Jeff Putnam |✍ Profile picture
Dad of 9 | Part Hemingway, Part Cowboy, 100% Catholic | Author of The Cole Harper Adventure Series: OUT NOW
6 subscribers
Sep 17, 2023 23 tweets 4 min read
How I grew a $100k/yr writing business in less than a year.

Thread/ It's 2023 and most people still don't realize Twitter is the easiest place to start a client based business.

Reason being that once they end up on "Money Twitter" they fall into one of two categories that get them stuck.

Those categories?
Jul 15, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
The number one thing you need to consider before sending a cold dm:

"How will what I send them benefit them?"

Is it going to:

- Make them smarter
- Make them more money
- Make their life easier

If you can't check at least one of those boxes, don't send the dm.

Let me explain You've seen people complaining about how many cold dms on the timeline.

It's ridiculous.

I get a few hundred a week and ignore most of them because they aren't offering me one of the 3 things I listed above.

Almost all of them are asking for something instead of GIVING.
Jul 4, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
I spent 4 years and thousands of dollars learning there are two kinds of clients on Twitter.

1. Those that give you clues that you should dm them.

2. Those that will only dm you.

Here's how you tell the difference and how you get them on a call. Everyone's afraid of doing outreach because they either:

- Fear being rejected
- Don't know who to dm
- Don't know what to say

The first is just something you can only get over by experiencing it.

As for the second and third things, I'll show you.
Jun 16, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
3 questions you need to answer to build a loyal audience that will not only engage with your content but also become paying customers and clients.

1) What problem am I solving?
2) Is this a problem I'd enjoy solving for a long time?
3) Who is the exact person I'm creating for? Now,

There are 3 major niches that you can solve problems that people are willing to pay for.

- Wealth
- Health
- Relationships

People always want to make more money, people always want to get in shape or loss weight, and people always want to improve their love life.
Jun 15, 2023 19 tweets 4 min read
Making money on social media is WAY easier today than it was when I first got started in 2019.

Back then, I was throwing all kinds of content at the wall to grow and make money,

But after 106K tweets, I learned there are only 4 kinds of tweets that make money.

Here they are: Tweets that people can ACT on:

- Tips
- Resources
- Frameworks

Things that people can start using within 5 minutes after reading your tweet and see some instant results.

The faster people feel gratification, the better.
Jun 15, 2023 27 tweets 5 min read
I can't remember who it was, but one of you posted a video on Twitter of some kids trying to figure out how to use a rotary phone. The adults in the video were all laughing and carrying on while the kids did everything except dial the phone, and the comments were full of people saying the same thing.

"Kids these days don't know how to do anything."

And you know what?

They're right.
Jun 14, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Want to get an annoying amount of leads without being annoying?

Imagine looking at your calendar and seeing that it's FULL of people who've booked calls with you.

And the best part?

You didn't have to spend hours giving away shitty PDFs that no one is ever going to use.

👇 You want more clients, right?

Now imagine instead of having to hound new leads, you're sending them all emails and telling them you can't take on any more work right now because you're booked.

The best you can offer them is a spot on your waiting list.

Sounds good, right?
Jun 7, 2023 22 tweets 5 min read
Here's my exact method for turning other people's problems into cash by asking WHY, HOW, and WHAT.

You're going to want to bookmark this one. Now, everyone knows that problem solving is the name of the game when it comes to online business, but the trick is understanding that you can't solve just one problem.

That's because there are no prospects in any niche that have just ONE problem.

But there's a catch.
Jun 6, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read
When it comes to selling your services online, you've got two options.

And sadly, most people choose the wrong one.

A deep dive into why most solopreneurs have to fight for every single dollar while others seem to generate cash out of thin air.

Bookmark this one. No matter what your service or offer is, it's easy to shoot yourself in the foot if you position yourself the wrong way.

If you want to make life changing money, you can't look like everyone else.

Being the grey man is how you end up being compared to everyone else.
Jun 5, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
You don't have to be the best to make crazy money in your online business.

You don't need an original idea.

You don't even need a better offer.

All you need is to have an offer that takes people down a different path to get the same results as your competition.

I'll explain Say you're a dating coach.

What's the ultimate goal that you're offering to your clients?

It's not how to get more dates.

It's not learning pick-up game.

Those things are just tools to get them what they're really after.

A relationship.

This is where positioning comes in.
Jun 4, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read
How to position yourself as an authority in your on Twitter to get more inbound leads for your coaching or freelancing offers.

You'll want to bookmark this one.

Thread/ Why positioning matters:

There are only 3 markets you can serve.

- Health
- Wealth
- Relationships

Every business on earth falls into one of those three main markets, which each has hundreds if not thousands of submarkets.

And there are millions of businesses.
Jun 3, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
The mindset shift you need to make if you want to make more money.

Quick thread Take a look at some of the best entrepreneurs in this space.

What do you see?

You see them charging 5 figures a month for their services and you think,

"Man, they must be REALLY good at what they do."

Now don't get me wrong.

They are really good, but they're not special.
May 29, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Making money online is easy when you figure out the difference between what FEELS like it's important and what's ACTUALLY important.

Here's what most people get wrong. 1. Learning too much

You're never going to have all the information you need., the timing will never be perfect, and you're going to make small improvements to every single thing you ever do.

Instead of trying to figure I all out before you start, try this.
May 27, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read
How to position yourself as an authority in your on Twitter to get more inbound leads for your coaching or freelancing offers.

You'll want to bookmark this one.

Thread/ Why positioning matters:

There are only 3 markets you can serve.

- Health
- Wealth
- Relationships

Every business on earth falls into one of those three main markets, which each has hundreds if not thousands of submarkets.

And there are millions of businesses.
May 27, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
There are hundreds of Twitter Growth courses out there, and if that's all you're looking for, this thread isn't for you.

But if you want to build an audience full of people chomping at the bit to pay you for your services, I've got some news for you. I built a private community for people who wanted to grow and monetize their accounts and get their first $20k/mo using Twitter.

Here's what you get when you join:
May 26, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
"Should I talk about features or benefits in my copy and sales pitches?"

Some people will tell you to talk about features.

Some people will tell you to talk about benefits.

And they're both wrong.

Talk about the true desired outcome.

Here's an example: If you were selling a back brace for people suffering from back pain, your customers aren't going to care what it's made of.

And believe it or not, they don't even care that it gets rid of back pain.

At least not in the way you think.

So what DO they care about?
May 19, 2023 22 tweets 5 min read
Here's my exact method for turning other people's problems into cash by asking WHY, HOW, and WHAT.

You're going to want to bookmark this one. Now, everyone knows that problem solving is the name of the game when it comes to online business, but the trick is understanding that you can't solve just one problem.

That's because there are no prospects in any niche that have just ONE problem.

But there's a catch.
May 18, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Every single day, my inbox is flooded with hundreds of requests.

People like you eager to refine their offer, expand their following, or secure more leads and clients.

But what if I told you there's a way to skip the waiting line and get the training you need every week? Welcome to the Grow and Get Paid Academy.

Here, you won't be another DM lost in the sea.

Instead, you'll be part of an exclusive group of go-getters, receiving regular training and insights to drive your business growth.
May 17, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
Why do I write?

Because I saw a guy drunk on a boat, shooting sharks with a machine gun.

Thread/ When I was a kid, I was obsessed with reading, and there were two book series that I couldn't get enough of.

1. The Hardy Boys

My uncle had bought me a small box set for my birthday one year, and I loved them so much I ended up asking him for the rest of them.
May 13, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Making money online is easy when you figure out the difference between what FEELS like it's important and what's ACTUALLY important.

Here's what most people get wrong. 1. Learning too much

You're never going to have all the information you need., the timing will never be perfect, and you're going to make small improvements to every single thing you ever do.

Instead of trying to figure I all out before you start, try this.
May 12, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read
When it comes to selling your services online, you've got two options.

And sadly, most people choose the wrong one.

A deep dive into why most solopreneurs have to fight for every single dollar while others seem to generate cash out of thin air.

Bookmark this one. No matter what your service or offer is, it's easy to shoot yourself in the foot if you position yourself the wrong way.

If you want to make life changing money, you can't look like everyone else.

Being the grey man is how you end up being compared to everyone else.