Physiotherapist //
Norwegian 🇧🇻 //
PS. it's Thomas, not Tom!
Oct 10, 2021 • 10 tweets • 5 min read
@FabianaTassone Let's stop with the anectodes! What does the evidence say?
From the American Academy of Pediatrics:
"Appropriately designed resistance training programs have no apparent negative effect on linear growth, physeal health, or the cardiovascular system"
On today's episode of “PUTTING YOUR IGNORANCE ON DISPLAY!” What does a partial- and full-thickness tear look like? Today, I had a sudden understanding/facepalming moment... @Retlouping@ShoulderGeek1@DrJN_SportsMed@JeremyLewisPT
Here was my thought, how can a full-thickness tear be small-medium-large when its FULL thickness? Full is full, how can it be small? This might be obvious to u...
Here was my internal image of what a partial and full-thickness tear looked like.
Jan 18, 2021 • 13 tweets • 4 min read
Self-reflection after reading @Retlouping blog on clinical testing to see if I understand the principles. In plain language.
Pre-test probability = Your % confidence that the patient has the diagnosis BEFORE clinical testing (still a bit unclear how this is calculated)
Post-test probability = Your confidence that the patient has the diagnosis AFTER clinical testing
So far so good I think.
Jan 15, 2021 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
My chiro friend is going over "IMPINGEMENT SYNDROME" of the shoulder at school. So I pointed him to these 4 articles. Might only be a colloquial term for some, but still... Let's put "impingement" behind us. We can and should do better!
1: The aim of the Ober test and the Modified Ober test is to assess the ITB.
2: The Ober test and Modified Ober test claims to assess ITB tightness
Jul 15, 2020 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
‼️‼️Sigle-leg Deadlift (SDL) is NOT better than the Nordic Hamstring Exercise (NHE) in the prevention of hamstring injuries.‼️‼️
A summation of a SINGLE article: @KThorborg@NicolvanDyk@arnlaugw
Catchy heading? Yes, it is a bit hyperbole. Now, on to the article.
Apr 26, 2020 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
‼️The paradox of isometric strength testing‼️
Strength output is dependent on a lot of factors, one of them being at what joint angle the muscle has to work against a force. @Retlouping@alisongrimaldi@PeterBrukner@JOSPT@NicolvanDyk@davidopar
Some muscles, we test at their "optimal" angle, whilst others we place at a less favourable angle for producing torque.
Apr 21, 2020 • 20 tweets • 7 min read
The classical explanation of annulus fibrosus failure is NOT the anatomy of failure in lumbar disc herniation (LDH). @PeteOSullivanPT@PeterBrukner@kieranosull@MaryOKeeffe007@function2fitnes@AdamMeakins
Excuse my (hopefully) catching and maybe slight provocative heading. I am a physiotherapy student who wants to embark on this exploratory journey with the hopeful help of more experienced minds.