Aleksandar Sasha Jovicic Profile picture
Serbian-American Conservative Patriot. #startupLord 🇷🇸 🇺🇸💪🏼 Real bio: real Illuminaughty
Ђорђо Бисерчић Profile picture 1 subscribed
Mar 4 11 tweets 4 min read
@EVOP5 The Golden Age was funded by funds from the World Bank which Tito had no intention of paying back. Ever. The golden age was a mind trick and a Ponzi scheme. “While the reduction of relative price distortions in the Yugoslav economy over the last two years has been associated with appreciable increases in the general cost of living, monetary and fiscal policy has been sufficiently firm to maintain a fair degree of internal financial stability, despite a very high rate of investment and economic growth. In this, Yugoslavia has been assisted by substantial amounts of grants and credits from abroad.” Fascinating read from 1962. IMF…
Mar 1 8 tweets 3 min read
This morning, I spoke with Dr. Alastair Hay, one of the two experts called into Kosovo* in 1990 and 1991 to help assess the so-called “Kosovo Children’s Poisoning”. While Dr. Foran has passed on, Dr. Hay, one of the two experts tasked by the authority of the Society for Endangered Peoples (West Germany) and the International Federation for Human Rights (Paris), is still alive and a professor at University of Leeds, UK.Image After their research in Kosovo was finished, they published the article in the Lancet Medical Journal called “Yugoslavia: Poisoning or epidemic hysteria in Kosovo?” November 9th, 1991.

“The incident began on March 14-15, (1990) when a small number of children in Podujevo (Kosovo*) complained of flu-like symptoms. Shortly after this stories began circulating in the Albanian community about a powder, or liquid, alleged to have been put in a classroom by someone of Serbian descent”Image
Feb 12 27 tweets 7 min read
In 2000, BBC published a damning piece on how the CIA financially supported the Kosovo Liberation Army against Serbs on false pretexts. The program contained damning evidence of how the Clinton administration set out to create a pretext for declaring war against the Milosevic regime in Serbia by sponsoring the separatist Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), then pressed this decision on its European allies. The revelations in the documentary were reinforced by an accompanying article in the Sunday Times.

A thread on the CIA KLA collusion:… From the historic documents:

Any armed action we undertook would bring retaliation against civilians," KLA leader Thaci explained. "We knew we were endangering a great number of civilian lives." The benefits of this strategy were made plain by Dug Gorani, a Kosovo Albanian negotiator not tied to the KLA: "The more civilians were killed, the chances of international intervention became bigger, and the KLA of course realised that. There was this foreign diplomat who once told me, 'Look, unless you pass the quota of five thousand deaths you'll never have anybody permanently present in Kosovo from foreign diplomacy.'"
Feb 10 33 tweets 12 min read
Now THIS in incredible. CIA has quietly released the file on Albanians late last night, after a 20 year hold on the research and 50 years of it being classified top secret. The CIA officially claims that its research shows that Albanians came from the Cyrus River Valley in present day Kura, Azerbaijan. The shocking 182 page report also documents atrocities and political sphere of influence which Albania has kept hidden from the world. Let’s read what the official files say.… Albanians were nomadic heathens, and moved to Greece (one part) and another across Asia Minor to escape King of Ponto’s soldiers. Image
Jan 12 21 tweets 9 min read
It’s time for us to document the favorite Serb-hater @KubaBielamowicz aka Kuba’s verbal vomit. We’ll it the NGO Shill’s Fascinating Articulating Revolutionary Thesaurus Guide. (NGO Shill’s FART Guide). We will first reveal the technique then we will describe the angle, then we’ll teach you some words you can use and sound like…super concerned about something that you get paid to illegally lobby for. Joining me will be Doctor @Imgaygunther let’s rock. Kubičko works at @UBS bank, apparently but he comes from a steady line of “diplomatic”, “democratic”, left-wing NGOs and other governmental agencies from the US to Poland to Vienna. Basically, he’s a paid left wing lunatic. Pardon, diplomatic officer.