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Jun 25 7 tweets 3 min read
Let me tell you a tale of two investors.

Their names are Jamie and Sarah.

Jamie started investing at the age of 25.

He’s very conservative and is afraid to lose money in the markets.

Every month, he invests RM500 in low-risk funds like ASB/ASM, fixed deposits, and EPF.

His average return is 5% per year.

This is how much he will have at the age of 55:Image Meanwhile, Sarah only started investing when she's 30, five years after Jamie’s head start.

Like Jamie, she commits RM500/mo to her investments.

But unlike him, she’s willing to explore riskier assets.

Her average return is slightly higher, at 8% per year.

This is how much she’ll have when she’s 55:Image
Jun 24 11 tweets 5 min read
We were at InvestFair Midvalley during the weekend.

Our founder spoke of realistically achieving RM1 million in EPF.

If you missed the session, here are the key points that you need to know. 🧵Image
1. Having RM1 mil in EPF has huge benefits.

If you achieve it before 55, EPF allows you to withdraw any excess savings anytime.

This makes it a flexible fund that is 2-3 times better compared to traditional fixed deposits.Image
May 31 14 tweets 4 min read
Two debit cards.

Pink allows you to earn 3.88% pa on your savings.

Purple gives you 1% cashback on most expenses.

But which is the better digital bank?

Here’s our (unsponsored) opinion.Image AEON BANK (Pink)

📈Earnings rate: 3.88% pa (+1.50% cashback)*

💰Payout Frequency: At the end of each month.

🕌Shariah-compliant: ✅

🏦PIDM protected: ✅

*More about AEON Bank’s cashback on (iii). 👇
May 31 16 tweets 6 min read
Serba Dinamik (SERBADK) will be delisted on June 5.

Bursa has rejected the firm’s application for a time extension to submit its regularization plan.

Once a high-flying oil and gas company, SERBADK hit a peak valuation of RM9.10 billion in 2020.

Now, the company is worth over 99% less, at a mere RM74.5 million.

So, what happened? 🧵Image 1. Serba Dinamik is a services group that provides engineering solutions to oil and gas companies.

Founded in 1993, the firm rapidly established a global presence.

As of 2021, it has operational offices in 6 regions spread across 26 countries. Image
May 29 10 tweets 4 min read
Bye diesel subsidies.

And soon, bye bye petrol subsidies.

Just a few days ago, the cabinet announced the removal of blanket subsidies for diesel.

It is part of Anwar’s plan to reduce the reliance on subsidies for all and transition to targeted subsidies.

Here’s what you need to know.Image 1. Blanket subsidies have long been a dilemma for the government.

On the one hand, it helps the rakyat by easing some of their expenses.

On the other, it heavily benefits the rich because T20s tend to drive bigger cars that consume more fuel. Image
May 23 12 tweets 4 min read
Aeon Bank is live.

It’s a banking app that allows users to earn 3.88% pa daily interest.

This is the highest payout of all cash apps so far that allows instant deposits and withdrawals.

Here’s what you need to know.Image 1. Is AEON Bank protected by PIDM and Shariah-compliant?

Yes. ✅

AEON Bank is a member of PIDM and is an Islamic bank. Image
May 20 4 tweets 2 min read
Maybank users,

You can now take up a 6-month loan with zero interest and no upfront charges. 🤑

By placing the money in low-risk flexible funds such as Rize, Versa, or GXBank, you'll earn free interest.

If you borrowed RM10,000, here’s how much you’ll earn in 6 months:

• Rize (3.80% pa): RM190
• Versa (3.77% pa): ~RM190
• GXBank (3.00% pa): RM150

More details below. 👇Image Under the EzyCash promotion, you can borrow up to 70% of your credit card limit.

The minimum amount is RM2,000.

Only the 6-month loan is interest free. ⚠️

This promo is only applicable to Maybank credit card holders. Image
May 17 11 tweets 5 min read
EPF’s 6-year annualized return is 5.63%.

It’s decent.

But it’s not enough to retire nowadays, especially with inflation and the weak ringgit.

Actually, EPF allows you to invest 30% your Account 1 in various funds, local and international.

Some of them generated 2x more returns than EPF in the past 10 years.

Here’s what you need to know.Image 1. Under EPF’s Members Investment Scheme (MIS),

Members who have sufficient savings can transfer part of their funds to invest in Unit Trusts.

These funds are managed by reputable fund managers such as:

- Public Mutual
- AHAM Asset Management

There are currently 299 funds supported by 15 fund providers, with exposure in Malaysia and the global market.Image
May 13 7 tweets 3 min read
To those investing in ASB/ASM: Don’t withdraw if it’s near the end of the month.

Wait till early next month before doing so.

You’ll thank us for this.

Allow us to explain.Image 1. ASB dividends are based on the lowest monthly balance in your account.

Here’s the math:

i) Add up your monthly minimum balance.

ii) Divide the sum by 12.

iii) Multiply it with the dividend & bonus rate.Image
May 9 11 tweets 4 min read
In two more days, EPF’s Account 3 will go live.

Everyone below the age of 55 will have their funds restructured.

There is no opting out.

Here are a few things you should know about.Image 1. Can I choose not to have any money credited to Account 3?


Starting 11 May, 10% of your monthly contributions will be distributed to Akaun Fleksibel.

This is regardless of whether you choose to do so or not. Image
Apr 15 12 tweets 5 min read
On Friday, Gold made a new all-time high of $2,430/ounce.

It is up 14.50% since the start of the year, outperforming the US stock market, which gained 8.48% within a similar timeframe.

Allow us to explain why this is happening.Image 1. Escalating Geopolitical Tensions.

Early this morning, a new wave of missiles flew towards Israel as conflict in the Middle East worsened.

During times of crisis, nations tend to ramp up money printing to finance the war effort.

This leads to a surge in inflation and depreciation of the country's currency.

Investors, in an effort to preserve their purchasing power, will turn towards safe havens (ie. Gold, Silver, and USD).

This is why gold is not the only asset that has surged since the start of this unfortunate conflict.Image
Mar 27 13 tweets 6 min read
So you managed to save up RM1,000.

But you’re unsure on where you to grow your money.

Here are 8 options, from low to high risk.Image 1. Fixed Deposits

Risk: Low 🟢
Returns: 3.50-3.75% pa

PIDM insured: YES ✅
Shariah-compliant: YES (for Islamic banking) ✅

Where to start: Apply online through mobile app.

Check out the best FD rates:…Image
Mar 8 25 tweets 10 min read
15 May 2024.

This is the deadline for you to file your tax reliefs for YA2023.

Claiming these incentives will help you lower your personal income and pay less in taxes.

Here’s a FULL breakdown of what you can claim.Image G1. Individual relief: RM9,000

Just by completing the tax form, you’re automatically eligible for a tax deduction of RM9,000.

This relief has already been filled, so you don't need to do anything.Image
Mar 5 6 tweets 3 min read

i) Hotel prices are expected to go up by 20-30%.

The entire chain is based on services: cleaning, utilities, management, etc.

Sure, this will not heavily affect the tourism industry because our ringgit is weak.

But what about local travellers??

1/4Image ii) Cars will be more expensive.

The hike affects almost all players in the automobile sector: vehicle services, car rental, cleaning, etc.

The CEO of Sime Darby said that it won’t have a major impact on the automotive industry.

“The theory is that car prices will go up by 2%,” he said.

But sir, a 2% increase on an RM45,000 Axia is an extra RM900, which is a lot for those who are on a tight budget.

Feb 15 12 tweets 4 min read
The ringgit plunged to RM4.7830 this morning.

Since the start of the year, the local note has declined by 4.01% and is now only 22 sen away from RM5.00.

Allow us to explain why this is happening.Image 1. The dollar is strengthening.

The DXY, a comparison of USD to a basket of currencies (euro, pound, etc.), gained 3.37% in the past 45 days.Image
Feb 7 11 tweets 5 min read
ASB Historic Returns (including bonuses):

2012: 8.90%
2013: 8.70%
2014: 8.50%
2015: 7.75%
2016: 7.25%
2017: 8.25%
2018: 7.00%
2019: 5.50%
2020: 4.25%
2021: 5.00%
2022: 5.10%
2023: 5.25%

There are several reasons for the steady decline in dividends.

Allow us to explain.Image 1. How does ASB generate returns?

i) You buy units in ASB.

ii) ASB invests your money in assets (mainly shares).

iii) These stocks earn profits and pay dividends to ASB.

iv) ASB deducts some of the profits for expenses and fees.

v) The leftover profits will be distributed to unitholders annually.Image
Oct 27, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
5 places to store (and grow) your savings right now:

1. Touch n’ GO+ (3.41% pa)

✅Daily payout, Shariah-compliant
✅Deposit/withdraw instantly with DuitNow
❌Earnings rate is the lowest of all cash apps
❌Maximum deposit limit of RM9,500, not insured by PIDM

2. Versa Cash-i (Promo Rate: 4.30% pa)

✅Daily payout, Shariah-compliant
✅Deposit/withdraw in 1-3 business days
❌Promo rate applies for the first RM30,000 only
❌Not insured by PIDM

3. Rize (Promo Rate: 5.00% pa)

✅Shariah compliant, insured by PIDM
✅Deposit/withdraw instantly using DuitNow
❌Monthly payout
❌Promo rate applies for the first RM5,000 and expires on 31 December

4. ASB & ASM (4-6% pa)

✅Shariah-compliant, consistent returns
✅Deposit/withdraw in 1-2 business days
❌Payout occurs once a year, not insured by PIDM
❌Limited units for non-bumis (ASM)

5. Fixed Deposits (3.80-4.20% pa)

✅Guaranteed returns
✅Insured by PIDM, Shariah-compliant
❌Significant capital (>RM1,000) to begin investing
❌Interest is forfeited when funds are redeemed early
Image “Got so many options, I can’t decide.”

Here’s how we do it:

• GO+ for daily spending/savings due to its flexibility.

• Versa for short to medium-term savings (>3 months).

• Rize for the 5% promo rate on the first RM5,000.
Aug 3, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
EPF has paid an annual dividend of 6% in the past decade.

With this return, it will take 12 years for the funds in your account to double.

Using the rule of 72, you can estimate how long it takes to duplicate your capital by dividing 72 with the rate of return.

1/4 Image The Rule of 72 also applies to inflation.

You can find out how long it takes for the value of your ringgit to be slashed in half.

Say you have RM50k in your bank account right now.

At a mere 2% inflation rate, it will take 36 years for that balance to be worth 50% less.

2/4 Image
Jul 27, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
The ringgit continues to rally against the US dollar.

Trading at RM4.5295, it is up 2.90% in the past 15 days.

Here’s what you need to know. 🧵 Image 1. Yesterday, the Federal Reserve approved a widely expected 25-basis point rate hike, bringing the Fed funds rate to 5.25-5.50%.

Borrowing costs in the US are now at a 22-year high, and Chairman J. Powell indicated that the Fed would be more data-driven on future increases. Image
May 26, 2023 17 tweets 7 min read
The Malaysian ringgit could fall to RM5.00 against the US dollar in the next few months, according to RHB Research.

The firm raised this alarming prediction after the local note surpassed its short-term target of RM4.60.

Here’s why this is happening. 🧵 Image 1. The USDMYR pair has been on a relentless upward momentum recently.

In the past 20 days, the greenback surged by 4.34% to a six-month high of RM4.636.

RHB Research has set its sights on RM4.75, and said that it is entirely possible for the dollar to hit RM5.00. Image
May 25, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
1. Serba Dinamik has failed to meet its payment obligations valued at RM14.6 million provided by Public Bank and Public Islamic Bank.

The oil and gas services company, which had a peak valuation of RM5.9 billion in 2019, is now worth 99% less, at only RM74.1 million. Image 2. The reason behind the default is the firm’s failure to settle the outstanding payments to both banks.

Together with its liquidator, Serba has been in discussions with Public Bank to reach a resolution that prioritizes the interests of the group.