My Theory of Everything is about the unification of opposites incl. a world formula. It brings together evolution, morality, structures, math, ideologies, states of matter, states of mind, religion, perception, temperature, philosophy, etc. Free PDF:… [1/9]
The theory is from a software developers perspective. You can also find the illustrations in english & german on my homepage: 2. index 3. introduction 4. structures, orders, realities 5. time and predictability of static, organic & chaotic realities [2/9]
May 22, 2022 • 6 tweets • 7 min read
[1/6] Here is a list of my most recent & best graphics about how in #Alchemy (chemistry of mental archetypes) is the #TheoryOfEverything: 1. Teach & Learn: The acquisition of knowledge is a zero point from which one can move into ignorance in two directions 2. Classical Alchemy
[2/6] 3. Realities: Why every scientific species will observe an organic reality. 4. Structures: static, organic, chaotic, and constructed order 5. Laws of Evolution: why only organic evolutionary chains work. 6. Mathematical construction of the Philosopher's Stone
Jan 23, 2022 • 6 tweets • 7 min read
Meine #TheoryOfEverything
Chemie beschreibt die Elemente der Physik.
Alchemie die Elemente der Metaphysik.
Der Philosopher's Stone ist eine rationale Formel für die philosophischen Archetypen der Existenz.(1/6)
Philosophie, Archetypen, Geometrie, Evolution, Religion. #SteinDerWeisen Anwendungen: 1. Strukturen & Ordnungen | Elemente, Temperatur, Aggregatzustände 2. Mathematik vom Philosopher's Stone 3. Emotionale Bewertungen | Umgang mit Informationen 4. Evolutionäre Vererbung (2/6)
Jan 23, 2022 • 6 tweets • 7 min read
My #TheoryOfEverything:
Alchemy describes the elements of metaphysics.
Chemistry describes the elements of physics.
The Philosopher's Stone is a rational formula for the philosophical archetypes of existence.(1/6)
PDF English:
Philosophy, Archetypes, Geometry, Evolution, Religion
Examples of use: #PhilosophersStone 1. Structures & Orders | Elements, Temperature, States of matter 2. Mathematics of the Philosopher's Stone 3. Emotional evaluations | Handling of information 4. Evolutionary inheritance(2/6)
Oct 24, 2021 • 7 tweets • 5 min read
Alchemy describes the elements of metaphysics.
Chemistry describes the elements of physics.
The philosopher's stone is a rational formula.
Like a²+b²=c², but it uses rational archetypes of existence. It is not physical.
Examples of use: #philosophersstone 1. metaphysics & physics, alchemy & chemistry 2. elements, temperature, physical states 3. static, organic, chaotic and constructed orders 4. natural and political science