Alex 🌬️ Profile picture
EE inventor avoiding COVID, cleaning the air DIY, cheaper/better. I’ve got a few US/International patents. ex @CRBoxKits, search 4 old posts. Still novid ✨
5 subscribers
Jan 19 7 tweets 3 min read
How to make an easy home FIREHOSE!

I’m in the middle of the LA firestorms so I’ve tried to get more prepared. Wanted the fastest, easiest “firehose” I could get without a plumber. I learned a lot so I want to share it with y’all. It’s much easier than it sounds! A 🧵 Garden hose firehose Actual fire hoses are 1”-5” and need special plumbing.

The goal here is to get maximum performance from your existing garden tap.

Garden Hose Thread GHT is 3/4”, but garden hoses have internal diameters of 1/2”, 5/8” and 3/4”.
Jan 9 5 tweets 3 min read
I found an easy way to add HEPA to the MiniVOC filter. Again, very easy to build and way way more carbon than normal HEPAs.

With the HEPA it drops to 38db. Build directions 🧵 Completed MiniVOC+HEPA
This is the HEPA filter. It’s $9 but gotta buy 2 for $18. It’s exactly the size of the 120mm fan. All we are going to do is tape it in place. Everything else you need is in the quoted thread in the OP
Jan 3 6 tweets 2 min read

I ordered the smallest, highest cfm 120mm Silverstone AP fan n replaced the fan this 4” carbon unit came w.

Now it’s 43db on high and much more usable. $45.

Came with a fan so I used its screws, but tape works. It’s a true mini version of the MegaVOC. 4” carbon filter with 120mm Silverstone AP
Mini and mega VOC filters
The cheapest 4” filter. It’s $25. AC Infinity makes a $50 version that’s much sexier but this build is for best bang for buck
Jan 1 6 tweets 2 min read
Happy New Year!

A thread about one of the best CC lifestyle things I got: an outdoor heat lamp.

Having the ability to really blast heat outside has meant many friends/family visits at temps 2 cold for outdoors were totally enjoyable. But not just any work well…🧵 Standard patio heater on blast in an enclosed patio First of all, forget electricity. Plug-in 120v electric heaters top out at 5000 BTUs of heat. Patio heaters running on gas put out 10x or 50,000 btus. For heating the outdoors w friends you want as many btus as you can get. It’s gotta be gas.
Dec 21, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Making this thread I found what could be the best VOC removal solution for many people: a small grow carbon filter w a built in fan for $39! Had to order it and try it for y’all.

Alas, it’s cute AF and LOUD AF.

67db on high, 52db on lowest. (The MegaVOC is 41db on high) 🧵 4” carbon filter w built in fan and power
Dog and filter
MegaVOC next to micro
On low it’s too loud for bedroom, on high it’s too loud for anything occupied. To get high cfm from small fans you need higher RPM and much more noise than a larger fan. For normal home applications, quieter is better and a bit o DIY using larger PC fans is the path
Dec 20, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
HUMIDIFIER rant/reco:

I’ve read a few new articles about humidifiers that sound good but end up with bad advice.

For clean air, the best solution is an EVAPORATIVE Humidifier with bacteriostatic solution added to the tank.

Any other kind is risky IME/HO and I’ll explain. 🧵 Vornado Evaporative Humidifier EV200 To start: all humidifiers are fairly high maintenance. They need to be filled and cleaned every few days. There is no way to avoid that. But it’s worth it for the best indoor air. If you have HEPA and carbon already in place it’s the finishing touch. Helps fight COVID too.
Dec 16, 2024 23 tweets 8 min read
MegaVOC filter!

It’s been a while! Here’s a new easy build that’s absolutely the best way to get VOCs filtered. Lowest cost, quiet, 140cfm. It’s an 8” grow filter n a Silverstone 180mm fan. Plus usb power and black tape.


This is for @LazarusLong13 @Ikat0 @AltenbergLee Big VOC carbon filter with 180mm fan
Wide shot of VOC filter in a bedroom
So first off, the grow carbon filters are about $4/lb of activated carbon, cheapest deal. They can be all black n fairly sleek. For tackling smells for years nothing beats em. Years. This brand is great; all work. 8” has about 22lbs carbon inside for $89
Aug 14, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
I got a PlusLife tester and it’s been a total gamechanger. Doing 3-4 people in one batch means you can test a whole family of guests and know with 99% accuracy that they are C negative. For CC ppl it’s an amazing sense of relief vs RAT. Knowing ppl don’t have it is priceless rn PlusLife mini PCR tester and test vials With the discount code it’s $210 for the machine; tests are $7/each for Covid, $14 for COVID/FLUA/B. They also have MPX tests, $9. It runs off a USB battery, super portable. I tested more than 20 ppl in batches at the memorial. Absolutely changed our relationship w indoor parties
Mar 18, 2024 13 tweets 4 min read
Ultra high CFM quiet VOC eater!

On max: 53db, 75w, 710cfm! CADR?

ugly/huge, I know my tweeps can appreciate it. Here’s the specs, from the bottom up:

-AC Infinity 10” carbon filter
-Filter box with MERV11
-710 CFM Hyperfan stealth 8” fan
-AC Infinity Duct Silencer
-6” output Massive, quiet carbon filter w MERV11, front, front w MERV visible, and side views It’s all leftover pro grow gear n so this would be stupidly expensive for home use, but I had this stuff so here it is. It has a digital controlled electronically commutated motor, high cfm/pressure with lowest noise possible. Great under pressure, CADR should be high % of 710cfm
Feb 9, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
MASSAGE during Covid:

For my disability there comes a time when only skilled therapeutic neuromuscular massage can help me, and my doc recommends it. Here’s how I’ve done it, many times since 2020, without catching anything:🧵 1. I pay extra to do it at home. So I can control ventilation.

2. Therapist I’ve known for years, vaxed and fully boosted, claims he’s never had it. I trust him generally

3. He came w surgical, I gave him a fresh KN95 and molded out the pointy tip for him. He wore it no issue
Jan 3, 2024 16 tweets 8 min read
The Warp Core Family

Warp Core, 46db 100 cfm CADR est
Warp Core Maxx, 46db 200 cfm
Maxx Core, 40db 70 cfm
Micro Core, 37db 30 cfm

Micro/Maxx Core breakdowns in thread #daifu L-R: Warp Core, 46db 100 cfm CADR est Warp Core Maxx, 46db 200 cfm Maxx Core, 40db 70 cfm Micro Core, 37db 30 cfm Here’s the Micro Core. Fan, filter, usb fan adapter, usb plug. Legs are random bits I had, and optional. Micro Core parts
Jan 2, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
Micro Core Build!

The cheapest and easiest build I’ve got. Based on my new go-to Trusens Odor / VOC filter with HEPA n lots of carbon, this time in Small. It’s $37 now, usually 49. Fan is $15.

$56 all in for 50-100 cfm CADR HEPA and VOC

USB powered plug and play no effort! Micro Core air purifier on bedside table It’s a great filter. It’s open on both sides, so find a flat surface to put it down onto upside down, then drop any 140mm fan on top. The filter comes w foam surrounds that make a seal w table and fan. Plug into USB (or 120) and voila! I am going to be sharing a few versions. Micro Core on bedside table
Dec 30, 2023 26 tweets 14 min read
The Warp Core Fandelier Maxx Build Thread is here!

Just cleaned it, upgraded the filter and took pics the whole way. So follow along here if you want to know how to build a ~200+ CADR HEPA and VOC filter that’s quiet, powerful, effective, unique and special looking to boot. Here’s the parts list and an Amazon shopping list you can use to find everything.
Nov 23, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Grandpa is visiting frm CAN for Tday. Here’s what we did:

1. He started masking a few days before coming. He doesn’t usually. He is vaxed prev n got over covid a month ago.

2. Made him promise to mask on plane.

3. Tested for 3 days, masked when he was in the house.
🧵 Co2 levels in my dining room over the day, mostly below 500ppm w 4 ppl 3 dogs 4. We have a guest room w separate entrance/air. When he was in shared space, windows/doors open, AC fan on (Merv13), range hood on low, bathroom fans on n distanced. PC fan CRBs in each room

5. 4th day we stopped masking. No one had symptoms. Now he masks like we do in stores
Nov 5, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Just found a great study for Covid and BUSES, & it has a simple solution! They use the windshield defroster on blast as fresh intake, n crack half of the other windows, got ACH 22!!

Won’t address diesel particulate just COVID

H/t @MkBsvrt…
Ofc since most buses are diesel, this will result in more particulate in the bus, not ideal. However, the acute risk of COVID is worse than acute PM2.5 exposure if you have to choose!

This easy ventilation technique plus onboard filters like the Warp Core would be ideal

Oct 11, 2023 25 tweets 6 min read
Ok here’s an early look at the School Bus #warpcore in tabletop position. Whole thing screws together by hand, no wiring just plug n play. Fans are combined 260cfm, cadr is close maybe ~220. Fans are black, or static blue or red, so I went ez w leds. 12v only. 45db@1m more coming School Bus Warp Core air purifier It’s twice as big volume wise as the 120mm fan white fandelier. Sound is the same, but CADR is more than double. With all the carbon options this filter has, it will be able to clear COVID, diesel particulate and VOCs/fumes as well, just gotta choose the right filter. Pretty cool
Sep 12, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
So now it’s official, the ingredient in Sudafed PE, that everyone knows sucks compared to the original pseudoephedrine version, does NOTHING and is banned from sale. For years it’s all you could get because 15 years ago ppl would make meth from good Sudafed. Since then, meth made in Mex totally took over n no one would bother making it from Sudafed. But they kept the pseudoephedrine controlled n sold us a literal placebo, for years. It feels representative of the incompetence and slow response around COVID n opiates. Joker regulators, ghoulish capitalists
Jun 16, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Co2 monitoring: This is the rarely discussed Netatmo Weather Station. At $179 it’s cheaper than Aranet and has an indoor co2 monitor/temp/RH and an outdoor unit temp/RH. Indoor unit is USB powered and needs wifi. Let me show you the awesome apps that let you pore over data… Netatmo Indoor Weather Station The default Netatmo app is adequate but the interface is too simple for serious ppl. It’s designed for broad user base of course. You can get detailed co2 history but it’s a little bit of a pain. Nevertheless all the data is there. But there’s a better way… Netatmo Weather app screenshotNetatmo Weathet App detaile...
Feb 6, 2023 17 tweets 5 min read
This is a compendium thread of all my builds where I actually explain with pictures what I did 😆. Let’s start with the easiest, the most essential version of a PC Fan mini #crbox Same basic mini CR Box idea but using HEPAs
Feb 5, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
This is a thread of my favorite CR Box music videos I’ve made. So far I own the genre 😂 Best place to start: In the Air Tonight by Phil Collins. 🧵 Stayin Alive, natch
Feb 5, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Hi there, thanks for giving a s*** about COVID and clean air. It’s kind of hard to organize info on Twitter, but I’m making a pinned tweet to make it easier to find my builds etc. and see my favorite tweets. So here goes. I’ll update this regularly🧵… The above LA Times article about making CR Boxes features me and a lot of my older designs, from Aug 2022. It helps explain why I do this. Below is the video they made for it with more detail.