How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App a stoic Dean of the Senate John Witmire (D-Houston) drop his poker face for a second and give the side-eye to the #txlege House Managers that are prosecuting a case that is falling apart before their eyes.’s hear that again: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it” — Upton Sinclair constitutional question (if it’s a question at all & not self-proving by his possession), and not one that should be decided by a special master appointed by a district judge in an ancillary suit related to magistrate’s grant of an overly broad general warrant? 2/2 other than some grumbling on Twitter, the criticism didn’t go anywhere. Then there was that crap about him telling the Ambassador stuff. None of it went anywhere. Why? two people know what was said *in the meeting* — Sussman, who says he didn’t say it, and Baker who has consistently equivocated on exactly what was said. Recall Durham now has to prove that the “materially false statement” was said *in the meeting*. 2/’ve previously discussed the “revolving door” between govt, contractors, media, and academia… and how insidious that is. But an oft overlooked point is that many of those left behind in drab govt jobs who don’t get to traverse that revolving door yearn to… 2/ correctly points out that he’s obligated to provide accommodations to employees — but the employer has very wide latitude here; indeed it is very likely that prudence will require a company to accept ANY proffered rationale for an exemption or face discrimination lawsuits 2/