Kelli ♫ The Opera Geek ♫ Profile picture
Opera Singer • aria-slinging mercenary • Technically Award-Winning Soprano • #ADHD • Voiceover Actor • she/her • Stream To End MS Advisory Board Member •
Jun 7, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read I just saw a headline about the new Loki TV show.

It read, "Loki confirmed as gender fluid".

....Yes. He was.


*throws up hands in exasperated history/mythology nerd* FOR PETE'S SAKE, NO ONE TELL THEM ABOUT SLEIPNIR

Jun 6, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Interact with people's joy as much as you do with their anger.

Uplift their work when they create, just as much as you tell them its OK to not create due to mental health.

It seems to be a trend here, that sadness, anger, & struggle seem to be what people like interacting with. But more often than not, actual joy, art, content - those get far fewer reactions or interactions than pain, anger, and mental health struggles.

Celebrate others' joy as much as you feel the need to interact with their pain.
Mar 30, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Just a smol thread:

There seems to be a bit of a misunderstanding, quite often, about being a personality/brand.

I've been asked a lot if 'The #OperaGeek' is a fake personality or character, since I've said that my public persona can be different from me privately.

When you are a public-facing artist/performer/creator, you ARE the product. You are what you sell. That is indisputable.

What is ALSO indisputable is you can't keep up a solid brand 24/7 as today's environment requires if that brand isn't also YOU.

People don't like fake.

Dec 20, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
You know what is reeeeeaally cool?

Being a woman isn't some limited edition, scant supply, hoard it like hand sanitizer thing.

Understanding that trans women *ARE WOMEN* does not somehow invalidate me as a woman. It just means there are more amazing women.

Story. No one is saying you matter less or your womanhood is worth less than anyone else's.

It means that you have the opportunity to hold out a hand & welcome those who haven't yet had the experiences you've had.
How great is it that you can be there with them for it?! H*ckin awesome
Dec 17, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
I guess I also need to add something else that should be common sense:

Someone being an entertainer, etc who you view as popular?

That doesn't mean they don't struggle with mental health. That doesn't mean they can't be depressed. It doesn't mean they can't have bad things happening in their lives that YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT BECAUSE EVERY TIME, ALWAYS, SOMEONE SHOWS UP WITH "oh, yeah, I'd LOVE to have YOUR problems, you should try having REAL people problems."

Just freaking don't.
Oct 22, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
At,some point, I suppose you have to put enough faith in people that they will judge you by the content of your character, past actions, and words; and not by what someone says about you in attempts to hurt you or stir drama. Just noticed the extra comma.

I blame the shark in raft.

bruce was trying to eat me for dinner.
Oct 20, 2020 96 tweets 26 min read
Oh no I'm back at it again

Oh dear

Buckle up "No civil police force could hold out against an irate and resolute population. The trick is not to let them realize that. Yes?”
― Terry Pratchett, Unseen Academicals
(Lord Vetenari, ruminating on policing a la Vimes)

Oct 19, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
I was reminded today by a conversation of one of the most (at the time) condescending things I'd had said to me (at that point).
When PJ & I were newly engaged (and yes, young), we attended a party with a lot of people of...shall we say....a higher social status?
(LOL, right) While I was hiding in a corner (I had no one to talk to about serial killers. PJ is much better at small talk than I_), one of the women came up to me & asked if he was my boyfriend. I smiled & VERY proudly said, "No, he is my fiance!"

She made a show of looking at my left hand.
Sep 10, 2020 19 tweets 5 min read
Today's #OperaGeek "Serious Talk Times™" is about something difficult: rejection.

Many people think of rejection in the sense of romantic attachments; that isn't what this is about.

This is about other kinds, & perceptions of 'following your dream' as a performer.

Buckle up. This is about everyday rejections. The rejections that come when you try to do what you love. The rejections that are never voiced, but made known through silence.

The rejections that chip away at you, little by little, until your confidence is blown.

Aug 22, 2020 63 tweets 19 min read
"Sometimes you had to take a look at yourself and then look away.”
― Terry Pratchett, Snuff

#Discworld “They say that the eyes of some paintings can follow you around the room, a fact that I doubt, but I am wondering whether some music can follow you for ever.”
― Terry Pratchett, Snuff

Yes. It can.

Jun 8, 2020 27 tweets 6 min read
"There were times when the world did not need policemen, because what it really did need was for somebody who knew what they were doing to shut it all down and start it all up again so that THIS time it could be done properly."

- Terry Pratchett, Snuff

#Discworld "...but what should we do when the highborn and wealthy take to crime? Indeed, if a poor man will spend a year in prison for stealing out of hunger, how high would the gallows need to be to hang the rich man who breaks the law out of greed?"

- Terry Pratchett, Snuff