How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App that 1) above is just 2) with an additional step. it was a reasonable stance for them to take. But in the event it was incorrect, and it is not now the responsibility of the people they conspired against to forego their own strategic calculations of the national interest. Traffic does not always run one way. is why hatred of Jews, hatred of white people, hatred of men, etc. are not separable as issues. The patterns we see now are very much characteristic of historical anti-semitism, but those patterns became institutionalized by choosing more politically acceptable targets.’s easy to believe when you’re comparing an idealized migrant to the worst assumptions you harbor about your domestic enemies; less so when comparing actual human beings, their needs and strengths and frailties, against all of your most cherished assumptions about yourself. excuse of this kind is an attempt to set up an unchallengeable source of absolute authority that people must pay deference to, no matter the cost. Science, God, the state, “progress,” a book, the nation, men cycle through justifications, but the same impulse remains below. act of dismissing any ideas or perspectives that you don’t value as inherently untruthful is itself an almost textbook definition of bad faith; and there it is right in the dead center of a defense of “the science.” can’t join the military because Our Kind Doesn’t Do that, and you won’t become a firefighter because there are class expectations around education, but you can tell yourself almost often enough to believe it that you proved something by living in a gritty, tough city. is not, ultimately, a negative on women in general- of course women are going to compete with women, as men compete with men (albeit in different ways). The problem is that we’ve elevated contempt, disgust, and lack of interest in each other as values to aspire to. also require them to carry the cost of your strategic ambiguity, both in being required to identify as “racist” by acknowledging your “real” meaning, and also of having to accept the risk of you changing mid-stream and deciding that actually you do mean “abolish.” Kennedy, the last living link to Kennedy myth, died in office 14 years ago in 2009; it feels like 40. The last nationally elected Kennedy left office two years later in 2011, to little real notice. Generations have grown old since “The Kennedys” were a political focal point.