Christopher Moore Profile picture
Satire is my business. NY Times bestselling author. Here to the end. Mastadon: Instagram: theauthorguy
Mar 19, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
I would add to the Free Speech dialogue today based on the NY Times Board Editorial:… (Sorry if you can't access it, I guess it's not free.) The Problem, as the NY Times frames it, is that people are not free from criticism for what they say. What the Times does not say, is the reason they are uncomfortable, is they are hearing from those who never had a voice before. Social media, for all it's flaws, and OMG there are tons, gives people a chance to respond instantly and en masse to speech.
Feb 10, 2021 15 tweets 3 min read
I'm increasingly concerned by analysis of the MAGA crowd resenting "coastal elites" because they control culture - art & entertainment. I think it's a valid observation, but I wonder if it's a harbinger of the cultural revolutions we saw in China and Laos. I'm not being alarmist, I'm genuinely concerned. Most artists and writers I know, and I know of, are from working class backgrounds. One of the reasons I left the industrial Midwest at 19 is so many people told me, "You can't be that. You can't do that."
Sep 21, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
A thread, just a little thinking out loud. So,on October 22nd all the companies developing COVID19 vaccines that are in stage 3 trails will meet with Govt. officials (I think the FDA) and report their data to date. If there is vaccine that seems to work, there will be no way 1/10 --they will know of any long term side effects, or truly the efficacy of the vaccine, BUT if something looks promising, and the Trump administration needs to announce a win, they may order emergency approval by the FDA to distribute the vaccine to the public. There is no way 2/10
Oct 25, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read

the musical

George and KellyAnne Conway

book by @kbeninato

It's Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf with
more singing and violence.

Now, we just need twenty songs:
I'll start,
When I Taste The Oranges of Our Love
Now you: @kbeninato No. No.
When They Taste The Bitter Oranges of Our Love (duet, describing them horrifying the younger couple in the room)
Aug 24, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
Okay, back from Wikipedia after looking up the Emergency Economic Powers Act of 1977, which Trump cites as giving him the power to tell American companies to "buy things made in the USA." First, he has to declare a national emergency which originated outside the US. Then, precedent is, he can attach or freeze assets of a foreign nation. Of course, yesterday, Stephen Miller was "promoted" to the White House Counsel's office, which means that Pee Wee Hitler is interpreting law in his own way, which is,
Jan 6, 2018 14 tweets 3 min read
<Thread> Is there a thing in politics called "compressed perspective?" If not, let me coin that. Bear with me. In photography (and other optics) if you are far away from an object, and there's another object, yet father from that, viewed through a long lens -- 2 -- the two objects, while not close to each other at all, will appear to be close to each other, almost on the same plane. Compressed perspective. The farther you are from those two objects, the closer they will appear together.