Jul 7 4 tweets 1 min read
I've just started to read The Final Pagan Generation, and reading the introduction I realized that either Gen X or Millennials are the final American generation in exactly the way the book describes the final pagan generation. Many millennials seem to have faith in institutions, afaict, but that's gone by zoomers. Watts describes a generation in which some of the elite defected from the old status institutions and started moving up alternative institutions.
Feb 6, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
The problems of today flow very clearly from the 1950s, a decade when the trappings of traditional nobility became ubiquitous to people with limited experience of leisure. If you read the Little House books as honest representations of the not terribly distant past, it's obvious that the innovations of the 20th century all piled up on women and the working class; trading out 80 hour weeks of farm labor for the grind is relatively straightforward.
Aug 6, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
I've held off on weighing in on this particular idiocy, because it rests on a foundation so thoroughly rotten that it's difficult to begin to address. This "the CIA is right wing because they killed Kennedy" MacGuffin is in many ways a mirror for the "it's the JQ, not the Puritans" distractions of the outer right.
Aug 5, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
In order to accept that vaccinating 100% of the military is good judgement, one must assume that the people driving this decision have better data than what is publicly available, including longitudinal data that can't exist. The theme of my account is starting to become "the people in charge are idiots." Judgement is a skill that can only be honed with meaningful experience. Our elite aren't allowed to fail, so they are incapable of exercising good judgement.
Aug 4, 2021 13 tweets 2 min read
I see many analogies for our current situation bandied about, usually Roman. The best fit - although I may be biased by my own experiences - is the Iraqi Civil War, in my opinion. At the risk of doxing myself, I will try to share my memories of this event and their current relevance.
Aug 4, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Part of the tell for the regime starting to spin out of control (as it approaches left singularity) is that the old definitions for racism and misogyny have to be chucked *because* the wrong people were succeeding by the old definitions. When Moldbug pointed out *some* Puritans augmenting their theology because some were constrained in their holiness signaling by the limitations of the existing dogma he was identifying the form of this heresy.
Jul 30, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
There's a lot of bad faith actors obfuscating the boundaries of this discussion, but the heart of this disagreement is two sides talking past each other. This is a true and accurate criticism of many men.
Jul 28, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Jul 27, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
@LoFiRepublican got dragged for not having tightened up a very good argument, which is as follows:

Traditional "white culture" doesn't exist, and trying to defend it is a fool's errand. White American culture *did* exist until ~the 1960s and was simultaneously awesome and totally insane from its innate liberalism.
Jul 21, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
OP blocked me over this, after slinging insults (read the books) and positing an extreme false binary. This is a natural position to take, and I see it all the time at work, but when it's pushed with undue alacrity it is a tell. As far as I can tell, there is an effort to funnel "radicals" into an artificial Overton Window, or out into trouble (where they can be enticed into foolishness that helps the least useful departments of the federal enforcement arm look good).
Jul 20, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
I, too, recognize these diabolical manipulators meeting to plan their diabolical manipulations, and not a bunch of herbs and nerds with far too much money and power for their own good. If you think the problem is that there's too much high quality coordination by central planners, and not that they're genuinely bad at ruling, good luck with what's coming.
Jun 28, 2021 8 tweets 1 min read
Progressivism is deterritorialized idolatry. It instinctively attacks any firm ground. We see its limitations lately in two attack vectors that seem to lack purchase. Firstly, progressive zeal is attempting to attack family formation (traditional, pre-1945 family formation) by doing what it does and attempting to iterate the locus into something untenable.
Jun 23, 2021 7 tweets 1 min read
Transhumanism is like Libertarianism. Identifying these as "things," much less identities, is a massive L.
Jun 21, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
This is correct, and why "conservatives" lose. If you can't stop the tells from redefining "racism" every decade or two to its advantage, what can you possibly win by defeating CRT? "oh, you're just being postmodernist because you're a leftist" or something - the IDW
Jun 11, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
This absolutely horrific take brought to us by another "on the right." Computer, please bring up information on government - private partnerships. I do consider myself fairly economically populist (left economically ideologically if you need that frame), but this sort of nauseous midwittery is making me reconsider.
Jun 11, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
This is the tell that the whole "debate" is a total MacGuffin. Owning is obviously better than renting *for people who are capable,* but a lot of the people buying homes are not naturally inclined. As with all our b*llsh*t "debates" on here, this is easy downstream of anything that matters. If you're upset about this stuff and you're reading any of my tweets, you're misguided. You absolutely can buy a nice/decent house on a middle class income right now*
Jun 9, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Investment Capital buying up homes to rent is partly to dodge a repeat of the subprime crisis, imo. The problem is human capital and governance (30 year fixed rate seems...unnatural). "oh, we're going to make sure that people do are totally incapable of paying a mortgage can live outside the hood" can only take so many paths before running into religious conflicts.
May 7, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
You can see the pillars of faith starting to formalize here. What hadn't occurred to me until now is that an old argument I've seen and used, that "green" people are actually watermelons (environmental veneer on communist center) is an insufficient explanation of the green movement.
May 5, 2021 8 tweets 1 min read
Trying to find a way to articulate the spectrum of cargo cult to idolatry that is useful. Many cargo cultists who realize that the divine exists within a thing, but aren't forced into faith. Not sure I have the language and reading to articulate this, so I will try to work around my limitations.
Apr 15, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Everyone is fired up over this, even typically even keeled mutuals. What's happening (ignore the specifics for a moment), is that this gentleman is insulted, but the insult is *imperceptible* to many (most?). Her tone is flat to joking, and she's phrased her insult with sufficient plausible deniability that it's possible that she herself does not perceive the insult.
Apr 14, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
One of the smartest leftists I've interacted with on here had a take that amounted to a restating of a right wing position while pointing and sputtering. We're approaching a leftist singularity. The leftist response to this observation would very likely be a "no true Scotsman," which is what all their "I'm a leftist, not a liberal" pleading ultimately amounts to.