boundaries. This is why some of the men they speak about from their past weren't even boyfriends. As in, she had zero status or title. They are just men she had strong emotional attachments to

To a woman's mind, strong emotional attachment = "we are a thing"

Even if they weren't or aren't.
Jun 29, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Less mature people are liabilities who need to be managed to prevent them from self-destructing and causing second/third order problems.

This means:

-Any low IQs in your family
-Women in your family
-Obviously children
-Any narcissists

Immature = chaotic and needs leadership. Low IQ men and narcissistic men should not be allowed into positions of leadership within any structure, especially the family, and do untold harm to their subordinates when given an order bringing position of responsibility due to their inherently chaotic and unstable natures.
Jun 13, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
The smarter and less self-absorbed you are, the better able you are to communicate your needs and understand the needs of others.

The dumber and more self-absorbed you are, the more you believe people who don't just magically get you are stupid even though you don't get them. With the self-absorbed there's an expectation others should get them without them having to explain, even though they don't understand others and often don't even care to despite claiming they do and being unable to prove it.

Basically, solipsism and low IQ cause empathy issues.
Jun 13, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
@LifeMathMoney Now she has to live the rest of her days knowing the consequences of her sluttery resulted in her son's suicide, of course, if she's like most women she'll cope by deflecting the blame elsewhere because she wouldn't be able to live with herself if she accepted the truth. @LifeMathMoney The masculine response is to hate yourself for your error and use that hate to transcend everything else you hate about yourself and become a better man.

The feminine response is to eternally avoid the topic and live in a delusional not my fault bubble.

Is why they stay losing.
Jun 10, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Thoughtful disagreement is an act of respect, because it means they care enough about you to spend their time cognitively toiling to expend the fruits of their thinking earnestly explaining why they think you're wrong.

The disrespectful would mock and the apathetic would ignore. I will be honest in admitting that with each passing year I become less generous in my willingness to explain, and more thrifty with who I spend my mental efforts on. I won't waste time on the unproven unless they show potential, and it's rare I think someone has potential.
Jun 6, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
A woman has to decide whether she's going to partner up with a man and be the best housewife she can be so she will get provided for OR accept she will be working long hours and grinding corporate for the rest of her life. Failure to be good at either is what results in poverty. Now of course some insecure woman with trust issues is going to come along and say "what if I'm a good wife and he leaves me anyway"

You're missing the point. Corporate can fire you and make life hard too. The point is you have to pick a path, specialise in it and be good at it.
May 27, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The paradox of women is most are inherently manipulative despite being easily manipulated. Most young men aren't cunning, but are easily manipulated by women. Cunning doesn't come to men as naturally as it does women, but it's more dangerous on them because they're more logical. It's very important for men to hone their cunning, because to be a good leader that can maintain order requires it. Otherwise you end up getting puppeteered by your subordinates, also known colloquially as "backseat driving" and "topping from the bottom".
May 24, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Never apologise to people who don't respect you, because they see your guilt as an opportunity for exploitation. They'll just parse your apology as a vulnerability signal and leverage it to make even crazier demands because you're not feared enough for them to appreciate it. Nobody sees a weak guy apologise and goes, oh well I appreciate you saying that and feel much better now, thank you very much.

No. It's never good enough. They get horny and smell blood in the water. You trigger their predatoriness because they think they have you on the ropes.
May 2, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
The wind on your face, the ability to go anywhere, freedom only remains freedom for as long as you can handle it - for once all semblance of order breaks down it becomes chaos, and chaos can be fun at first, but when it becomes your prison, you become disordered, stagnant, stuck. Freedom, like money, is an easy sell - everybody wants lots of it, but few would be able to handle too much without destroying themselves.

Blinded by ignorance they see only the benefits, not the costs.

They do not equate freedom with self-discipline and accountability.
Apr 28, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
If you give your word, even in a small way, and you keep it - you will genuinely impress people, even though what you said you would do and actually did is just a small thing. Why? Because most people are undisciplined and break their word. Keeping your word is aristocratic. The power of the one who keeps their word is that people view them as credible. The price of enjoying that credibility is doing what you said you would and seeing it through to the end no matter how inconvenient, unprofitable or painful it becomes should circumstances change.
Apr 27, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Most women ignore good advice communicated harshly, but take bad advice communicated softly because like their genitals, their mind is not penetrative - they only see the surface and judge it based on how it makes them feel, instead of ignoring that and analysing what was said. This, rather annoyingly, makes them easy to mislead, but difficult to teach.

Because when you try to teach them, they constantly offer resistance to the stream of uncomfortable truths that come their way, yet try to deceive them, and they eat up the flattery like a hungry dog.