SEG Magnetics Inc. Alternative Energy & Physics Research. Hoping funding brings revolutionary scientific projects to fruition for preservation of humanity.
Feb 11 • 4 tweets • 10 min read
People still believe in black holes in 2025!?? Surely this has to be a troll?
All this, talk about black holes, white holes, worm holes… The only holes in nature are pink… But these nerds wouldn't know anything about that.
Problems with black hole theory and mathematics…
Kirchhoff's law is invalid.
Lane's Law is invalid.
Eddington's Virial Theorem is invalid.
Gravitational collapse is invalid.
Hawking radiation is invalid.
The math for black hole theory says the heat capacity of a black hole is negative. So the more mass that is added… The colder the black hole gets according to their math.
Yet they constantly contradict themselves, saying how there is either infinite heat in a black hole (as Stephen Hawking suggested in his books)… Or that there is negative heat. Which is a violation of thermodynamics.
The laws of thermodynamics are stable, and cosmologists do not get to arbitrarily violate those laws because they think they get weak signals from billions of light years away, which they say justifies overturning known laws of physics.
But these older equations they are using are violating thermodynamics, and what is called intensive and extensive properties.
What can now been known as the fourth law of thermodynamics.
If an equation has an intensive variable on one side, then the product of that equation must be intensive on the other side.
If an equation has an extensive variable on one side, then the product of that equation must be extensive on the other side.
Hawking, Birkenstein, Eddington, Lane, Kirchhoff, Planck, Penrose, Jeans, Parker, Susskind, Greene, Cox, Smoot, Penzias, Wilson and many many more have violated laws of thermodynamics in their papers and theories and simulations, because of outdated invalid equations.
This is catastrophically devastating to astrophysics, which brings it back to the drawing board. But people are still unaware.
Below are some references and discussions about the equations their flaws and corrections.
April 10th, 2019 - Claims of a Black Hole Image: The Day Astrophysics Died…
Three Honest Astronomers Agree- The Black Hole Image is an Artifact?!…
Peer reviewed paper from M. Miyoshi, Y. Kato, and J. Makino, The jet and resolved features of the central supermassive black hole of M87 observed with EHT:
Extinction Shift Principle: A Pure Classical Alternative to General and Special Relativity,
Dowdye, Jr., E.H., Physics Essays, Volume 20, 56 (2007) (11 pages); DOI: 10.4006/1.3073809…
Gauss' Law for gravity and observation reveal no solar lensing in empty vacuum space:…
This thread of videos will demonstrate some of the concepts of magnetic waveforms, magnetic bearings, and a completely revolutionary method of magnetization which results in exotic behaviors.
The video starts with a segment from Eric Laithwaite, the father of the Mag-Lev train. And giving a demonstration of a linear induction motor from his presentation called "The Magnetic River".
Rather than a straight track, we wrap it in a ring.
(These videos were deleted by YouTube... labeling everything as "medical misinformation.")
Part 2 of 5
Magnetic Waves, Induction and Coherence
This video shows another demonstration from Eric Laithwate and the linear induction motor.
I show the non-linear induction motor as a comparison to show the same principles are applied... but to continuous motion in a particular direction of orbit.
The magnetic rollers transfer their kinetic energy like billiard balls... but this deals with a constant tangent.
So this is how charged particles behave a particle accelerator. But normally... those subatomic particles are too small to see, and that's inside of a giant tokamak or closed chamber like a hollow donut.
The magnetic fields confine the particles and the plasma in the accelerator chamber.
But we can mimic the same dynamics on a table top by showing the magnetic rollers are behaving similar to the subatomic particles in an accelerator chamber.
Transferring their kinetic energy without needing to physically knock around like a Newton's cradle.
It's like a magnetic version... but in a ring.
The more rollers present... the more they self-align and maintain that spatial coherence. Because they are compressing together and restricted from vibrating or clashing due to Lorentz force.
Aug 15, 2024 • 6 tweets • 7 min read
Current nuclear theory suggests that you can only extract 0.063 watts of power from 1 gram of Strontium-90. A man named Dr. Paul M. Brown developed something called the Resonant Nuclear Battery. The technology can extract 7500 watts from that same gram of Strontium-90. That's over 100,000 times more energy than what is claimed is possible.
In late 1980s, Dr. Brown patented a resonant nuclear battery and successfully demonstrated a 75 watt prototype. It used a 2 millimeter long Strontium-90 needle to produce electricity comparable to NASA's Plutonium based RTGs which produce 0.54 watts per gram.…
Brown died under mysterious circumstances just before his company NuCell was set to launch on the stock market. His partner and attorney Phil Talbert was witness to his efforts and stifling and wrote a book called The Half Life of a Nuclear Battery.
Dr. Brown attempted to communicate with John Searl in the 1980s. He wrote 13 letters to John Searl because Paul Brown said he had built his own SEG unit called the DPU (Demonstration Power Unit) using a Strontium-90/Neodymium alloy.
Here is one letter:…
A man named Mark LeClair, of Nanospire, Inc, built a cavitation device in his garage for $250 that generated nuclear radiation and formed diamonds. (using only water, images of the results included in the first link below). He and his business partner were severely radiation poisoned for more than a year, lost their hair and almost died.
I was fortunate enough to host the Global Breakthrough Energy Movement Conference in Boulder, Colorado in 2013 where I introduced LeClair's presentation. Brilliant guy. (He kinda looks like Stew from The Hangover.)
Mark solved a 100 year old cavitation erosion equation mystery.
So... if Mark LeClaire found a method to generate nuclear radiation from cavitation of water in a closed cycle... and Dr. Paul Brown in the first post could directly convert the nuclear radiation to electrical current... then why not combine both of these concepts to bypass the need for nuclear reactors and refining fuel rods to ultimately just boil water and make steam?
That's only up to 30% efficient anyway.
The direct conversion of radioactive decay to electric output would be a big blow to the nuclear industry... As would the production of nuclear energy from water and the subsequent conversion of that on-demand.
Cavitation Experiment/ Results/ Theory of RNA & DNA Synthesis and LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reactions):…
In this thread I'll present info on #Nanobubbles, their fantastic properties and how they can help clean the #OhioChemicalDisaster ... and more!
This technology is mainly in Japan. I've tried for years to get others in the US to pay attention, form businesses and help people.
Had to reupload these vids to #rumble because #YouTube says it's MEDICAL MISINFORMATION...
When enough nanobubbles latch onto an impurity in a body of water... the impurity will rise to the surface to form a scum. Vacuum off and you have pristine water.…
Feb 11, 2023 • 56 tweets • 39 min read
In this thread, I'll introduce the brilliant work of Dr. Edward Dowdye.
Credible Challenges to General & Special Relativity, Doppler Shift Theory & more.
If Einstein were alive today, he would concede to Dr. Dowdye's scientific evidence and mathematical proofs.
The brilliant work of Dr. Edward Dowdye…
Optics, Electrodynamics & Gravitation based from Re-Worked classic physics/ Galilean Transformations under Euclidean Space…
Aug 15, 2022 • 64 tweets • 19 min read
There was no Big Bang. Redshift and the Z measurement is completely misconceived. Here is just a fraction of the evidence presented by Eric Lerner. In this thread, I will post over 30 detailed sources to substantiate.
Oct 5, 2021 • 15 tweets • 5 min read
SEG Voltage Controlled Homopolar MockUp Demo 10V @ 2 amps = 8 lbs moving 200 orbital RPM/ 1450 Centripetal RPM.
See comments for detailed explanations.
Consider it as a hydroelectric dam on the quantum scale. The "media" is the internal kinetic energy of electrons. #GreenEnergy
What is the SEG Mockup? - (Searl Effect Generator - Steemit Article)
#GreenEnergy #physics #magnets #quantum…