Hazel Hayes Profile picture
Jan 3, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
A text message every depressed person secretly wants to receive…

Hey. Just wanted to say I’m thinking of you and I care about you. No pressure to reply. But if you do wanna talk, I’m here. Or we could just hang out without talking about big stuff. I’ll check in again soon x Then, whether you hear back or not, you check in again like you said you would.

I understand replying is probably overwhelming right now. That’s okay. I’ll keep checking in all the same. And I’ll be here whenever you’re ready.
Mar 16, 2020 18 tweets 8 min read
Here’s the thing. Years and years of fake news and sensationalist journalism and people panicking over dumb shit on Twitter made me think everyone was overreacting about Coronavirus and that I just needed to be cautious and sensible when going out. Unfortunately, I was wrong. Living in the UK, where nothing was being done about it, reinforced my belief that it wasn’t a big deal. But I’ve since remembered that the UK government are absolute idiots, so that argument doesn’t work anymore. I mean we’re talking about Boris fucking Johnson here.