Pam Punzalan, Godkillingway Profile picture for business || Radiant Citadel, Spire, Hunter, Starfinder. || DJA Emerging Designer Nominee || Beloved Battering Ram of #RPGSEA
Nov 3, 2022 32 tweets 6 min read
So I presented a panel entitled "What's In a Game? The Elements of TTRPGs" during @bigbadcon this year. I've started sending handouts to participants and folks who asked for it via email, but figured I'd put together a 🧵for it. 👇👇👇 @TanShaoHan was my Jaeger partner for this panel. @momatoes was also supposed to be with us, and I am 100% certain she'd have her own perspectives to share here. Give them both a follow and check their stuff out if you haven't already.
Nov 1, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
This thread is fantastic, but I'm highlighting this because beyond hearing white grumbling about how the Meet & Greet was "unfair", I did hear about some white attendees sharing their opinions on PoC figures in the space that were absent, and how they "should have" been there. ...Thus implying that the stringent process the Committee - a PoC led committee - was playing favorites, and/or that they knew better.

This is centering. It is also ignorant and damaging, esp if these folks had zero idea what our process was, and WHY their "picks" weren't there.
Nov 1, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Ended up in the same place I ate at in 2019, when I was recovering from the upset being bumped off my flight.

Btw if you were a POC Scholar for @bigbadcon & you're looking for discord spaces to hang, esp if you're Asian, DM me. Dreamseas is open to kin, other PoCs & allies. Toast with scrambled eggs, ... We've been chugging along quietly since BBC 2019 and are oriented towards RPGSEA and our Pacific Islander friends in the industry. It's a quiet place to discuss design, community, and offer jobs and opportunities. But as stated, the admin team welcomes friends we've
Oct 31, 2022 20 tweets 13 min read
So, I am still not home yet from @bigbadcon. Many farewells have been said, but none of these are endings. I am overwhelmed with gratitude, more assured of who I am in ttrpgs spaces, filled with love, and alight with the desire to push even further then we already did this year. First: in case anyone wants to read it, here is the transcript of the Keynote Speech I delivered during the opening ceremonies. I will edit the title and such of this when I am not working out of my tablet.
Oct 19, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Critique big game companies when they fuck up.

Maybe don't use it as a way to go AND THIS IS WHY PEOPLE SHOULD PLAY **MY GAME** INSTEAD.

It isn't one or the other. The entire point of questioning the status quo is to make better spaces, not replace oppressors with yourself. That's how it reads to me whenever some devs critique the larger players in our space. Any nuance is lost in a mess of self-promotion. And some of it hits once again on how hiring your BIPOC/neurodivergent/disabled friends doesn't equate to
"transforming the industry".