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Aug 15 11 tweets 2 min read
Trump doesn't want people to be able to read or write, according to low-IQ people, since he wants to abolish the Department of Education.

People who speak that way are living proof of what a bad job the Department of Education has done. 🧵(1/11) You mean to tell me nobody could read or write before 1979, when the Department of Education was created? 🧵(2/11)
Jul 18 4 tweets 1 min read
NeverTrump but AlwaysDumb loser Max Boot accused me of sympathizing with a foreign regime because I wasn't a fan of Woodrow Wilson's foreign policy. We now find out his wife had been a foreign agent for over 10 years in exchange for expensive clothing, handbags and meals 🧵(1/4) Max reviewed my Politically Incorrect Guide to American History and in every area of controversy took the establishment side. I warned people at the time that this guy was no conservative (he eventually started voting Democrat). You're welcome, everyone 🧵(2/4)
Jul 6 5 tweets 1 min read
I don't think outsiders realize how much history as a profession has been ruined by the crazies. It's bad, folks. 🧵(1/5) The professional associations are completely captured. The Organization of American Historians is composed of certifiable lunatics, and smaller associations like the Society for Historians of the Early American Republic are no better. 🧵(2/5)
Jul 4 9 tweets 2 min read
In school the American War for Independence was all about “No taxation without representation.”
Of course they want it to seem boring and remote from present concerns.
The real ideas involved, which the lizard people hate, were more like the following. 🧵(1/9) (1) No LEGISLATION without representation.
Colonists insisted they could be governed only by their colonial legislatures (hence self-government).
A SCOTUS setting social policy for the whole country, or a federal agency policing women's sports, is therefore anti-American 🧵(2/9)
Apr 30 6 tweets 2 min read
We always hear: the economy today is impossible, our parents had it so much easier, I'll never have what they had, etc.


To the contrary: in terms of work and income there has never been a better time to be alive than 2024, and it isn't close. 🧵 1/6 It's true: if you're acting like it's 1974 in 2024, then you'll get nowhere fast.

The old sitting-by-the-phone model, where you wait to get a call from someone who thinks you're useful, is a dead end. 🧵 2/6
Apr 1 16 tweets 3 min read
This week the AP told us that "economists" are warning that we shouldn't want prices to fall.

These "economists" should switch fields, and maybe go into shoveling horse shit, since they're good at that already 🧵 These "economists" are lackeys for the status quo who don't want us entertaining the possibility of prices that trend downward rather than upward.

Because then maybe we'll start questioning the regime under which we live.
Feb 8 11 tweets 2 min read
🧵Elizabeth Warren, like virtually all gov't officials, wants you to think the pain you're feeling at the store is caused by greedy businesses taking advantage of you, and has nothing to do with the Fed.

Unfortunately, her opponents are doing a lousy job answering her Her latest complaint is over "shrinkflation," whereby instead of raising prices, companies decrease the amount of product in the package (as when, for instance, a piece of chocolate becomes smaller)
Jan 28 12 tweets 2 min read
🧵I just watched an 18-minute video by a lawyer on why states (including Texas) can't secede from the Union.

A lawyer is the very last person you should consult on issues like this. He knows zero about the state ratification conventions, or the relevant history. He thinks you can't dissolve a founding document for some reason. Oh, but you can, sir. That's how the Articles of Confederation were abandoned.

The Articles of Confederation even had "perpetual" in the name!
Jan 26 20 tweets 5 min read
🧵Texas is in the right constitutionally (in case that still matters to anybody). I've heard some people say this: since immigration per se is not mentioned in the Constitution (although naturalization is), then the relevant power rests with the states. Such people proceed to deploy this argument in defense of so-called "sanctuary cities."
Nov 13, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
The vaccine passport system is not intended to control the spread of the virus, even though your hysterical friends tell you it makes them feel safe.
In Canada they've come right out and told us that it is NOT for this purpose, but rather to punish the unvaccinated

Thread below From the BC Parks and Rec: "Remember, the purpose of the PoV card is to incentivize residents to be vaccinated, not to control the spread of the virus."
Nov 4, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Before the predictable yammering about the electoral college (which is an excellent institution no civilized person should even consider getting rid of) starts up again, here's why it's a good thing (thread coming): Without it, we'd live in a world in which someone could be elected president by campaigning only in New York, Florida, Texas, and California. They'd have the sheer numbers to blow everyone else away. With the electoral college you can get only so much support from any one state