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Oct 24, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
If you constantly worry that other people are mad at you when they are not, then you were probably raised in a walking-on-eggshells atmosphere.

HERE'S WHY 🧵: In your constant efforts to tiptoe around someone else’s moods, in the hope of avoiding blow-ups, or disapproval, you constantly edit what you say and do. You second-guess your own judgment. Ultimately, your perceptions of reality and emotional awareness change for the worse.
Oct 11, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Anger is a secondary emotion. If someone is angry, they were something first. There's some other painful or uncomfortable emotion under the anger that is not getting dealt with directly and is getting turned into anger to mask the primary emotion in order to avoid vulnerability. Secondary emotions are often caused by the beliefs we have about experiencing certain emotions. For example: Some people believe that being sad is a sign of weakness. Therefore, whenever they experience sadness, these thoughts come up, which trigger secondary emotions.
Nov 26, 2020 14 tweets 3 min read
The highest form of meditation is hugging your past self and tell them “you’ll be fine” then pick up the phone to your future self, just to hear them say the same thing. We all have time machines. At the quantum level, memories/dreams in the present can influence the past/future. Many of us know the feeling. You'll be going about your day, minding your own business... nothing out of the ordinary. Suddenly a sensation of familiarity washes over you, and you're completely aware that it's happening. “Deja Vu” occurs when your future self is watching you.
Jan 27, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
In these days of spiritual awakening and ascension energies flowing all around us, people are beginning to understand how future prediction techniques work, how the energy of belief can go into them, and how collective manifestation is the basis of existence in this dimension. Collective Manifestation is the realization that the energetic force of many is more potent than the force of any single individual. The Universe is asking whether or not we truly believe this. Do we believe in our collective power to create the reality we desire?
Nov 29, 2019 28 tweets 7 min read
Perhaps the most intriguing photo purporting to show the North Polar opening into the “Hollow Earth”, taken by the American space station Skylab in 1974. Both entrances are usually covered in clouds and the airspace is restricted by law. Image People often ask me "Why must the Earth be hollow, and how does it tie together with the Holographic Universe Theory?” This is a fair question, one which we can answer easily enough using science.
May 15, 2019 19 tweets 4 min read
You attract what you tolerate. That’s why people with no boundaries of their own, and narcissists, vibrate toward each other. Setting boundaries is one of your most powerful spiritual powers for protecting your aura and increasing the ability of your spiritual immune system. Yes, they come back because your energy is amazing. They also come back because they want more free acess to it. Stay woke. Sometimes your light attracts moths and your warmth attracts parasites. Pay attention to whom your energy increases and decreases around. Image
Apr 30, 2019 12 tweets 3 min read
The body can literally reject someone’s energy. Your anxiety will start acting up anytime bad energy disturbs your spirit. Pain is the body’s voice. Listening to your body and honouring its signals is one of the truest forms of self-love. This is not speculation, the term ‘morphic field' was coined by biologist Rupert Sheldrake, whose reasearch explains how the morphic field is what makes it possible to access information when stepping into a field that has similar resonance or reject it.
Apr 25, 2019 13 tweets 2 min read
Meditation puts your brain into the theta wave, which resonates at 4-7 hertz. In this state, you are more easily able to access your subconscious mind, your intuition shines through, your surroundings start speaking to you, and thought manifestation is heightened. Meditating means quieting and focusing your mind so that you are aware of yourself in the present moment. Done daily it helps you be more aware, improves your energy and calmness, heightens your ability to concentrate, and makes you a clearer thinker.
Apr 15, 2019 25 tweets 10 min read
The Egyptians placed the snake on the forehead to symbolize that they had awakened their own kundalini energy. Accomplishing this had changed their entire being down to DNA and cellular levels. Once this was done they no longer considered themselves humans, they were now Gods. ImageImageImageImage Your nervous system is the physical manifestation of the kundalini serpent. The Uraeus(Ancient Egypt) or Kundalini(Ancient India) represents the medical caduceus(The 2 serpents spiralling 7 times up a pole until they reach the top at which point they have wings and take flight). ImageImageImageImage