Victoria Tran 🧋 GDC Profile picture
Comms Director @AmongUsGame/@InnerslothDevs ♢ @_wholesomegames organizer ♢ Past: @UnpackingALife, @KitfoxGames, more! ♢ Forbes30 ♢ Speaker, Writer ♢ She/Her
Feb 19, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read

A new white paper on ✨mobile gaming, TikTok, and strategies for succes​​s​.✨ Conducted by TikTok (and the National Research Group), so read with a grain of salt.

But even if you're not making a mobile game, it has some good insight!! 👇 Image The mobile gaming landscape has changed! The formula for success now consists of 3 things:

1⃣ Cultural relevance: pay attention to trends & where gamers are
2⃣ Connections: prioritize long term player trust, loyalty, and feedback
3⃣ Community: create group identity and belonging
Jun 22, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Common question I get:

"Hi I'm a solo dev/small team and we don't have a budget to hire anyone, I have no time to do marketing, and/or I hate marketing. How can I build a community?"

My answer: 👁️👄👁️ You can't.

Or at least, not really? Let's talk about it.

👇 1) You need to invest *some* sort of resource

You can't just do nothing and expect things to happen.

Imagine saying you don't have a budget to hire for art or make it, but you still expect a gorgeous game. Marketing is an investment and deserves thoughtful space in your plans.
Jan 13, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
so overtime i've had to try and explain to game communities why devs cannot "just" implement things, or why something takes months and not a week.

here is my non-exhaustive list: 1.

- making sure it works on all devices
- ^ mobile devices in particular are a nightmare with all their different versions, updates, and operating systems
- if being ported to different devices, needing to rework the art/UX
- legal blockers (contract revisions, approvals, etc.)
Oct 13, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
OK quick tips for press/influencers on reaching out for keys when a game is days away from launch.

I already have little patience to deal with vague inquiries, and when we're nearing game launch?? hooOOoo boy

🧵👇 1) My inbox is a wreck.

Games generally get the most hype and requests the closer to launch. Every single day I'm getting at least 10 emails for keys (depends hype of the game.)

I have NO time, so I need you to help me make it as easy as possible to justify giving you a key.
Sep 25, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
So! I work on games in VERY different positions.

For example:
⚔️ Boyfriend Dungeon - new IP
📸 Pupperazzi - minimal competitors
⚒️ Dwarf Fortress - established IP

Here's how my marketing strategies differ based on an audience's familiarity & competitors!

Thread 👇 1. New Product ✨

All based on INTRODUCING players to what the game actually does.

- Boyfriend Dungeon: "Dating simulator, dungeon crawler!"
- Lucifer Within Us: "Mystery timeline scrubbing mechanic"
Sep 1, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
So many cool game marketing peeps have a newsletter and now I want one 😤 Except all it'd be is

1) article links I bookmarked for later, forgot about, and oops never looked at again
2) the 67 GDC talks I've been "meaning" to watch
3) screaming Anyways here are my recommendations for Fricken Good Game Marketing Newsletters™:

🗻 @AdventureMtn - How To Market a Game
- King of email marketing
- Sooo many interesting, researched, and unique topics
- Taught me the phrase "spaceship ass"
Aug 30, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
✨ Becoming a Community Dev ✨

Okkkk I get this question a lot: how'd you become a CM, how do I get there, etc.

I don't have a marketing degree, so this is my personal experience!

👇 1. There is no silver bullet resume 🏆

Every studio requires something different, whether indie or AAA.

Look at job posts, see common skills that are required, learn accordingly, but also think about what unique skill you can bring to the table! (Video editing? Streamer? Etc.)
Aug 24, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
✨ The Golden Rule ✨

"Other people would like to be treated the way you would like to be treated."

Which, for communications, I think is actually a bit iffy!!!

Quick thoughts on why 👇 1) There's something called The Platinum Rule by Dr. Tony Alessandra

Platinum Rule: "Treat others the way they want to be treated." 🙏
Aug 11, 2020 7 tweets 1 min read
So one of the things I think deserves attention is the charisma a community dev needs to do their job!!

Charisma is based on 4 main things:

Small thread 👇 [1/7] All charisma is required, but one of the strengths of a community dev is knowing which to use depending on the situation!

And everyone is stronger/weaker in the different types of charisma, of course.

Jul 20, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
Here's a question I always get:

✨ How do I build my studio's social media following when it's my first game, it isn't out, and I don't have a trailer/haven't technically announced it yet? ✨

HooOOooO boy. Let's dive into that and correct some things!

👇 1. Ppl need to be excited for *something*

You can't just post random WIP pics and expect it to do much. No amount of hashtags, marketing, or following will get people excited for something they don't have a grasp on.

Especially when there are a ton of other games out there!
Jun 21, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Yes yes. And as someone calls players out on shit behaviour as a job, here's general advice* on how to call out a friend in case you're not sure how.

*Every situation is EXTREMELY diff in severity and nuance - this for minor things, a close friend & an action you observed.

👇 Don't put it off.

The longer you wait, the longer the situation becomes detached from them and they forget exactly what they did, how they felt, and feel blindsided when it's brought up weeks after.

(Make sure you're mentally calm though.)
Jun 20, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Idea: employ the Marie Kondo method to your community management!

🧹Commit to tidying up your communities
⭐️Imagine your ideal community
🗑️Discard toxic members
🧼Tidy your community spaces
🌱Follow a structure
✨Ask if your members and space spark joy

Mini thread 👇 🧹Commit to tidying up your communities

Cleaning up and banning members is a bigger emotional toll than many expect. Know what your community values are, and stick with them, even if you're challenged on them.
Mar 17, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
Hey friends. It's my job to be online. and that kinda sucks right now. But from one online person to another, whether it's your job or not, here are some

❤️social media consumption tips❤️

in these trying times.

👇 1. Action 💪

I'm sure we all feel powerless right now on social, but there ARE practical actions you can take!

- Donate:…
- Order delivery from a small restaurant
- Offer to help vulnerable ppl get supplies
- Social distancing!
Feb 17, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read

Here's a list of embarrassing mistakes I've made so far, as communications director at Kitfox Games.

A teeny thread where we may cringe and realize everyone hecks up sometimes. Maybe not useful info, but maybe a nice relief about expectations and trying.

👇 1. In my first month(?) of working at Kitfox, I sent a GIANT email to community members and... forgot to bcc the emails. And some people hit "Reply All" to scold me.

(I cried for a week straight because I thought I'd be fired 💦)
Jan 29, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
Alright. Press, content creators, influencers. 🎥

You want a key. You're emailing to maybe get one.

Here is what my ✨dream✨ outreach email from you would include - for an indie studio, anyway.

A thread 👇 (1/10) 1. Keep it short. SHORT!

I want to be able to skim it in 30 seconds. I get key requests every day. HUNDREDS during launches. Don't make me scour through a long, winding email pleaseeee. 😓
Oct 17, 2019 10 tweets 2 min read
Ok ok ok so I've noticed game devs sometimes aren't actually sure WHAT social media metrics they should be looking at?

No point in having it if you don't know why!

✨ Basic thread about social media metrics - what to look for and why ✨ First thing's first: I'm the realest

Sorry bad joke. Ok but first of all -- don't get caught up in JUST measuring metrics all the time or making them up.

They'll detract from your work if you become engulfed in them and/or get a lot of anxiety. They're for reference, not law.