The Ad Professor Profile picture
Built ad campaigns for multiple billion-dollar companies. Spending over $50K per month on ads and need help? Let's work together here:
Barbara J Long Profile picture Perpetual Mind Profile picture Nitpicker Profile picture shinethelightforUSA Profile picture russell rosenblum Profile picture 18 subscribed
Jul 18 23 tweets 7 min read
The most creative ad copy of all time

21 examples:

1. Depression awareness Image 2. Land Rover

Principle: The U Turn

Step 1 - Take them down a predictable path (Returns policy)

Step 2 - U-turn to something they didn't predict Image
Jul 7 11 tweets 4 min read
The 10 best BIC ads of all time:

1. BIC Pens Image 2. Pens & Razers

Principle: 1+1=11 BIC sells razors and pens.

They took out ads next to one another for both products.

If you think outside the box, 1+1 can equal 11. Image
Jul 4 23 tweets 7 min read
The 20 funniest ads of all time:

1. Bible App Image 2. Detour Sunglasses

Principle: The Hand Break Turn Image
Jun 26 10 tweets 3 min read
The 10 best ads I've found this week:

1. Consumer Safety Institute Image 2. McDonald's - Chat GPT

Principle: The Obvious Choice

McDonald's asking AI which is the most iconic burger.

It was a Big Mac. Image
May 27 11 tweets 4 min read
10 creative ads I've collected this week:

1. Kindle Image 2. Task Rabbit

Principle: Lyric Hijacking

Step 1 - Take songs stuck in people's heads

Step 2 - Tweak to fit your brand Image
May 20 12 tweets 4 min read
10 creative ads I've collected this week:

1. Iceland anti-drink driving Image 2. Azercell Judo

Principle: The Contrast Effect

If you want to make cold water feel like hot water -- put your hand in ice cold water before putting it into the cold water. Image
May 18 14 tweets 5 min read
The 12 most creative billboard ads I've collected:

1. Timex Image 2. Air Asia

Principle: The Hidden Swear Word

Make the customer swear without swearing.

"Phuket, I'll go." Image
May 17 10 tweets 4 min read

I collect ad copy like billionaires collect yachts.

9 examples: Image 2. Plum Holidays

Principle: Sell the YOLO

Everyone is procrastinating on their next holiday.

If you remind them how scarce life is, you create activation energy. Image
May 16 13 tweets 5 min read
10 creative anti-smoking ads I've collected:

1. Lung Pong Image 2. Cancer Cures Smoking

Principle: The reverse copy

3 words of pure gold. Image
May 15 12 tweets 4 min read
9 creative social media ads I've collected this week:

1. IKEA Image 2. Golden Blossom Honey

Principle: Lollapalooza Effect

Charlie Munger has an idea called Lollapalooza.

It's when you stack multiple persuasion techniques together.

This ad combines a 4 word catchy slogan, a 3D ad and stops the scroll on the newsfeed. Image
May 14 19 tweets 6 min read

I collect ads like rich people collect art.

Here are the 15 best car ads I've collected: Image 2. Range Rover

Principle: Us vs Them

Step 1 - Show normal

Step 2 - Show the exclusive club you're selling. Image
Apr 16 12 tweets 4 min read
10 creative ads I've collected this week

1. Vaseline Image 2. BiC Whiteout

Principle: The Deliberate Mistake

Step 1: Commit a deliberate mistake - the funnier this is, the better.

Step 2: Show the solution - your product. Image
Apr 13 11 tweets 4 min read

The 10 best BIC ads of all time:

1. BIC Pens Image 2. Pens & Razers

Principle: 1+1=11 BIC sells razors and pens.

They took out ads next to one another for both products.

If you think outside the box, 1+1 can equal 11. Image
Apr 3 11 tweets 4 min read
9 creative social media ads I've collected this week:

1. Ring Doorbell Image 2. Cookie Bros.

Principle: Stop the Scroll

The first 2 seconds are crucial.

Start with something impossible to scroll past.
Apr 2 10 tweets 4 min read
8 great copy examples I've collected this week:

1. Land Rover Image 2. Reed Jobs

Principle: The Double Meaning

Looks like an ad about sex... Actually an ad for a job board. Image
Mar 26 10 tweets 4 min read

I collect ad copy like rich people collect watches.

8 examples: Image 2. Master Dog Trainer

Principle: 2+2 = ?

Step 1 - Set up the equation

Step 2 - Let them have the Aha moment beneath the ad Image
Mar 25 13 tweets 5 min read
10 creative ads collected this week:

1. Viagra Image 2. New Zealand Transport Agency

Principle: Shock After Shock

Step 1 - Show someone in a car accident (Shock)

Step 2 - Realise this is what it looked like because he wore a seat belt (More shock)

Clever ad using survivors of car crashes to stress impact of a seatbelt Image
Mar 19 14 tweets 4 min read
13 most creative car ads I've collected (or created):

1. Range Rover Image 2. Daihatsu

Principle: Funny Reframe

If you have an unsexy practical product, make it sexy with a funny reframe. Image
Mar 18 11 tweets 4 min read
10 creative ads I've collected this week:

1. Luxor Image 2. Depression Awareness

Principle: The Small Text Reveal

Step 1 - Reader sees the big text

Step 2 - Reader thinks it's the sad looking person nearby

Step 3 - Reader sees the small text

Step 4 - Reader realizes Steffen is the person smiling in the distance Image
Mar 16 11 tweets 4 min read
10 creative anti-smoking ads I've collected:

1. Lung Pong Image 2. Cancer Cures Smoking

Principle: The reverse copy

3 words of pure gold. Image
Mar 13 11 tweets 4 min read

I collect ad copy like rich people collect watches.

8 examples: Image 2. J&B Whisky

Principle: Seasonal Hijacking

"The holidays aren't the same without J&B" Image