You are men. You are not toxic, problematic or defective. "Rebranding" men and boys' advocacy, through an evidence based, progressive and unapologetic lens.
Jan 17 • 5 tweets • 4 min read
“TheTinMen is a liar!”
Yes. It’s a familiar sight.
But what people don’t realise about TheTinMen, is that I don’t do the research, I just gather the best of it, and present it back to you.
Sorry to burst your bubble –
But I am not a prestigious professor, whose pioneering work gave birth to an entire field of research, I am not building consortia of scholars, travelling the world, gathering life’s greatest insights...
I am not founding journals, research labs, or accepting lifetime achievement awards.
But those whose research I share with you… are.
So, to those accusing me of misleading people, of hyperbole, or of flat out lying…
Understand you’re not actually accusing me of lying at all, but the giants on whose shoulders I so meekly stand.
Of course, my biggest ‘lie’ – of which I stand accused by even the most noble of advocates – is my insistence of ‘gender parity in partner violence rates’.
It’s the one that really gets steam blowing out of peoples’ ears.
But, again, it’s not me who’s making that claim, but someone more experienced and knowledgeable than either of us, and likely, anyone else that’s ever lived...
And for partner violence...
That person was the late Professor Murray Straus.
Straus was not some tin-hat-wearing armchair expert.
He was the literal founding father of the field of family violence research, whose work provided the bedrock we stand on, and whose research ranks him alongside godlike scientific minds like Hawking, Einstein and Friedman...
Feb 19, 2024 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
Are women paid less than men? Yes.
Are women paid less than men, for the same work? No.
It's amazing how carefully phrasing a question in a particular way, will give you the answers most politically convenient to you.
So let's take a look at what's really inside the pay gap...
The Korn Ferry Pay Index uses data on millions of employees, across 14,000+ companies, and dozens of countries...
And finds the pay gap miraculously evaporates, as soon as you apply even the most basic variable controls.
Such as job level, job area, function, or place of work.
Dec 18, 2023 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
Domestic violence isn't a 'gendered issue', and I'm amazed at how much data there is to show this.
Paper after paper, survey after survey; each is slid across the table, to show equal rates of abuse, and each is rejected like a petulant child splitting out their vegetables. Why?
Straus, Dutton, Gelles, Desmarais, Fiebert… the world’s leading researchers line up to show us the reality of domestic violence, and we wave them away because some sassy mug, garish t shirt, or savage tweet, claims differently.