RyanLion 🌒 Profile picture
Pack Leader @TheLionDao 🦁 Gandalf of DeFi 🧙‍♂️
Apr 1, 2023 21 tweets 19 min read
Starting a DAO on @terra_money using @enterprise_dao DAY #3! 🧵

We're about 60 hours into the DAO's life. Will do a few tweets in this thread with a summary of some of the key activities so far & will update as the day progresses.

Link to the DAO: enterprise.money/dao/terra17c6t…

$ROAR Community:

Twitter: @TheLionDAO 265 followers

Discord: discord.gg/hZpqVkT3v9 89 members - shout out to @MrMohawk for helping build some features in there.

Telegram: t.me/Lion_DAO 65 members

$ROAR token holders - 729 list here: terrasco.pe/mainnet/addres…
Mar 31, 2023 23 tweets 20 min read
Starting a DAO on @terra_money using @enterprise_dao DAY #2!

Link to DAO: enterprise.money/dao/terra17c6t…

Twitter: @TheLionDAO
TG: t.me/Lion_DAO
DC: discord.gg/hZpqVkT3v9

Read all of yesterday's fun in the thread below 👇 On the agenda for today:

- Running a @genie_coinhall airdrop campaign
- Talk to @astroport_fi about how I can add liquidity incentives
- Explore staking rewards in the DAO with @enterprise_dao
- figure out how people can add other tokens to the rewards distributor & treasury
Mar 30, 2023 45 tweets 21 min read
Going to document myself making a DAO... Gonna use my merge protocol Terra address because that meme is over and it has some $LUNA I can use for gas in it that's not connected to any other wallets 😊
Mar 4, 2023 14 tweets 5 min read
Recently I've been playing around with $EGGS 🥚

An interesting concept with a number of game theory elements.

The supply debases by 0.01% per block but there are a number of ways to "protec" your eggs.

Disclaimer: It's done a 10x since I bought & is high risk.

Quick 🧵 Image Supply debases by 0.01% per block (~7% per day) but there are 3 ways to protec your eggs 🥚

1. Full Protec:

- Requires a 7 day lock up
- Your $EGGS will not be affected by the debase
- Once the 7 days are up you can withdraw, or hold them there until you want to withdraw Image
Dec 6, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Very quick rebuttal to the @FatManTerra revelations today.

TL;DR: The $UST swaps into the curve pool he identified were clearly communicated as swapping $UST to other stables to purchase $BTC for the @LFG_org reserves.

🧵 1/ Fatman points out that the $UST swaps increased in April. The selling stops exactly in line with @LFG_org announcing the purchase of $1.5Bn of $BTC.

Dec 5, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
The $HARBOR airdrop is live.

For the majority the airdrop will have been automatically distributed to your Comdex wallet.

For $LUNA, $EVMOS, $SCRT + others you need to manually check eligibility & if eligible send a low value tx to Comdex with you wallet address as the memo. 20% of the $HARBOR airdrop is delivered liquid. The remaining 80% is delivered in $veHARBOR with a number of "missions" you need to complete to unlock the full airdrop.

I believe the $veHARBOR is locked for 4 months before being able to be made liquid.
Aug 25, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Reenabling staking on Luna Classic network is pretty bullish for $LUNC.

Staking APR has been insane for the last few months due to the rewards in the oracle contract accrued during the mass $UST burn.

There will be a race to stake $LUNC to take advantage of the crazy APR 🧵👇🏻 The re-enabling is staking will potentially reinvigorate some Terra Classic dApps. $bLUNA, $cLUNA & $LUNAX liquid staking derivatives being available could see @anchor_protocol, @prism_protocol & @staderlabs rise from the ashes.
Mar 24, 2022 19 tweets 8 min read
We're 7/8 weeks in since the launch of @prism_protocol. It's been great watching the community go from very confused to very engaged over that time period!

We're starting to see some solid analytics coming from various sources, let's dive in to some of the key statistics... 🧵👇🏼 Amount of $LUNA Refracted:

The protocol is just shy of $4m $LUNA deposited into the Prism Vault.

2.57m $yLUNA is in the Prism Farm & 1.23M $yLUNA is in standard staking.

The remaining ~200K is split across liquidity pools, or being held in wallets for arbitrage opportunities. ImageImage
Mar 7, 2022 13 tweets 6 min read
Now we’ve completed the final phase of the 4 step @prism_protocol launch - let’s take a look at how we’ve brought LUNAtics opportunity at every turn & look ahead to future opportunities in the protocol…


🧵👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 1. Prism Forge:

In a new fair launch methodology on Terra we offered all participants in Prism Forge the opportunity to purchase the initial token offering at the same price per token.

The token price settled at $0.33.

At time of writing all participants are 30% in profit.
Feb 2, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
We’re now 36 hours into @prism_protocol launch event. Let’s take another look at how protocol revenue & $xPRISM APR is looking if we were to stop the event now.

Using @lejimmy’s analytics tool to calculate: share.streamlit.io/lejimmy/prism

Parameters I’ve used below 👇🏻🧵 $PRISM price: $0.06 (live price)

Circulating supply: 100m (70m forge, 30m treasury to bootstrap liquidity)

$PRISM staked: 50%

$LUNA price: $50 (live)

Staking yield: 10.4% (live)

Market share: 2% (6m $LUNA similar to Stader)

$yLUNA staked: 85%

$bETH & LP income = 0
Feb 1, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
12 hours into @prism_protocol launch event - let’s take a quick look at what things would look like if it closed now 👀

I’m going to be plugging numbers into @lejimmy’s value calculator at regular intervals: share.streamlit.io/lejimmy/prism

Parameters I’ve used below 👇🏻 🧵 $PRISM price: $0.03 (live price)

Circulating supply: 100m (70m forge, 30m treasury to bootstrap liquidity)

$PRISM staked: 50%

$LUNA price: $52 (live)

Staking yield: 10.1% (live)

Market share: 2% (6m $LUNA similar to Stader)

$yLUNA staked: 85%

$bETH & LP income = 0
Jan 31, 2022 25 tweets 8 min read
Is @prism_protocol’s $PRISM just another down only Terra token?

Long 🧵 on why I think this time it might be different.

*note - I recently joined the Prism team so I have some bias (NFA, DYOR etc.) although I have been admiring this project from afar since it’s inception

👇🏻 The Launch:

Prism’s Phase 1 launch is called Prism Forge.

70,000,000 tokens (7% supply) will be available & will be split between participants based on the amount of $UST contributed.

At the end of the event all participants will swap their $UST for $PRISM at a fixed price.
Jan 22, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
May 2021 - Anchor Protocol is only 2 months old.

Inexperienced LUNAtics are looping $LUNA buys on borrowed funds.

Sudden market drop & they’re liquidated at 30% premiums by a handful of liquidators.

Liquidators incentivised to dump $bLUNA for instant profits. The market dumping causes cascading liquidations & the cycle continues.

$bLUNA/$LUNA loses it’s peg by up to 30%.

$UST market cap exceeds $LUNA Mcap which causes panic dumping of $UST which then loses it’s peg as mint/burn caps are reached stopping peg being quickly restored.
Jan 20, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
Being part of the LUNAtics community over the last 12 months has been a hell of a ride & has been life changing in a number of ways.

Today I’m excited to announce that I get to fulfil the dream of going full time crypto by joining the team @prism_protocol 🤝🌝 Want to say a huge thanks to @MrRefractor for the opportunity.

To the family @gtcapital_ for helping me grow in knowledge & confidence.

To everyone who I’ve connected with this last 12 months.

And to all of the LUNAtics for being the best community in crypto.
Jan 2, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
‼️📣 Attention $LUNA stakers free money alert‼️

Were you aware that you’re entitled to a $CMDX @ComdexOfficial airdrop?

Lots of LUNAtics have missed this!

It’s a little more complicated than a standard @terra_money airdrop claim so here’s a step by step🧵 on how to claim… Before you start you’re going to need a @keplrwallet.

I didn’t have one so I downloaded the Keplr wallet chrome extension and created a new wallet.

Here’s the link to the chrome extension:

Dec 8, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
How to get free $LUNA: The $LUNA/ $bLUNA arbitration strategy.

Pre-requisite: you need to have some liquid $LUNA or $bLUNA.

Step 1: Understand the swap rate market conditions. How has it been trading? You can see the historical $LUNA/ $bLUNA pair here: coinhall.org/charts/terra/t… Currently the typical rate of swap has been fluctuating between 2-5%.

Last month it was fluctuating between 0-2%. Historically it has between 3-8%.

The swap rate really depends on the amount of arbitration pressure being put on the pair & has tightened as more bots participate.
Dec 6, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Some whale just pulled $10m+ from the liquidation queue on @TeamKujira 👀🐳

$LUNA $UST $KUJI There’s only $6.2m left in the liquidation queue, I think they pulled almost $30m in bids out…👀
Dec 4, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read

(Didn’t think I’d be busting this out for weeks when I woke up this morning) SEVENTY TWO DOLLAR $LUNA 🌝🚀
Dec 3, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read

(Sorry I missed it earlier, I do occasionally sleep)

P.S. sorry to my family & my followers for this thread of gifs
Nov 21, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
Seeing the likes of $SHIB, $AVAX & now $CRO overtake $LUNA in market cap feels deflating.

However there are a number of reasons why $LUNA market cap is more complex than most other tokens & why the price of $LUNA can go way higher without market cap increasing exponentially🧵… Most cryptocurrencies are inflationary. When you see the APR % for staking the likes of $SOL, $AVAX, $ETH etc. These are brand new tokens entering circulation.

This means that price increases + token circulating supply inflation essentially supercharge the market cap.
Nov 12, 2021 15 tweets 4 min read
🧵One of the main reasons I fell in love with $LUNA was the tokenomics.

The deflationary supply, the value capture, the incentives to HODL & stake, the utility.

However we are not seeing these same incentives play out in Terra protocol tokenomics. Some thoughts: I LOVE the functionality of the majority of the Terra protocols:

@anchor_protocol: high interest savings
@mirror_protocol: trade stocks & commodities
@pylon_protocol: lossless investments
@NexusProtocol: safe yield generation
@StarTerra_io: IDO participation

etc. etc.