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Twitter site of The Ancient World Podcast. Latest series “TAW – Carchemish” tracing the life and death of the Neo-Hittite kingdoms. #BLM +++DESTROY TRUMPISM+++
Jun 10, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
Monestaries & nunneries at Meteora*, Greece

* “suspended between the earth and sky”, same origin as the word “meteor”

Photo 🧵 ImageImageImage Monestaries and nunneries at Meteora, Greece ImageImageImage
Jun 8, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Other pieces that caught my eye from the ancient Macedonian capital of Pella, on display in the site museum.

Short photo🧵 ImageImageImage Ancient Macedonian pieces from the Pella site museum. ImageImageImage
Jan 19, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
The real reason I went to the Galleria Borghese. Look at this bust. It looks like none other in any Roman collection I’ve seen. And we may have some insight into the reason why.

Short 🧵 Why does this Roman nobleman have a man-bun, top-knotted in a contemporary Indian style? (2/x)
Jan 19, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
More assorted loveliness on display at the Galleria Borghese, Rome

Photo 🧵 ImageImageImage Galleria Borghese, Rome ImageImageImage
Dec 21, 2022 12 tweets 9 min read
It's quite rare that I am able to show you something that I'm 99.9% sure that none of you have ever seen before (with the possible exception of @ItaliaStoria)

But it's the case today :)

In the town of Gambatesa, Molise, Italy, there sits a lovely medieval castle (1/x)

A 🧵 The original castle was built in the late 13th century by Riccardo di Pietravalle, whose physical defect (a stiff leg) gave the town its name (Gambatesa).

In the 15th and 16th centuries, the castle came under control of the di Capua family, who greatly embellished it.

Jun 8, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
A lot of you know this story, but why was the massive head of a statue of the Roman Emperor Augustus found under the steps of a temple in Meroe, Sudan? Well, as it happens, it was put there by a Nubian warrior Queen (1/x) Around 25 BC (only 5 years after the deaths of Marc Antony and Cleopatra), Augustus ordered his Egyptian prefect, Aelius Gallus, to launch an expedition to southern Arabia - then known as "Arabia Felix". (2/x)
May 20, 2019 16 tweets 4 min read
My face after last night's GoT ;) Yes I know it's "just a show." No, I wouldn't "be upset no matter how it ended." For (my) fun, here's an abbreviated list of the countless dumb things from last night's Season Finale.


Thread 1. How did Tyrion know what Danerys said in her speech? They just established last Ep he barely spoke the language.
2. Really nice for Brianne to write nice things about Jamie, then CLOSE THE BOOK ON WET INK.