How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App, 15M Silents & Boomers will die between 2020-2024,replaced by 17.8M Gen Z voters who vote diametrically opposite. That’s a 6M vote MINIMUM swing if Gen Z -ONLY- votes at Millennial levels. But in 2022, they voted at a far higher rate and zeroed out the Boomer vote., if I win $100 Billion in the lottery, I promise to give one billion of my winnings to @VivekGRamaswamy to run for a position he's actually qualified for, like the Mayor of South Bend, Indiana or something similar. with Jimmy Carter, Democrats abandoned unions and strove instead to get campaign donations from corporations, a policy eagerly embraced by Bill Clinton who paid them back via deregulation (leading to mega-mergers, bank failures, and neverending corporate scandals)…