Terence Phayre Knott MC Profile picture
28 years Commandos, NHS, business U.K./Spain. CEO charity assistance dogs f/ disabled. Retired France Anti Brexit, FBPE; support True & Fair party
Nov 21, 2020 6 tweets 5 min read
So a defiant British first Minister has been sitting on a high level and critical report, of his own Home Secretary, @pritipatel , who currently holds for better or worse, one of the three premier posts in the U.K. government.
He has sat on it for SIX MONTHS, knowing that his 1/6 own senior official, Sir ALEX Allan, has asserted that Patel has demonstrated the traits of a bully, not once, but several times, in THREE different jobs (not to mention being sacked by him for lying.....oh boy, pot and kettle).
Johnson tried, himself, to effectively bully
Nov 20, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
Breaking News
Government sadist says she “unintentionally” bullied civil servant into writing report on her gentle treatment of him and other civil servants who ,of their own free will,admitted they had not complained of being shouted and sworn at
A spokes-victim said “it was 1/4 ENTIRELY our fault. We were admittedly afraid of accusations of racism, but nevertheless we should have put our jobs and necks on the line. We unreservedly apologise.
We are extremely grateful that the Prime Minister, His Holiness St Johnston, took careful consideration, over 2/4
Nov 20, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
Here, right at the heart of the U.K. Tory government, is another blot on the landscape. Someone who should typify the Law of the land, as the Head of the Department responsible for setting and enforcing British Laws. Someone who, like Caesar’s Wife, should be above reproach! 1/3 But will she step down, or be directed to resign, by Johnson, as the leader of a bunch of bullies, liars, cheats and incompetents⁉️
Unlikely, as he has sat on this report, hoping it would not be leaked; like the infamous Russia Report
The Report on #BullyPatel apparently says 2/3
Oct 27, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
You are indeed correct and I stand partially corrected!
The confusion lies in trying to encapsulate a very emotive & complicated subject on our beloved Twitter.
The roots of today’s EU rest in the 1950s and 60s. At that time, unlike today, the nation was divided (heavy irony)
1/4 Depending upon your point of view, Britain was involved, directly and/indirectly, as the EEC evolved and we chose to join the EU in 1973; and then with the Tories re-elected, the first referendum in 1975 confirmed this.
By then the broad outline of the fisheries policy 2/4
Oct 25, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
You only have to look at Lord Digby Jones, Ex CBI, to see how he as suffered since he stepped down, post supporting Leave and Brexit
Flesh has stripped from his bones, worry lines have cut in, as the awful truth has sunk home ...
His proud boast that “not a job will be lost”
1/3 But the truth is there for all to see, as @YorksBylines continues it’s harrowing task of listing all the jobs being lost to the EU
Sep 26, 2019 15 tweets 6 min read
In the middle of the night, great truths are sometimes thrust upon us.
For months now, we have seen the culmination of years of divisive ideas. Those who prefer to crawl into the hole, that is Little England (and Scotland, Wales & Ireland), cutting ourselves off willingly 1/15 from the rest of the world. “We can go alone, we did it before”....blah, blah.
And those who prefer to look at wider perspective of Europe, our nearest neighbours & world at large, aligning ourselves, with our local 500 million power bloc, pushing out GDP of 19.7 trillion pa
Aug 25, 2019 5 tweets 3 min read
Hi Mark,
We had at the height of the “Troubles”, thousands of troops in the Province (the in-word for N Ireland); plus thousands more of local troops and police, all armed. We had helicopters, sensors, armoured cars - I was responsible for County Fermanagh and I had 1,000 men 1/4 plus armoured cars and two helicopters outside my fortified base at Inniskillen.
In spite of all our 24/7 efforts and hard won intelligence, we barely kept the lid on. The locals crossed the border, whenever and wherever they liked, as we strove to intercept them.
If we 2/4