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The Leanest Guy On Twitter | Get to 10% body fat in the most enjoyable manner possible:
12 subscribers
Jul 13, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
9 Reasons Discipline Will Save You, But Money Won't

All the money in the world would fix everything, right?

It'd be wonderful.


Mansion villa.

Private jet everywhere.

10% body fat with 17 inch ar....oh...wait....

That last one sounds a

Here's why:…
Image Unfit men seem to think that fitness can be bought.

Fit men know the truth.

Here's 9 truths for you:

1. Money can't force you into the ring

2. Money can't force you to put down the fork

3. Money can't force you to fast for 36 hours only drinking water & green tea
Jul 3, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
150-200g PROTEIN: The Biggest Fat Loss Accelerator

(After Intermittent Fasting) Last week I wrote a thread on the 7 Fat Loss Accelerators.

This was met with a little resistance on the "200g protein being unsustainable".

I want to expand a little on what I said here:
Jun 27, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
5 Ways Quercetin + Resveratrol Will AMPLIFY Your Fat Loss Diet

(check out this powerful stack): Diet comes first if you want to hit 10% body fat, I'll be the first to tell you this.

But supplements can make a massive difference when you ALREADY have the dietary foundations in place (a deficit, high protein, nutrient density etc.)

Here's a pretty cool stack to check out:

May 28, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
You'll burn more fat.

You'll have more energy.

You'll enjoy the process, making the fat loss more sustainable, if you follow these Intermittent Fasting hacks: San Pellegrino

This is one of the biggest IF hacks you guys are not using.

Really powerful for several reasons:

1. It makes it far easier to extend the fast beyond 16 hours - it's filling for zero calories Image
May 19, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
7 Reasons IF'ers Should Eat Potatoes For Muscle Gain Image FYI: This thread is NOT for brand new beginners, or guys who are obese.

Everyone loves to talk about steak/butter/eggs. Or glycine. Or grass fed this and that.

All good stuff.

But the leaner you get and the harder you train, the more important QUALITY carbs become.

Apr 22, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
6 Reasons You Need To Be VERY Careful Following The Advice Of Young Fitness Guys On Twitter ⚠🚩🚩🚩

(especially if you've been overweight a long time, and have tried many diets before) A lot of you guys are:

-Taking advice
-Buying programs
-Following diet plans

From 22 year olds who've never NOT had a 6 pack in their entire lives.

Not only have they never been overweight, but they've *always* had abs.

Examples of advice I've seen:
Dec 29, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
9 Ways To Avoid Rebounding in 2023: 97% of weight loss attempts fail.

Because humans are flawed creatures, and are biologically hard-wired to consume excess calories.

Living in a high-tech, super-easy, super-safe, full-of-junk food society simply amplifies all this.

Here's how to NOT be like the rest: Image
Dec 8, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Destroy depression in three steps:

1. Sleep 8-9 hrs
2. Get morning sunlight 20+ mins
3. Train HARD, followed by sauna/cold plunge contrast

Don't eat anything until this routine is complete. Image The fastest way to feeling like crap, is to sleep 5 hrs or less.

Then again.

Then again.

This stuff compounds, and over time has a VERY real impact on hormones like testosterone (huge when it comes to depression).

Get that sleep fellas.
Nov 22, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
I've recently returned to the gym where I originally started lifting 11 years ago.

Great gym.

But the vast majority of guys there have not improved their physiques at all.

Many have declined/gained body fat.

I know why.

Here's some MAJOR mistakes you want to avoid.

(Thread) 1. They Never Push Sets To Failure

There's a lot of sets, and a lot of lifting.

But nobody really seems to push it to the max - the intensity isn't there from what I can see.

You HAVE to provide your body with the incentives to change, otherwise, it will not.
Oct 15, 2022 15 tweets 4 min read
Your Problem Isn't Your Race Or Genetics.

It's Your DIET.

Thread: I talk a lot about getting to 10-12% body fat as the ideal range for most men for physical attractiveness, health, and athletic performance.

There's some variation there, but that's the general rule.

But I'm always met with the same objections:
Oct 7, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read

👇 I've been in the fat loss game for 8 years now, and have coached hundreds of guys to 10-12% body fat.

And the one method that works every time?


One Meal A Day.

So today I'm going to share the most popular (and effective) meal that works within this eating strategy:
Sep 15, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
5 Ways To Lose The Dad Bod: The Dad Bod can be summarised as overweight, under-muscled, and unattractive.

It need fixing.

And if you're over 40, you're running out of time. With each year it's going to get harder to replace it.

I'll give you 5 big tips here ⬇ Image
Jul 28, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
Several Strategies You Can Implement To Burn Fat RIGHT NOW

(Based on yesterday's AMA tweet that you guys replied to) ⬇ 1) Realise That You're Too Comfortable (and change this)

The common theme with most answers yesterday, was that a lot of you blamed some external factor or simple statements like "good food" or "good wine" or "got married"

But you aren't p***ed off enough to make changes.
Jul 27, 2022 7 tweets 1 min read
10 Health Tips For Men Over 40: 1) Never be afraid of fasting - autophagy is your best anti-aging friend.

2) Testosterone decline has to be minimised, not ignored.
Jul 13, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
4 Massive Success Factors For Men Over 40

-Do these and your health will improve dramatically ⬇️ 1) Follow A Proactive (not REactive) Eating Plan


-You can't afford to 'wing it' and be reactive when you're 40+

-A lot of you guys are extremely good managers/bosses at work, but you don't treat your diet with the same level of importance
Jul 11, 2022 18 tweets 5 min read
OMAD: The Most Powerful Fat Loss System Known To Man

(Thread) Image OMAD is the most powerful fat loss system out there.

If you're over 15% bf right now, I have no idea why you're not doing OMAD.

Really ask yourself why.

If there's not a VERY good reason (and I doubt there is), then you may want to consider this fat-loss-on-autopilot-system.
May 4, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
Can't Burn Off Those Last Pounds Of Fat?

The solution is very simple (read on) 👇 Having only a few pounds to go until you're sub 15% bf (or until you've got abs) can be frustrating.

This is often when your body fights back the hardest.

But the solution isn't overly complicated.

It's usually one of three things:
May 2, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
STILL Overweight??

You need to read this 👇 If you're not doing OMAD, you're missing out.

I'm serious, why are you not doing this yet?

For the man that's overweight and wants to fix it, this is the ultimate eating system to follow.

It's Intermittent Fasting 2.0 (the more aggressive version).

What EXACTLY is it?
Apr 6, 2022 12 tweets 5 min read
8 Common Intermittent Fasting Mistakes To Avoid

Most people reading these words are nowhere near 10% body fat, but would like to be.

Most of the time, there's just a few simple changes they need to make in order to make RAPID progress towards this goal.

Here's 8 easy ones... Image 1. Not Drinking Black Coffee

The more you hate the taste of this, the more of a warning sign it is that you've got a MASSIVE sugar addiction, and something should change.

2. Not Planning Ahead

Or, ALLOWING yourself to be distracted by other people, events etc. Every morning... ImageImage
Mar 30, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
The Truth About Getting Lean & Staying Lean

(If you want to be 10% bf for life, you may want to read this...) Image One thing I've noticed when helping people over the years, is that you can tell someone to eat X and not Y, but rarely do they actually listen to my advice in the real world.

Not many people actually follow through.

Mar 23, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read

~Potentially a game changer for a lot of people~ This is a big problem that I have a lot of experience with (mostly sugary cereal back in the day).

And it has the potential to ANNIHILATE > a week's worth of a calorie deficit.

Rendering calorie counting useless.

Quit often, I'll hear things similar to: