How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App was quick to disseminate his talking points about the prima facie case they needed to present at the TCPA stage. He told them that Vic would only have to state under oath that he didn't do the things in the allegedly defamatory statements, and then the burden would shift. be fair, Horikawa comes to the US more than any other Japanese DB seiyuu by far. Only a few of them speak English well enough to make it relatively headache-free, and he is one of them. I hear Nakao has better English than Horikawa, though. case you didn't notice, in the above tweet, the entire doc is linked, c/o @questauthority. don't do this from whatever fans might have been looking forward to my panel, I only feel obligated to apologize to one person: @EmperorBigD. Speaking only for myself, he really does not deserve to be put in this position. He went to bat for me, and now I feel like I am betraying him.