Ryan Denton Profile picture
Preacher, church planter, writer: RHB, Founders, DesiringGod, Confessional Presbyterian, Ref21, etc; ThM (PRTS); Presbyterian
Oct 7, 2023 17 tweets 6 min read
Why the popular, hard-line/hyper-cessationism doesn’t do justice to the Reformed tradition. 🧵 Image 1

“Reformed tradition repeatedly stress the completeness and sufficiency of Scripture. They show an appreciation for discursive processes for deriving conclusions from Scripture. Yet we also find testimony to extraordinary works of the Spirit of a nondiscursive kind.” Poythress
Sep 27, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Why it’s time to bring back the robe 🧵 Image 1. Every Sunday, ministers make a conscientious decision on how they'll present themselves to the church. This could mean skinny jeans & t shirt; business suit/tie; rolled up sleeves & tattoos; Hawaiian shirt & flip flops; NFL jerseys; or dress shirt and slacks.
Jul 27, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
Why paedocommunion is unbiblical, unwise, and not Reformed. 🧵 Baptism vs. Lord’s Supper

Baptism is passive: “be baptized,” meaning something done to the recipient. Baptism is sign of initiation into church; God’s promise to us

Lord’s Supper is active: take & eat; examine; do this “in remembrance.” Calvin: requires “the mouth of faith”

Mar 24, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
🧵 Part 2: why I went from 1689 to WCF; from baptist to presby; from credo to paedobaptism. (See part 1 from last week)

Still love my 1689 brothers & would go to war w/them any day of the week.🔥😤👊🧨But the WCF is simply more consistent. Jer 31:31: "new" means "a new iteration of something previously existing."

There are options Jer could've used: brand new, etc. He picks the word that means an updated version, a better version. NOT brand new. Same thing in Hebrews.

1 covenant of grace; 2 administrations
Mar 17, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
🧵on why I went from 1689 to 1646; from baptist to presby; from credo to paedobaptism…

If you’re not a presby when you reach the other end, are you really being honest😤Love my Baptist brothers👊 1

God works in households; this is the general paradigm…

1. Noah’s family spared bc of his faith
2. God tells Abraham He will be God to him & his seed
3. Passover: whole family is spared by faith of one person applying blood to doorpost
4. Rehab’s family spared bc of her faith