I wander to and fro when I attempt these problems, and do not remain consistent with myself. —Socrates
Justice is prior to efficiency. —John Rawls
Jun 24, 2022 • 45 tweets • 9 min read
The Death of a Democracy by Stephan Rousseas. Excerpts from a very important book about the US-backed and directed April 21, 1967 coup in Greece. This will be a long-ish thread. 🧵
In view of the decree of Law "Concerning a State of Siege" April 21, 1967.
Jun 20, 2022 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
Excerpts from an important historical and political document by RAF in 1970. 🧵
"It is pointless to explain the right thing to the wrong people. We’ve done enough of that. [We want to explain] to the potentially revolutionary section of the people.
They are the ones who must understand the action; those who receive no compensation for the exploitation they are submitted to. Not in their standard of living, not in their consumption, not in the form of mortgages, not in the form of limited credit, not in the form of cars.
Jun 13, 2022 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
There's an article being shared recently which says that the #TiananmenSquareMassacre didn't happen, and that it was the result of a failed C/DIA attempt at color a revolution. It mentions State Department cables posted on Wikileaks. A rebuttal 🧵
First of all, while I have no doubt that the C/DIA have been trying to destabilize China for decades, it's a bit silly to think that the CPC isn't also capable and willing to use agent provocateurs to sabotage a peaceful protest movement.
May 31, 2022 • 19 tweets • 7 min read
There is no better "red pill" that will destroy the normative world view than this book. The fascists power elites make war to make enormous wealth, control populations, and decrease "surplus" populations. Excerpts 1/*
Nazi intelligence agents and collaborators mixed in with American POWs (many of them having had their legs amputated at the knee to immobilize them). General Reinhard Gehlen is flown to Washington DC on 20 September 1945. 2/*
Mar 20, 2022 • 28 tweets • 9 min read
“Hitler would never have come to power if German heavy industry had been socialized.” 23 June 1946
Thread on Dr. Kurt Schumacher, the great Social Democrat and leader of the SPD. Drawn from Germany—What Now? By Joachim Joesten. 🧵
Born in Kulm on 13 October 1895 in a middle-class family, Schumacher received a good education and studied law at Halle, Leipzig, and Berlin universities. Drafted into the army in WW1, he was gravely wounded, losing his right arm.
Mar 8, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Andy the German, part 1.
Exclusive: Oklahoma City Bombing Breakthrough, Part 1 of 2
Excerpts from, “America’s Nazi Secret” by a true American hero, John Loftus. (Pictured)
For nearly a century, Wall Street has made the DOJ its principal target of acquisition. The donors often get to name the Attorney General. You cannot buy the US Gov, but the DOJ is for rent.
Corruption in Justice has been going on for a long time. At the Treaty of Versailles negotiations, the AG was described by the press as the “bag man” for the law firm of Sullivan and Cromwell. [of Allen and John Foster Dulles fame.]
Jan 5, 2022 • 45 tweets • 12 min read
Excerpts from, “The Splendid Blond Beast” by a true American hero, Christopher Simpson (Pictured)
“According to psychologist Ervin Staub, genocidal societies usually go through an evolution during which the different strata of society literally learn how to commit group murder.
The ideologies of such parties as the Nazis or the Ittihad can vary in important respects, but they are nonetheless often similar in that they create unity among “in-group” members through dehumanization of outsiders.
Nov 24, 2021 • 121 tweets • 52 min read
The Germans and Japanese both looted and plundered in WW2. Both got liquid assets out of their countries into neutral banks and industries before wars end. This cold calculation is banal and rational. Bormann arranged it for Germany. Why anyone would doubt that Bormann survived?
Remember, when you hear news of governments making decisions which make no sense and only make things worse: