@TickTockBoom!!!💣💥 Profile picture
The TRUTH The whole TRUTH And nothing but the TRUTH Coming soon..📢 the full story: #CrimeOfTheCentury #GovernmentGangsters #Corruption #Conspiracy #Terrorism
Nov 3, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read
@Communityguy2_ Right, got lots of great edifying meaty teachings/material for y'all - but I'm trying to work out how to share a YouTube community post?? I only have my phone (useless with computers anyway!) but don't even have one to use at mo, fan gone in laptop so overheats & shuts down🙄 @Communityguy2_ Starting with this as an overview, will add link to channel in a bit, done lots of screenshots instead - you will see why I just wanted to share lol!

Jan 31, 2021 33 tweets 8 min read
Thread...I value these hardworking & polite people over the hordes of undesirables currently displaying their gratitude at #NapierBarracks, which both @Conservatives & @UKLabour have deliberately flooded the UK with for decades in order to destroy our nation for the globalists. The fact of the matter is the British have never been consulted on the inevitable effects of mass, uncontrolled immigration on our culture, traditions, employment opportunities, housing market, education, health care, services & general way of life....