Dave Llewellyn 🥷 Decolonising Ninja Profile picture
He's a bit of a loose cannon . Alex Salmond
Feb 19 5 tweets 1 min read
We were called moonhowlers by certain sections of the movement but next month Scotland's case is going to be heard by a higher authority than Westminster or it's pet Supreme Court . And our case is a strong one. If successful we will be able to hold our own referendum and there can be no interference from Westminster . No interference from the BBC or any media based outside Scotland. In fact the only thing Westminster can do is facilitate our vote BUT I think we would prefer to have UN observers this time and we will keep the ballots ourselves . It's
Nov 24, 2024 7 tweets 1 min read
@heraldscotland after you're recent Political Awards debacle allow me to help you out with next year's Politician of the Year .
@coletteisp is the Leader of the small party ISP who are ignored by the media yet yet Colette as a non sighted person can regularly be seen with her sighted friend Barley jumping on trains and buses across the country campaigning for the ISP who recently got a sufficient percentage of the vote in a byelection to win a seat at Holyrood . She is also one of the driving forces behind the #ScotlandNotForSale Freeports group
Oct 23, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
@JNHanvey Joanna Cherry is a former sex crimes prosecutor. She has never seen Moorov go down in any case where there were more than three complainers. There were 9 in Alex's case. Two serious charges and 10 which were less serious than a parking ticket and only in there to try to bait the @JNHanvey hook to catch one of the two big charges . Witness H and Witness F . Witness H made 4 statements to the police where her underwear went from being one to across the room in incremental steps. Her evidence that she was at the dinner was denied by two separate witnesses
Oct 17, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Tomorrow one of the most remarkable people I have ever met is coming home to his wife and family for the last time.
Tomorrow is going to be a strange day for the movement because if and its a big if people have any respect for decency then his family will be given time and Image space to grieve for their fallen husband, brother, uncle. We have all been used to Alex being like a member of our own extended family and in recognition of this Alex wife Moira invites anyone wishing to welcome him home to join him on one last journey
Sep 4, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
The truth about Bruce and Dunfermline Abbey .
Last summer @SSalyers2 and I visited Dunfermline Abbey to pay our respects to Robert the Bruce. We got into a long chat with one of the historians who works for HES and we're told the history of finding "Bruce's " body during the Image excavations where numerous other Scottish monarchs are buried. The were very excited to discover a body that had had its heart removed and even with the lack of actual Scottish history taught in our schools many of us will have heard of the tale of The Black Douglas taking
Aug 22, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
Right now I'm getting PISSED OFF.
Labour and the Tories are jumping on the drug deaths because 1100 people died. They blame the SNP because they are in charge of Health. Yet former home secretaries Alan Smith ( Labour ) and Theresa May (Tory ) refused a drug free of chsrge That would be dispensed daily on a patch that would have wiped out the UK's heroin epidemic and would have been provided to the UK governments at no cost at all.
Best is although its a very powerful drug overdose can be treated with simple valium. BUT the reason they didnt
Aug 10, 2024 16 tweets 3 min read
Sunday just before lunchtime the Salvo choir group had arranged to meet at Sara's flat for practice. As we were all making our way up from different places Iain called Sara. Sara had less half an hour to process this then break it to the choir group .
By that time we knew that Iain wasn't coming home. The initial news was that he wasn't expected to make til the weekend then he might get a few weeks. As fate would have it some of us were lulled into delaying things that needed to be said. I sent Iain a text on Sunday night. I don't know if he ever
May 25, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
I am about to write a rather long diatribe about why independence is on,life support in this country and its just been smacked right in face AGAIN for the God knows howe many millionth time in 4 years. And the words that almost sentenced independence to as near death as can still breathe are #WheeshtForIndy . Is there still an independence believer who has heard the breeze on the wind 4 years ago as it grew into a howl first of disbelief and finally of abject betrayal who actually believes thast you can successfully wheesht for indy ? Because the kind
Mar 18, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Free advice Image Protected Characteristics under Equalities Act 2010 which as Westminster law supercedes Holyrood law for the moment . Image
Jan 4, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
A thread.

Salvo Jure Cujuslibet

Saving the rights of each one, i. e., without prejudice
Ballentines Law Dictionary 1916

For 114 years from 1592 til 1706 the Scottish Parliament acknowledged the sovereignty of the Scottish people by offering Salvo at the end of each Image parliamentary session :
Any person who wished to do so was invited to challenge any legislation that prejudiced their civil rights or freedoms .
This convention was made law in 1663 by the Act of Salvo Jure Cujuslibet and vanished in the last parliament after the Scottish
Nov 29, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
I read these two letters to the FanZine and needed to reply. ( Swear filter on.)

To L McGregor and Stan Grodinsky.
After reading your printed pieces of unsubstantiated hyperbole and not wishing to support the FanZine by taking out a subscription I willarchive.ph/cvqsI have to respond on Twitter and I hope that anyone supporting my take will retweet to as many people as they can. So
#WhoAreYou to perform such a perfunctory investigation into the mind of @alexsalmond the greatest living politician Scotland has ever produced. Source his record
Sep 3, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
16th September

#DemocracyDay part 1
Handing over of the Stirling Directive at Holyrood to representative of the Scottish Parliament
September 19th 11am Image
Dec 9, 2022 18 tweets 4 min read
I am a proud member of Alba and was waiting to join long before news was released. Scotland needs a leader with a proven track record and theres only person with that pedigree and that @AlexSalmond is that person especially now after the Supreme Court misstep has never been more obvious . Now Alex and have different ideas about how Scotland should run after we are independent and if he goes too far off piste it s my right to vote for someone else. Thats called democracy its something we both share but when it comes to how we get there HE IS THE
Nov 21, 2022 47 tweets 29 min read
@Glasgowegian @RTweetie5 I believe in the words of the declaration if arbroath. Its shaped everything I have don with Yes Movement.. Abd I live by it . An 802 year old document wriitten in a language I dont understand. But it's very simple and if your ego tries to get a hold of you and it does to us @Glasgowegian @RTweetie5 All at some point you can line yourself up against it and it will straighten you out. I have never wanted to be a leader because I have seen the stress that carrying peoples Hope's and dreams puts on someone . Leaders are born with something thats forged into their soul.