An Anomaly 🦘🇦🇺🇺🇸🇬🇧 Profile picture
CV19 Researcher, Economics, Bio-Weapons & Corrupt Pharma. Pro Free speech/choice MSM Narrative Disruption Truth Bomb Dropper On occasions, I enjoy shitposting
Misha 🕵‍♀️ Who's the 6th all-seeing 👁 Profile picture 1 subscribed
Nov 21, 2023 26 tweets 8 min read
Well it looks like Media Matters has finally really put themselves in the dumpster.
I'd like to see how they get out of this...
Not only is their a civil lawsuit versus X.
Now AG Paxton is also investigating for fraud.
A non-profit political activist group posing as media. Image
Apr 13, 2022 22 tweets 11 min read
Just in case some of you missed the story about those deleted sequences and the Bloom paper that made Fauci panic and call in Anderson & Garry for a zoom call.
Here it is.
The question you and everybody else is asking.
Why the hell is it in Vanity Fair?… So let's put some more of this together because it's only starting to get interesting.
We all know Anderson & his flip flop and then peddler since of Zoonosis.
But what about Garry?
Why him?
What about those HIV inserts?
Fusion Inhibitors?
Apr 12, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
To understand how we got here, you need to understand where it started.
You were sold a psychologically driven advertising campaign.
The premise being this started in nature.
It didn't.
A mouse doesn't understand why the cheese in the trap is free.
Neither do most humans. How do I know where it started?
I spent 2 years investigating it.
Then we all tied it all together.
The HIV inserts were always the key to it.
The denial.
That paper from India, all the players to cover it up.
Then add DEFUSE.…
Jan 14, 2022 16 tweets 6 min read
This is what you call it when the culprit left behind the weapon with finger prints on it, their drivers license, got seen by 10 eye witnesses committing the crime and got caught on security camera leaving the Laboratory.
Twitter do your thing.
@DrEliDavid @P_McCulloughMD What's the chances of the 19nt sequence from Moderna patents from years before finding it's way into the "supposed" natural bat virus that shut down the world?
Into the furin cleavage site.
You'd have better chance of winning the lotto 5 times in one week.
Nov 10, 2021 29 tweets 11 min read
People ask me all the time what can we do?
Work hard to share the truth.
Set up groups and work across multiple platforms.
I'll make a thread here with resources.
Dr Peter McCullough is always a great place to start.
Incredibly well published & qualified.… It's always important to fully understand the power, control and ownership structure across the planet to get a realistic scope of what an organisation like the world economic forum has to push any agenda, be it a pandemic or the 4th industrial revolution.…