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Fighting antisemitism and extremism 👊🏼 Truth, Emet, אמת
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Jul 8, 2020 8 tweets 6 min read

Over the weekend an event called #PalestineExpo took place at which Daniel Levy was one of the speakers. He admitted that antisemitism exists in their movement but said it is "weaponised" to attack Palestinians. Also on the panel was @haaretz journalist Gideon Levy who went further and claimed Israel was weaponising antisemitism and that it had been an effective tactic. He pleaded with panelists and viewers not to be taken in by it.
Jun 19, 2020 9 tweets 8 min read

Watch @BristolUni’s Prof David Miller argue MI5, MI6, the American security establishment and the Israeli government are allied in a conspiracy to get Muslims and Jews to make chicken soup together at the East London Mosque. For over 7 minutes Miller explains that a 2003 demonstration for Palestine organised by @MABOnline1 and @stwuk caused "panic" in the British and Israeli governments convincing them to take action
Dec 3, 2019 11 tweets 4 min read
EXCLUSIVE – IN 2015 @JeremyCorbyn labelled UK anti-terror laws as “very draconian” and attacked the British Security Services, suggesting that there should be less protections for them. How can this man be trusted to keep us safe?

Watch below 👇👇👇 The comments were made in the wake of the January 2015 Paris terrorist attacks in which 12 people were killed at the Charlie Hebdo offices and 4 Jews were murdered a few days later in a kosher supermarket.
Dec 2, 2019 10 tweets 4 min read
EXCLUSIVE – @JeremyCorbyn made several appearances between 2013 and 2015 on a TV channel (Islam Channel) that had previously been censured by Ofcom for encouraging violence against women and advocating marital rape…… In one such programme broadcast by the Islam Channel in 2009, a presenter stated, "it shouldn't be such a big problem where the man feels he has to force himself upon the woman".
Nov 19, 2019 8 tweets 3 min read
WATCH – In 2017, praising minority community media, @jeremycorbyn engages in antisemitic tropes saying that Jewish newspapers in 18th/19th/early 20th century helped keep the UK Jewish community “powerful” and “in a position to influence the politics of the environment they’re in” This was a strange form of praise that he didn’t apply to any other minority community in his comments.
Nov 13, 2019 13 tweets 5 min read
EXCLUSIVE – In 2011, @JeremyCorbyn met with a representative of the terrorist group, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command. The PFLP-GC were responsible for a number of terror attacks in Israel in the 70’s and 80’s, victims of which included children The meeting took place in Beirut whilst @JeremyCorbyn was part of a delegation to Lebanon. The trip was organised by the PRC, a group with alleged links to Hamas who you can read more about here –

Nov 4, 2019 21 tweets 13 min read
THREAD – The following is a run-down of @JeremyCorbyn’s political history. (This is NOT an exhaustive list and is ONLY material produced by this account.) @JeremyCorbyn is often labelled the unluckiest anti-racist in history. He’s not unlucky, he’s just a racist.

Please share: 1994/1996/1998 - @JeremyCorbyn gives support to an Islamist extremist with a history of antisemitism. Jewish Labour MP David Winnick highlights to @JeremyCorbyn that the individual held views "of a certain racial minority" that "were almost Nazi-like” -

Jul 31, 2019 13 tweets 6 min read
EXCLUSIVE – In January 2009, @JeremyCorbyn attended an anti-Israel demo in Birmingham which was, for all intents and purposes, an antisemitic hate rally. Notably, he marched at the front of the demo behind an antisemitic banner that read “Gaza-21st Century Concentration Camp”... Here is some footage of Corbyn, amongst others, marching behind the banner (apologies for poor quality):
Jul 26, 2019 16 tweets 6 min read
THREAD – Earlier this week a tweet from a UK-based Islamist gained attention as he labelled @BorisJohnson a “Zionist Pig”. He is Mohammed Al-Massari – a man whose history is intertwined with the history of extremism in the UK. Naturally all roads lead back to @JeremyCorbyn /1 You can read more about the tweet that Massari sent here -…. He also doubled-down on his tweet in English, see below. /2
Jun 6, 2019 17 tweets 7 min read
THREAD: How a visit by a senior @JeremyCorbyn staffer to a little known cultural centre in Brixton illustrates how continuing ideological sympathies makes @UKLabour a national security liability with hostile foreign states. /1 Back in March of this year, Laura Murray, @UKLabour’s current head of complaints, attended a talk at the Society for Co-operation in Russian and Soviet Studies (SCRSS). Here she is at the society standing in front of an image of Lenin. /2
May 28, 2019 8 tweets 5 min read
On Sunday @JeremyCorbyn was in Peterborough when he recorded a message of support for the Facebook group 'British Muslims for Corbyn'. Unsurprisingly another pro-Corbyn group is filled with antisemitism, including from the group's founder who was out campaigning with JC himself. Posts include antisemitic tropes relating to the Rothschild's.....
Apr 23, 2019 8 tweets 3 min read
EXCLUSIVE - Writing in 2008, @JeremyCorbyn compared pro-Palestinian activists attempting to break the blockade on Gaza to Jewish Holocaust survivors fleeing Europe...... Apparently “there are interesting historical connotations” in the fact that both used Cyprus as “their point of departure”……
Apr 9, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
Seeing as @UKLabour are so upset about the leaking of internal records relating to their handling of antisemitism, now is as good a time as any to remind them what their current Director of Strategy and Comms thinks about investigative journalism and leaks….

Watch below: The video was taken in 2011 in Doha when Seumas Milne participated on a panel at the sixth Al-Jazeera Forum entitled – “Leaks: the future of journalism”…..
Mar 21, 2019 16 tweets 9 min read
EXCLUSIVE – In March 2011 @JeremyCorbyn attended a Hamas-linked conference in Geneva to campaign for the release of convicted Palestinian terrorists. A number of notable individuals attended the conference including Raed Salah and former IRA volunteer Gerry MacLochlainn..... The conference was organised by ‘The European Network to support the Rights of Palestinian Prisoners’ (UFree). UFree is chaired by Mohammed Hamdan, the brother of senior Hamas official - Osama Hamdan who is a UK-designated terrorist subject to financial sanctions.
Mar 20, 2019 8 tweets 3 min read
So glad to see that Jackie Walker's Witchhunt film is doing so well. Here she is at a screening last week with her director - Jon Pullman. I wonder why he got the job........ Perhaps it was his belief that "the Zionist movement worked with the Nazis"......
Mar 13, 2019 12 tweets 8 min read
THREAD - The duplicity and two-facedness of @JeremyCorbyn and @UKLabour when it comes to antisemitism. (Cartoon credit: @MortenMorland) On Monday night, the usual motley crew of left-wing activists met in London at an event entitled - "Stop the attacks: Defend Corbyn, Defend the Left". Many of those who spoke are old personal friends of @JeremyCorbyn and have spoken alongside him on numerous occasions.
Feb 20, 2019 9 tweets 4 min read
EXCLUSIVE - In 2013 @JeremyCorbyn shared a platform with Asa Winstanley at the Palestine Solidarity Campaign’s AGM. Winstanley has been described as an antisemitic conspiracy theorist and only today @YoungLabourUK were forced to apologise for retweeting him....... Notably, a historic tweet (see below) seems to suggest that discussion on the panel included the “need to push back on claims of antisemitism”......
Jan 31, 2019 16 tweets 7 min read
EXCLUSIVE – In January 2012 @JeremyCorbyn gave an interview in Parliament to an antisemitic conspiracy theorist in which he agreed that “yes of course” Israel may engage in “creating a false flag event” to start a war with Iran. Watch below: The interview was conducted by amateur 'journalist' Morris Herman who had posted multiple antisemitic videos PRIOR to Corbyn affording him an interview in Parliament. Let’s take a look at just some of those videos…..
Jan 18, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read
As outrage builds over @OxfordUnion's decision to invite Mahathir Mohamad to speak tonight, a reminder that in 2009 @JeremyCorbyn was more than happy to attend a conference alongside him. Here they are pictured together... That was six years AFTER Mohamad delivered this repulsively antisemitic speech:
Jan 6, 2019 24 tweets 10 min read
THREAD - A case study in @UKLabour antisemitism and the abuse aimed at @RachelRileyRR.... 1. Meet Nadeem. Nadeem is a member of @UKLabour, @PeoplesMomentum and @UniteTheUnion.
Jan 3, 2019 12 tweets 6 min read
EXCLUSIVE – In 2011 @JeremyCorbyn spoke at a conference in London where he attacked the BBC, condemned British voters and gave support to the destruction of Israel alongside individuals who have since been kicked out of @UKLabour for antisemitism. In the following clip @JeremyCorbyn attacks the @BBC for their coverage of the 2011 Tunisian Revolution and follows up by giving support to the Qatari funded state broadcaster Al-Jazeera. “Thank God for Al-Jazeera” says Corbyn: