Darshan Maharaja Profile picture
Seeing Canadian issues through a multi-cultural lens. Writing on some of these issues, too. Often mistaken as a 'c/Conservative' or 'right-winger'.
Rob in Germany (avoiding politics mostly) Profile picture 1 subscribed
Feb 7 12 tweets 2 min read
Another thread on the messages that I have received from people of Indian origin on the international student issue. This one is from an international student.

I have screened any info that can potentially identify them.

1/12 I am an international student at *** College, coming from India. I came to this country to seek quality education and a better lifestyle. However, all my dreams crashed down when I started going to college in September 2023.

Feb 6 16 tweets 2 min read
On the international student issue, some of the messages that I have received from Canadians of Indian origin & students themselves are worth highlighting. Here is one of these.

I have masked the details that can potentially identify the person.


1/16 Profile:

* mid-20’s

* Sikh

* STEM graduate

* grew up in Canada.

Here is this individual’s message:

Jan 24, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
A group of toxic chemicals used in a vast array of products ranging from non-stick cookware to fire-retardants to soap has now shown up in a popular brand of juice. Canadians need to exert pressure on the government to ensure public safety.
A short thread.
1/16 By the rarest of chances, I recently picked up this book from my local library, written by the US lawyer who fought a 2 decades-long battle with the chemicals company Du Pont over the health hazards posed by a class of chemicals collectively known as PFAS.

Mar 12, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Let's examine the claim that "Trudeau is helping the WEF implement their agenda" in the context of Bill S-233 (asking the FinMin to design a version of UBI).

Let's look at the series of *legislative* events that need to happen in order for UBI to be ushered in.

Thread. 1/6 Bill S-233 is in the 2nd reading stage in the Senate. It would have to survive a vote at that stage & proceed to stage 3. It would then have to survive another vote so it can proceed to the House of Commons. 2/6
Dec 6, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Between 1970 and 2019, the actual number of hospital beds in Canada WENT DOWN BY 54,000.


(Links for data in a later tweet in the thread)

Canada 1970:

Population: 21.32 million

Hospital beds per 1,000 of population: 7.0

Actual number of beds: (21.32 million / 1,000) x 7.0 = 149,240

Rounded DOWN to 149,000
