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Southerner, book lover, hippie, beach bum, for equality, and community building. Live & love your life. Be Happy.
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Dec 11, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Someone a lot smarter than me on this topic articulated it better, but when they said people’s relationship with God and religion is rooted in abuse, so when we receive it from others, we see it as love, this is a good example. I do not, it will not serve a God that believes giving me a stroke is a blessing. That harmful outcomes are lessons that I need to be taught for my betterment. That is not a god of benevolent love. I fully reject that type of love and care.
Nov 6, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
I’mma say the hard thing. Kamala Harris did not lose the election because of racism and misogyny. That was a negligible reason at best. Rashida Talib, Ilhan Omar, and Summer Lee all won their seats in swing states VP Harris lost. Sit with the real reasons why she lost. I know it’s easier to brush it off as racism and sexism. Going back on her own positions on immigration, min wage, health care and committing a genocide, and her saying she wouldn’t change a thing from Biden other than having Republicans in her cabinet, it wasn’t smart.
Sep 13, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
I have high thoughts on how The US failure to do what needed to be done post Civil War, directly lead us to WW2 and Nazi’s, to the War on Terror, which brought us exactly where we are today with an open genocide. I wanna give y’all a History lesson to tie it all together so bad. Jim Crow and Chatel Slavery in America pre-dates Nazis’s. It goes deeper than that. Hitler and his ideas from The US, which had the largest group of Nazi supporters outside of Germany during World War II. JStore won’t let me link, but here’s this…
Sep 12, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Y’all ever think about how people really got fired from their jobs because they refused to get the covid vaccine, and we had to have vaccination cards to go places, but now masks are being banned and now you can even send your kids to school with lice and diarrhea? I do. I know people need to pretend that the past 4 years didn’t happen, because that’s how they cope, but I can’t. It affected me on a visceral level. I think that’s my problem. I’m genuinely trying to process and understand while everyone else wants to pretend like it didn’t happen.
Aug 30, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
I voted for the man that built the cages, who destroyed Libya, who pretended to drink the water in Flint, who expanded the wars, and who didn’t close GITMO! My vote allowed that. Y’all will deal with me saying voting for Kamala is a vote for genocide, because it is! I voted for the man that didn’t codify abortion when he had the opportunity. I voted for the man that expanded the drone program. After Obama, I said I would never vote for a person, who I knew went against my moral fabric, because doing so would be condoning their actions.
Jul 29, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
What do you mean by worse?

What could Trump possibly do or give Israel that Biden hasn't?

Which weapons don't they have?

Which buildings can't they bomb?

How many deaths is too many?

What kind of horror is left?! This harm reduction conversation is tired. Not one of you have explanations of how the harm would be reduced based on the evidence we have between the two candidates and their legislative history. The same harm would continue, you’re just okay with it if your team does it.
Jul 13, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
I’m sorry, but if you believe Biden is gonna do any of this, and don’t see he’s lying, you’re incredibly naive at best, or flat out stupid. Biden was a Senator from 1973 until 2009, then he became Obama’s VP. If he hasn’t done any of this in 44yrs, how’s he gonna do it in 4? Joe Biden been in office longer than I’ve been alive. He isn’t going to do any of this and I’m over pretending he is. I’m not going to entertain the lies. He’s shown us who he is, choosing not to believe him because of some misguided sense of hope is dangerously deranged.
Jun 21, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
As someone who lost 100 lbs, I understand the psychology of it in a way people who haven’t don’t. How society and even people who knew you in your larger body treats you after you drop the weight is a mind fuck. Maybe it’s time to ask why this happens? It really fucks you up mentally when people treat you better simply because you look “fit” or your body meets the societal standards of normal. Depending on who you are and how you experienced that, I can understand why some people become assholes. I didn’t, but I get it.
Jun 15, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Poverty is a tool and a political weapon used against us to make us obedient and incurious. When living a life on survival mode or scarcity, you don’t have the time to pause and ask, “why the fuck am I paying taxes, only for my government to not help me when I’m in need?” We look at poverty as an individual moral failing and not as it is, failure in government. You’re telling me we have plenty of tax dollars to pay for wars, to pay for more cops, but not enough to make sure we have adequate housing, clean water, and public transportation? Image
May 31, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
America is so far off the rails, we are done for. The experiment that was the United States of America has failed. The Empire is crumbling from within, and has been for the past 40yrs honestly. We can’t keep pretending that we’re any semblance of a democracy. It’s over y’all. The racism, fascism, the unbridled brutal capitalism that we are going to see within the next 10 to 20 years, God help us all. Because a crumbling empire like America is dangerous for the entire planet. These psychopaths will destroy everything and everyone on their way out.
May 27, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
I’m not saying voting doesn’t matter, what I’m saying is, it’s not the most powerful tool in our toolbox. At this point, with the amount of gerrymandering and other ways to manipulate or stop votes, it’s time for us to adjust strategy. Our most powerful tool is our labor. Apartheid in South Africa only ended when it became financially harmful. No amount of votes, protests moral pleading, or civility ended it. We are at that point in American politics. The most effective way for us to fight back is with our labor, and that means withholding it.
Apr 19, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
There isn’t enough propaganda in the world to get me to hate somebody that has done absolutely nothing to me. You cannot convince me that every day working people (Black, White, Asian, Latino, etc.) are the problem, and not the people in power controlling my living conditions. Now, if you belong to one of these groups and you’re a billionaire or politician, creating laws to make sure that we don’t get living wages, people don’t have adequate housing, healthcare, and education, then we have a problem. Because your character is flawed.
Apr 18, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
In all seriousness, I don’t think Americans understand what’s happening, or how bad it is. Our politicians on every level (presidents, mayors, governors) universities, businesses, and police forces are ignoring their own citizens in favor of another country (Israel). Understand how wild it is that Israel controls America the way it does. Our country has been captured by a foreign government. How can we even speak of a democracy when another country can get students expelled from school and people fired from their jobs?
Feb 28, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
I’m going to say the ugly truth. If Trump were president, this genocide wouldn’t still be going on. Because Democrats would oppose it. Not on any moral grounds, but for political points. Just like they lied and told us if they were in charge things would be different with COVID. Democrats who were running for president in 2020 ran on platforms of universal health care, stimulus checks, climate change, $15/min wage, housing, etc. How many of these policies came into fruition? They’ve had 3 yrs to show us exactly how “different” things would be.
Feb 8, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Honest answer? They aren’t. It’s theatre. Democrats align with Republicans more often than not, but most people aren’t ready to interrogate that reality. Both parties are pro-war, climate deniers, anti-worker (including and especially anti-sex worker) and put money over people. The better question is why does this question keep coming up from people such as yourself? Why are we still having this same conversation like there’s some massive difference? Materially, how have Democrats benefited Black people? Working class and poor Black people?
Nov 21, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Whenever people like me criticize Democrats, y’all say we need to learn civics. We know how this government works, we just don’t accept what y’all accept and that’s what pisses y’all off. It’s not our ignorance. It’s our unwillingness to fall in line that makes y’all so angry. We know we have the resources and money to take care of everyone. It’s just that our politicians are owned by billionaires, banks, airlines and other special interets groups. It’s why banks and airlines get bailed out while our homes are foreclosed and we have lead in our water.
Oct 23, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
It’s really disgusting to tell Black people to vote for Biden in 2024 because Trump is going to be worse after they’ve made valid criticisms. It takes incredible amount of privilege to talk down to people who are justifiably upset. Things are materially worse for people. The cost of living has skyrocketed, there’s an actual housing crisis, student loans are back, and there’s no help in sight. To tell people they need to stand behind and vote for that man is nasty work. Y’all would rather scold voters than demand Biden and Dems do better.
Sep 22, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
It cannot be overstated enough how badly George Bush and Barack Obama destroyed public education. Between Bush’s “No Child Left Behind” and Obama’s Charter School movement, 2 generations have been completely failed and miseducated. What’s worse, is the intention behind it. It’s only gonna get worse as time goes on because we don’t see the full impact of these policies immediately. It normally takes 10-20 years after it’s been implemented to see the effects, and that’s what we’re seeing now. It’s isn’t a simple fix for parents or teachers to solve.
Aug 27, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
We talk about our children growing up, but nobody prepares you for watching your parents grow up, and age. It seems like it happens overnight. One day you look at them and it hits you they’ve grown old. It’s jarring because you can physically see their mortality. It makes you reevaluate your priorities and relationship with them. For me personally, my mom and I have healed a lot, we’ve also gotten to the point where we can have productive if difficult conversations.
Jun 20, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Remember all of 2020, at the height of the pandemic when Democrats were saying if they were in control how the pandemic would be different? Kamala literally had a bill she co-sponsored with Bernie and Ed Markey where people would be getting like $2k checks per month? Because I do Back then everyone but Biden was promising medicare for all. They were saying how the rent moratoriums, and a pause on student loans wasn’t enough and how we needed to cancel them? Y’all remember right? It was only 3yrs ago and we were all in the house watching those debates.
Jun 20, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Holding space for Kimora as a victim and also a perpetrator of violence herself is difficult for people. Russell Simmons obviously groomed, and abused her. She also enabled his abuse towards other women. Giving her grace, while also holding her accountable isn’t easy. She’s saying she’s pushing back and protecting her daughters, which as a mom, I understand. But what about those women she helped silence, personally attacked herself, and the predators who abused them? They were someone’s daughter too. They also mattered.