The Black Horse Profile picture
The third horsemen of the Apocalypse; Selective Computer-Game Journalist;
Nov 29 14 tweets 8 min read
When I was in my late teens and early 20's I was not particularly interested in politics, instead my obsessive tendencies were applied to NFL football. Here is the story of how effminate Progressive culture ruined NFL football; and why the degraded masses love the change. Image All sports are designed to fulfill the martial instinct for men in a period of peace. Few sports have ever done it quite as well as NFL football. A sport which combined supreme physicality, tight organization, a wide diversity of roles, and extreme punishment for mistakes. Image
Nov 27 13 tweets 7 min read
It's been a long time, the time has come to re-articulate my broad thesis for the future of the Western World. A lot of the arguments from this account flow from this basic view. The world as you currently know it rests on top of a series of complex systems with key nodes globally distributed. This system manifested in the post WWII world where great power conflict did not exist and all key nodes and shipping routes were effectively policed. Image
Oct 21 5 tweets 3 min read
We mean to get back to the political settlement of old Christendom, before the crisis of modernity swept it away;

A world where all people groups have both their collective and induvidual interest recognized as fundamentally legitimate, rather than the MLK fantasy where collective interests disappear. To provide a concrete example; within the envelope of the post-war consensus the only legitimate complaints against immigraition to the UK are harms against induvidual citizens. Some migrants are criminals, or economic drags to the system. Image
Oct 15 11 tweets 3 min read
Just finished going through the best interview with MM that I've heard; I have a couple of thoughts.
🧵 First, MM takes the position both that he was caught flat footed by Tucker's WWII questions and also that he was surprised by the reaction. I don't believe the later for even a second.
Sep 26 7 tweets 5 min read
I cannot emphasize enough the importance of historical photography to the dissident movement. The world before the GAE must be remembered. Every day you must remind yourself how shabby and pathetic the current vision of the future is.

Vienna Opera c. 1900
Image London, c. 1900;
Sep 13 5 tweets 4 min read
Attempting to put the GAE on a war footing is one of the riskiest possible maneuvers that are current ruling class could possibly attempt. I would suggest that there is a less than 10% chance they could complete such a maneuver and remain in power.
Here's why 🧵

There first problem would be that they would immediately create a large caste of men with huge incentives to violently defect from the regime. In virtually every case, this has led to large-scale civil unrest.
Jul 26 7 tweets 4 min read
In his 1972 book "violence and the sacred" René Girard observed that in the same way human desire and values follow a memetic pattern, violence and especially political violence has a memetic quality
This memetic process is most profoundly expressed in terms of escalating antagonistic memesis.
"He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue."
Jul 22 8 tweets 3 min read
I think it's appropriate today that we gather a thread in memorandum of Joe Biden, the most popular president in US history, who secured an electoral mandate with an unprecedented 81 million votes.
🧵 The saga begins with the infamous Corn-Pop story, presented here in his abbreviated own words:

"And Corn Pop was a bad dude.
And he ran a bunch of bad boys.
And I did and back in those days –
to show how things have changed –
and he said,
‘I’ll meet you outside.’
and he said,
‘I’ll be waiting for you.
He was waiting for me with
three guys with straight razors.
Not a joke.
So I walked out with the chain.
And I walked up to my car.
And in those days,
you remember the straight razors,
you had to bang ’em on the curb,
gettin’ em rusty,
puttin’ em in the rain barrel,
gettin’ em rusty?
And I looked at him,
but I was smart,
then. I said,
‘First of all,’ I said,
‘when I tell you to get off the board,
you get off the board,
and I’ll kick you out again,"Image
Jul 2 9 tweets 5 min read
Game of Thrones is, in many regards, the era-defining artistic achievement of the period between '08 and '21 in the GAE. It tells the story of the collapse of belief in a political formula into Machiavellian politics, and the rivers of blood that the collapse presages.
🧵 The story lives in the shadow of the untold story of how Robert Baratheon assembled a monarchy by strength of the sword; and how that monarchy has descended into a degenerate oligarchy.
This an artistic rendering of FDR --> Obama Image
Jun 25 5 tweets 3 min read
In 1999, Henry S. Rowen wrote an article for the Hoover Institution arguing that China would inevitably become a Western Democratic Country, his target date was between 2015 & 2019.

The failure of the GAE to assimilate China is the defining characteristic of modern geopolitics. Image From the day that Bush Sr. made the New World Order speech in 1991; the US ran it's largest, most aggressive program to forcibly integrate China into the GAE. 4 prongs:
1) US Investment
2) Anticolonialism
3) Special Economic Zones
4) Left wing academic/street activism

Jun 11 7 tweets 4 min read
People think that Justin Trudeau is stupid, but he possesses the animal cunning of a consumate survivor. If the world ever experiences a nuclear holocaust, he will be Prime Minister of the cockroaches making them fly little rainbow flag and importing Indian cockroaches.
Image 6-9 months ago, Trudeau was facing political extinction. He had a caucus rovolt on his hands attempting to displace him as LPC leader, was facing insurmountable poll numbers, and a rebellion from the donor class because of asset price deflation.

Jun 7 9 tweets 7 min read
There is no one cultural shit-lib cultural artifact that speaks to me of the change in the leadership class of the American Empire than Star Trek; This thread will explore this parallel transformation below: Star Trek's history can be divided into 5 major phases;
Star Trek "Progress"
Star Trek "Cold Warrior"
Star Trek "Science"
Star Trek "Transition"
Star Trek "DEI/Collapse"

May 30 8 tweets 6 min read
The people of the American Empire today live haunted by the ashes of futures which were promised, but never materialized. This thread will review some of these unrealized dreams, which haunt us today. The first of these unrealized dreams was a world order where nations remained sovereign & distinct, but took joy in mutual appreciation and cooperation and resolved their differences through negotiation and international instructions the UN, WTO, and ICC.

May 21 7 tweets 3 min read
Last night @AuronMacintyre & @OGRolandRat crossed paths on an episode of Cigar Stream. As Auron goes around and does the circuit of podcasts to sell the book, this is the one you should listen to. AA interrogates the work in a way others simply will not.

Here are my thoughts: Image Auron MacIntyre hits hard in this episode what I most appreciate about him as a thinker; the difference between deconstruction for it's own sake, and the effort to re-nest the deeply held values of his people in institutions which will give life to those values.
Apr 28 5 tweets 3 min read
I don't agree that this is actually the reason. This is the public justification, but the pattern of behavior indicates that cultural erasure and the prevention of a coherent opposition is the primary goal, and that amulerating these issues is secondary at best. e.g. this was done before mass immigration, in an effort to erase a past that was viewed as an impediment to the ruling class. Image
Apr 24 4 tweets 2 min read
"The reason our society was better [than Islamic society] was that everyone was educated, men AND women" - Lauren Southern

....where do you even start..... The men who built the West were, for the most part, not educated in the sense that Southern is speaking about, and neither were their wives.

Apr 22 5 tweets 2 min read
A poorly understood reason why the US fears "boots on the ground" against an adversary with substantial military capabilities like Russia or Iran is because of the high probability that it would rapidly lead to regime change in the US. In any actual near-peer confrontation between the US and an adversary, a few things are inevitable.
1) A very large number of body-bags containing American soldiers putting political pressure on the regime in a way that dead Ukrainians just doesn't. Image
Apr 16 9 tweets 2 min read
In Spandril's latest peice titled "The politics of hereditarianism", he touches on a peice of intellectual history that I don't think is broadly understood, but would be very helpful for current opponents of the regime to understand.
🧵 In the 18th & 19th century, European elites found themselves tied up in something of a knot concerning the position of the church:
Apr 9 15 tweets 5 min read
The rise and fall of the Sid Meier's Civilization franchise from 1991 to 2018 is both one of the great tragedies of the computer gaming industry, and a window into the massive change in psychology of the US ruling class. This thread will explore both. I have played every civilization game many times, but in preparation for this thread, I have replayed each civilization game at least once from beginning to end; with the exception of Civilization VI, which I refuse to dignify with my further attention.
Feb 7 4 tweets 1 min read
Reading the latest peice from @douglaswils I have to say that I am overwhelmed by the stupidity of the view of race that sits at the center; The below screenshot is from a statement Wilson highlights as a key guidepost. Image The statement essentially reads
Clause 1:
A cultural hertiage which glorifies God is valuable and worth preserving and likely to be associated with an ethnic group
Clause 2:
Every method which has been historically used to do so is verbotten.
Jan 9 5 tweets 2 min read
Leftist have feel no shame or disgust in their moral vision.
Leftists do not feel a personal duty to God or to any abstract concept of Truth.
Leftists do not believe in absolute standards of conduct; they do not fear the judgement.

Never mistake this. They were against the police state, until it was applied to their political enemies. Image